
When Chen Nan and Xuan Qingyin were having breakfast downstairs, they heard people talking about the collapse of the Oolong Gang.

As the number one underground force in the Eastern Sangkoku.

The oolong gang is a thorn in the side of many ordinary people, a thorn in the flesh.

I don't know how many people want to blame it.

But no one has this ability.

And yesterday.

Jiang Zhuo, the leader of the Oolong Gang, was killed in Piaoxiang Courtyard.

After that.

The Tiger Gang is like a wolf that smells blood, and when the Oolong Gang does not react, it captures the Oolong Gang's industry and subdues the remnants of the Oolong Gang.


The Tiger Gang has become the only underground force in the Eastern Mulberry Kingdom.

Although the Oolong Gang became a thing of the past overnight, it made countless people happy.

But there are also many people who are worried.

I am worried that the Tiger Gang will not do evil like the Oolong Gang and harm the people.

If that's the case.

It is definitely not a good thing for ordinary people.

After all.

No matter how fierce the Oolong Gang was before, there was a Tiger Gang to compete with it.

And now.

The Oolong Gang is a thing of the past.

The Tigers are the only family.

No one knows what the future holds.

Just after breakfast, people from the official office held a notice and posted it on the wall opposite the post station, and soon a large number of people gathered to watch.

Chen Nan also walked over.

The message on the notice was simple, recruiting fifty able-bodied guards.

The rules are as follows: those over eighteen years old, under thirty years old, in good health, and free of infectious diseases.

If you want to become a guard, you need to pass three levels of assessment.

The first level is martial arts.

The second level is riding.

The third level is archery.

The top fifty in the combined score of these three levels can become the guards of the palace.

The date of the assessment is set three days later.

If you want to participate in the selection, you need to go to the government office to register.

As soon as this notice came out, many people were moved.

The guards in the palace were far higher than the servants.

If you are fortunate enough to stand out, it is definitely a major event for Guangzong Yaozu.


A large number of qualified young people gathered at the gate of the official palace, all of whom wanted to become palace guards.

"It seems that whether it is the Divine Realm, the mortal world, or the netherworld, the imperial food is the most fragrant!" Chen Nan didn't expect that so many people would want to compete for guards.

Although he came early.

But there was also a long line in front.

After waiting for almost an hour, it was his turn.

He signed up, and he received a wooden token with a 281 number on it.

After signing up, Chen Nan returned to the inn.

Next, only wait for the assessment in three days.

But these three days cannot be idle.

He stayed at the inn with Xuan Qingying and lived a life without shame or dryness.

He was so tired.

Can't you use your free time to relax?

After his tuning.

Xuan Qingying also gained a lot.

Learned a lot of little tricks in boudoir.

The relationship between the two also heated up rapidly, like glue.

Three days later.

Five thousand registered players gathered at the training ground in the city, and the black pressure was overwhelming, which looked extraordinarily spectacular.

Surrounded by a large number of people who came to see the excitement, as well as the relatives and friends of those players.

Xuan Qingying also came.

Although she knew that Chen Nan would definitely stand out, she still wanted to see this man's performance on the training ground.

There are nine seats in the guest seats in the distance.

At this time, except for the seat in the middle, on the left and right seats, there was a guard wearing armor and not angry, and everyone exuded a powerful aura.

With a low tiger roar.

A riot followed.

Someone in the crowd exclaimed: "Leader Ye Chen is here!"

Chen Nan followed the voice and looked away.

A familiar black tiger came into view, and on the back of the black tiger sat a familiar figure.

It was the man who had taken him and Xuan Qingying into the city before.

"I didn't expect this guy to be the leader of the East Sang Kingdom." Chen Nan's heart rose for a while, thanks to the gluttony, the bull god and the others were accepted into the small world.

Otherwise, there will definitely be big trouble.

Although the shemales in the triple heaven live in peace.

But it is also limited to the Three Heavens.

In addition to the Three Heavens, the places that Chen Nan had asked for were all shemales.

Black Tiger jumped and appeared in the guest table.

The eight guards all stood up and saluted.

"Sit!" Ye Chen floated down on the back of the tiger, and as soon as he sat in the middle position, the black tiger behind him let out a low roar at the five thousand contestants.

Just a low roar, but scared many people with sallow faces.

After all, not everyone has experienced strong winds and waves like Chen Nan.

People living in the Four Heavens rarely see large demon beasts.

I can't withstand the oppression brought by the demon beast.

Ye Chen also looked into the crowd and found Chen Nan in the crowd, with a shallow smile on his face, as if he didn't expect to see him here.

But that's about it.

After all, he and Chen Nan had only had a one-sided relationship.


A loud voice resounded through the heavens and the earth.

Silence soon returned.

The drop of needles can be heard.

"This selection is led by Commander Ye, and I also ask Commander Ye to elaborate on the assessment rules of the first level!"

Ye Chen stood up and looked at the people below, "There are not so many rules for the selection of guards, and it will not be as cumbersome as the examination of the champion."

"The first level is very simple."

"Out of five thousand, four thousand are eliminated."

"You all have a token that represents identity in your hands."

"As long as you make sure that your tokens are not snatched away by others."

"As long as you have enough tokens, you can move on to the next round of assessment."

The rules of assessment are simple.

It's about personal strength.

Whoever grabs more tokens from others and sticks to it until the end wins.

Ye Chen asked, "Who still has questions?"

A fat man next to Chen Nan trembled and raised his right hand: "I... I... I have a question that I don't know if to talk about it.

Ye Chen: "Said. The

fat man asked, "What if someone joins hands to snatch the wooden card in our hand?" The

words came out.

Many people looked at Ye Chen in unison.

As the fat man just asked.

Most of them came to the selection alone.

But there are also some people who travel with each other.

In case those people join forces, it is simply not fair to them.

Ye Chen thought for a while and said, "If there really is such a situation, I can only say that your luck is too miserable, consider yourself unlucky!" The

fat man was speechless.

Everyone else was also full of disbelief.

Ye Chen said, "There is no so-called fairness in this world at all, and many times, luck is also part of strength!"

"Whether you accept this statement or not, it is what it is!"

"If you have no opinion."

"The assessment officially begins!"

Accompanied by a dull drum beat.

The scene was suddenly chaotic.

Everyone was snatching the tokens of the contestants around them like crazy.

There was even a middle-aged man with a tiger's back and a bear's waist who aimed the spearhead at Chen Nan, and he grinned: "Acquaintance point hand over the token, otherwise Laozi will make you bedridden!" "

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