Song Dahu said: "Young Master Wen is the host, Song naturally can't shirk, then move to Nanjing Lake!"

Although he looked down on Wen Ningyang.

But the Wen family's power in the eastern Sang capital is extremely large.

And there are nobles in the DPRK.

This kind of person he does not want to offend easily.

That's it.

Everyone rode in a luxurious carriage towards Nanjing Lake.

It is a tourist attraction in Higashi-san Kokudo, especially in this season, when the lake is turquoise and crystal clear.

There are also many lotus flowers blooming in the lake.

Countless literati, ink visitors, talented and beautiful people are willing to go there to enjoy the scenery and play.

On the carriage.

Wen Ningyang asked curiously: "Gang Master Song, I heard that Gui helped out a super ruthless person, that person went deep into the Floating Fragrance Courtyard, beheaded Jiang Zhuo's first rank, and retired.

"I wonder if I can meet this ruthless man?"

Wen Ningyang had also heard about things in the rivers and lakes.

I was very curious about this.

I also want to meet the super ruthless man.

Song Dahu said: "That person is not a member of my Tiger Gang, as for what the specific origin is, Song Mou does not know, it is nothing more than a transaction between us!"

Wen Ningyang had some regrets, but he didn't say anything more.


Nam Jing Lake.

A lonely boat sails on the turquoise lake.

Chen Nan and Xuan Qingying sat on the boat, gently sliding the oars, and you could see the koi in the water playing and chasing around the boat, without the slightest sense of déjà vu.

From time to time on the shore in the distance, the sound of pianos and flutes was heard.

It's heart-warming.

"I seem to know why the Ancient Protoss is reluctant to meddle in the affairs of the Three Realms."

Xuan Qingyin said softly, "They are looking for ways to protect their people. She

had never seen anything like this.

People can do whatever they want.

I'm not worried that the alien demon will suddenly appear.

This kind of peaceful, happy days made her very uncomfortable.

It feels very unreal.

Chen Nan nodded undeniably: "The Ancient God Race did protect their people from the flames of war, gunsmoke, and killing!"

"No one can deny them credit."


"Will this happy life last forever?"

"If we lose!"

"Will the alien demon continue to tolerate the existence of the Ancient Protoss?"

Xuan Qingyin suddenly asked, "What is your dream?" "


A simple question left Chen Nan speechless, fell into thought, and then let out a bitter laugh: "Let's tell you a story!"

Xuan Qingying smiled: "Okay!

"There is a social software in our mortal world, that social software is called QQ, and when registering an account, you not only need to fill in the password, but also fill in the secret security."

"The role of the secret security is to prevent the account from being stolen or recovering your account if your password is lost."

Although Xuan Qingyin did not understand what software software was, he understood the meaning of secret storage.

"Secret protection is an answer, you can set your birthday, the name of your first love, or you can set your dream."

"What I filled out was my dream."

Speaking of this, a trace of bitterness appeared on his face: "However, when I lost the password and wanted to retrieve it with a secret security, I found it..."

"I forgot the secret answer."

Xuan Qingyin said with some distress: "No, you didn't forget the answer, but forgot the dream.

"yes, I forgot what I dreamed of." Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "So, dream of this thing..." It will change over time, with certain people, with certain things.

"My previous dream was to find a stable job after graduation, find someone I liked, marry and have children, and honor my parents."


"This dream is too far away from me."

Xuan Qingyin asked again: "Then do you miss the dream you once had?"

"No, why should I miss my dreams?" Chen Nan was amused: "I only have one woman in my dreams, but in reality I have more than twenty confidantes!"

Xuan Qingyun looked stunned: "I didn't expect you to treat feelings so frivolously."

"No, no, no!" Chen Nan shook his head: "The main thing is that I can't refuse a good, beautiful woman like you!" "

A simple word.

Instantly poked the softest place in Xuan Qingyin's heart.

It made her heart beat faster and her face red.

Chen Nan is too good.

She couldn't refuse.

After a moment of silence, Xuan Qingying blushed and asked, "Then what is your dream now?"

Chen Nan looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle, and a trace of longing appeared in his eyes: "Drive the alien demon out of the Three Realms as soon as possible, let the Three Realms restore peace, and then return to Earth." "


"Buy an uninhabited island and spend a warm day facing the sea with a woman you like."

Although he has a small world of his own creation.

It is the lord of the fairy world, the human world, and the netherworld.

No matter where you are.

None of them are as important as the earth in his mind.

No matter where he was, it was as if there were invisible roots connecting him to the mortal world.

Xuan Qingyun: "I thought you would say become a saint."

"However, I am satisfied with your answer."

"At least I... We still have a lot of status in your heart.

Chen Nan: "Although many people dream of becoming a saint, it is not very attractive to me to be a saint, because when you gain something, you are destined to lose other things."

"And the saint is not the end."

"We don't have to ignore the people we love around us in order to pursue the realm of no end."

"It's like a journey."

"If your mind is always on the destination, you will lose sight of the beauty along the way."

If it weren't for the fact that he shouldered the heavy task of saving the Three Realms.

He will also not be separated from the people he loves.

This ordeal.

No one can understand.

Xuan Qing diverted the topic and said softly: "I'm a little hungry!"

Chen Nan: "Do you eat intestines?" "

Huh?" Xuan Qingyun's face was puzzled.

But when he saw Chen Nan's malicious smile, he instantly understood what he meant, and said with a red face: "Even if I want to eat, do you dare to let me eat in public?"

Chen Nan smiled, and the two rowed towards the restaurants by Nanjing Lake.

The reason why Nanjing Lake is famous.

And not just because of the view.

And those restaurants on the shore.

It is said that the lake here is a hallmark of Higashi-san Country, and the umami is vividly reflected.

Come to the shore.

Chen Nan took Xuan Qingyin to find a restaurant with a lot of people.

"There are too many people here, or let's change to a quieter restaurant!" Xuan Qingyun does not like occasions with many people, which is related to her life background.

After all, there are very few people in the second heaven.

"This is what you don't understand, go out to eat, be sure to choose a restaurant with many people, the taste of this restaurant will not be bad." Chen Nan couldn't help but take Xuan Qingyin into the restaurant, but there was no empty table on the first floor, so he could only go to the private room upstairs.

It's just that there is a minimum consumption for the upstairs single room, and a meal must be at least 100 taels of silver.

Chen Nan didn't say much about this, anyway, he exchanged a few divine stones before, and he had a large amount of silver taels in his hand to spend his life.


Wen Ningyang also came to this restaurant with Song Dahu.

"Young Master Wen, that guy and his woman went to the Hundred Flowers Hall upstairs." A young man who was following Chen Nan informed Wen Ningyang of the intelligence.

Wen Ningyang looked at Song Dahu with a smile: "Gang Master Song, let's meet that guy?" "

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