In comparison, the conditions in the office are very basic.

Only sofa and desk!

But humble environments are also uniquely fun!

Especially Xie Churan is a woman who knows how to maintain it very well, whether it is her face, body, but wherever you can think of is very moist.

To put it bluntly, even He Shanshan is not as moist as her!

Just done something interesting.

There was a knock on the door.

Xie Churan hurriedly sorted out his clothes, and then said, "Come in!"

Xie Linger pushed the door in.

Because of taking breast enlargement pills, there was a noticeable change in front of her.

If it was an airfield before, now it has become hilly.

Not very big though.

But it gives a sense of control.

After seeing Chen Nan, Xie Linger's eyes lit up: "Hey, why are you here?"

"Your uncle is here to deliver breast enlargement pills!" Xie Churan was afraid for a while in his heart, thanks to his daughter's late arrival, if he was three minutes earlier, he would have to be bumped into by her.

Xie Linger was relieved, and then she sniffed her nose hard: "Why is there a special smell in the office?"

"Yes? Why didn't I smell it? Xie Churan panicked, she knew that it was the taste of deoxyribose.

I am also glad that my daughter is a complete body and has not been exposed to that kind of thing.

Otherwise, you have to find out!

"Chen Nan, a Hollywood movie has just been released, let's go and see it together?" Xie Linger looked at Chen Nan, although her mother was compatible with his brother and sister, she did not regard Chen Nan as an adult at all.

"I still have to go back to refining medicine, you find someone else to see it!"

Chen Nan directly rejected Xie Linger's proposal.

If it hadn't been for what happened in the previous dream, watching a movie together wouldn't be a big deal.

But in the dream, Xie Linger gave Chen Nan and said that he wanted to be his boyfriend.

Although it was something that happened in the dream, Chen Nan knew that it was the voice of her heart.

Therefore, he had to keep a certain distance from Xie Linger.

A pang of loss rose in Xie Linger's heart.

I don't know why Chen Nan rejected himself.

"Sister Chu Ran, I'll go back first, and I'll send it to you after I refine the breast enlargement pill!" Chen Nan said hello to Xie Churan, and then strode away.

But just when he passed in front of Xie Linger.

The girl suddenly smelled a familiar smell of perfume.

This made her snort!

She could tell that wasn't that the smell of her mother?

Did they really get together?


"You still have to seriously consider the matter of cultivating immortals, after all, according to what the ancestors said, your situation has begun to deteriorate, and there is not much time left for you."

Li Pingan sent Xu Qianxin to the summer villa.

"I have sent the ancestor's number to your mobile phone, if you think about it, call him personally!" Li Pingan left a word, and then left by car.

Zhang Jian stepped forward as soon as possible and said respectfully: "Miss Xu, I have asked people to contact Tan Liangliang and tell him about letting him withdraw from the circle!" This

seems to be a tactful statement, but in fact it is to hide the other party.

"Who made you advocate for banning him?" Xu Qianxin was furious, she herself felt that the weather was cold, and Zhang Jian's words were like a basin of cold water poured on her.

She didn't know about the relationship between Tan Liangliang and Chen Nan.

But Li Pingan said that the ancestors would not go to the doctor.

Just because Tan Liangliang asked Chen Nan to come to the summer villa to see him, he can be sure that the two intersected.

If he blocked Tan Liangliang, he would definitely offend the ancestors.

Don't say that she hasn't thought about whether to heal or not.

Even if she really wanted Chen Nan to heal.

But once he is provoked, will he still save his life?

Zhang Jian didn't expect Xu Qianxin to suddenly become angry, and quickly said, "I... I'll call him to apologize!

Xu Qianxin snorted coldly: "Your apology is not the slightest sincerity, send me Tan Liangliang's number, and I will personally apologize to him!"

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Zhang Jian's face was full of panic, although he didn't know what happened, he realized one thing, Tan Liangliang, a dragon set actor, seemed to be rising.



Su Yuan, who had white skin and beautiful appearance, and a red face looked at Tan Liangliang and couldn't help but ask: "Brother Liang, why do you look listless?" Did something happen? Hurry up and adjust the state, it will be your play later! "

Tan Liangliang played a villain role in this online drama, saying that the dragon set bar is a little more than the dragon set scene, say the main actor, can barely be regarded as a male number four.

But because the person is handsome, plus this villain is very eye-catching in the play.

Therefore, after the start of filming, Su Yuan hooked up with Tan Liangliang.

Think of it as a potential stock.

Tan Liangliang forced a smile: "I may have to withdraw from the circle!"

Su Yuan was stunned: "Why?" Why are you pulling out of the loop?

"I don't want to retreat, but I accidentally offended the big man, so I'm also helpless!" Tan Liangliang smiled bitterly, although he guessed that this would be the result.

But when it really happened, he was still sad in his heart.

As soon as the words changed, he grabbed Su Yuan's hand: "Yuanyuan, let's withdraw from the circle together, right?" Although our family is not too rich, we can still come up with millions, and we can use this money to create..."

Su Yuan withdrew her hand with an indifferent expression, and wiped it on her body a few times in disgust: "Millions want to send Miss Ben?" Oh, I'm sorry, Miss Ben's dream is to marry into a real wealthy family, or marry a first-line superstar!

Tan Liangliang asked incredulously: "Then why did you throw your arms and give hugs before?"

Su Yuan sneered: "Throw your arms and give a hug? Oh, don't put gold on your face, my aunt wanted to get closer to you when she saw that you had potential.

"And now, you've been withdrawn, so why should I hang from this tree of yours?"

"Why waste my youth on you?"

"To tell you the truth, sleeping with you before was the brightest moment of your life! The pinnacle of your life is a thing of the past!

"Of course, you will be proud and proud of me!"

"Get out! Don't harass me from now on.

"Also, I advise you to delete those photos you took before, if you want to blackmail me after I get fired, I will definitely make you pay a terrible price!"

Although Tan Liangliang is an optimist, he also feels blocked in his heart at the moment, the entertainment industry is even crueler than he imagined, and the people inside are even uglier than he imagined!

Just then, he received a strange call.

But how could he be in the mood to answer calls from strangers.

Directly refused, towards Su Yuan angrily said: "Okay, since you said so, then let's go to each side of the road."

"I wish you a bright future, a smooth star, and an early superstar!"

Just as Tan Liangliang turned around and was about to leave, director He Bin ran over like a flattering eunuch: "Grandpa Tan, Grandpa Tan, where are you going?" "

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