The onlookers are not calm anymore!

You must know that the fat master has also opened dozens of live broadcasts over the years, and he has not vomited in public even if he eats bad food.

And now, it's spitting over the river.

You don't need to think about it to know that the elbow he just ate should be difficult to eat.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the elbow of Shannan Restaurant."

"Obviously, Roche's elbow will not be difficult to eat to this extent!"

"In other words, I suddenly have an urge to taste it, after all, it can make the fat master vomit in public, this elbow should not be ordinary unpalatable!"

"Is this a wave of reverse phase promotion?"

Looking at the content of the discussion in the live broadcast room, the fat master picked up a tissue and wiped the corners of his mouth, embarrassed: "Brothers, I'm sorry, I wasted food..."

"After so many years in the industry, I became famous by eating elbows."

"I didn't expect that food would be wasted today because of an elbow!"

"It's really Chengye elbow, defeat also elbow!"

A lot of people burst out laughing.

Is it okay to play terriers by yourself?

But he wasn't wrong about one thing.

Since the moment Fat Master appeared on the Internet, he has never wasted food.

Today, it's more or less a waste of food!

"To make up for my apologies, I intend to donate all proceeds from today's live broadcast!" The fat master said.

"Acting, it must be acting, I don't believe there is such a bad elbow, you must have received money from one family to slander another restaurant!"

Someone in the crowd roared.

Anyone has black powder, and Fat Master is no exception.

His words aroused the approval of a small number of people!

Spit up after eating, this is too exaggerated!

"What am I doing here?" The fat man had a strange expression.



A scrawny stray dog ran to the fat master.

Just when everyone thought that it would eat those elbows that the fat master spit out, it locked its eyes on the bones of the first elbow, and then gnawed it.

The fat man said: "Brothers, let's just say, this stray dog shouldn't lie, right?" "



The people in the live broadcast room and the scene were stunned!


Don't even eat dogs?

That's an exaggeration, isn't it?

If there were still people questioning the fat master before, now all doubts have disappeared!

After all, this stray dog will not make a fraud!

"In order to prove the fat master's innocence, I will immediately find a few people to taste the elbows of these two restaurants!" The fat master said: "I need ten people now, if anyone is interested, they can raise their hands and sign up." "

Brush brush brush!

Dozens of hands instantly appeared in the crowd, all wanting to taste the elbows of two different restaurants.

The fat master casually pointed to a middle-aged woman: "Big sister, it's you, you will choose the remaining nine people, and others in the province suspect that there is an insider!"


The middle-aged woman excitedly chose nine interested people.

The fat master began to act.

Everyone was given elbows for two restaurants.

"Come on, taste them all!"

The ten people began to taste the elbows of the two restaurants, and some people ate the elbows of Roche Restaurant first, their expressions were very calm, and there was not much surprise.

Those who ate the elbow of Shannan Restaurant all lit up their eyes and gave a thumbs up to the camera.

At this time, the two restaurants made a judgment.

When the people who had eaten the elbow of Shannan Restaurant finished eating the elbow of Roche Restaurant, without exception, they all began to vomit.

"Lying groove, this elbow is too greasy!"

"It feels like drinking two pounds of oil!"

"Not only greasy, but also fishy!"

"Yes, yes, the fishy smell is particularly strong, and it is not as good as the elbow I ate before..." Gag..."

"Everything is afraid of contrast, and the elbow I just ate at the beginning tastes mediocre and not outstanding. But the second elbow made my eyes shine, and I wanted to swallow my tongue.

"Yes, eating unpalatable elbows first will not vomit, but if you eat delicious elbows first, and then eat unpalatable elbows, the stomach will definitely not be able to stand it!"

Ten judges also gave their opinions.

The fat master said to the live broadcast room: "Look, I didn't lie, nor did I cheat it!"

"Fat master, don't sell it, hurry up and reveal the answer!"

"Yes, which restaurant did the unpalatable elbow come from?"

"I guess it must be Shannan Catering!"

"I think so too!"

A lot of people are talking about it.

Seeing that the atmosphere had been set up, the fat master smiled and said, "Since everyone is so interested, then I will evaluate the elbows of these two restaurants!"

"Well, first evaluate the elbow that made me vomit."

"One thing is to say, the quality of this elbow is relatively good. Although not too tasty, it is also up to the standards of chain restaurants!

"It can only be said that it is very ordinary, and eating a meal occasionally can relieve the hunger!"

"But don't compare it with the elbow of another restaurant!"

"Because the elbow in that restaurant is really the ceiling of the elbow realm, the best elbow I have ever eaten!"

As soon as the words came out.

Many people were taken aback.

Some people even asked in public: "Fat master, what do you mean?" Could it be that this elbow comes from Roche Catering? The

fat master said succinctly: "Yes! The elbow that made me vomit did come from Roche Catering, which I had packed earlier. "


Everyone gasped!

Oh, my God!

I really can't believe that Roche Catering, which ranks in the top ten in the catering industry, their elbows will be so difficult to eat that people vomit and even dogs don't eat them!

The fat master continued: "Today's live broadcast has no other meaning, just want to simply make an evaluation comparison, but I didn't expect the result to be like this."

"This live broadcast is not aimed at anyone, only with the taste of this elbow to win or lose!"

"Well, today, if you come to Jeju, you can come to Shannan Restaurant to try it, their shop is opposite Roche Restaurant!"

Meng Guo is very damaged, and when he helped Chen Nan advertise, he didn't forget to step on Roche Catering!

"I said before that Roche's restaurant tastes average, so do you believe it?"

"Elbow, waiter, I want an elbow!"

"You have to taste the taste of Shannan food, even if it is a little more expensive, but it is worth the money!"

The scene was directly chaotic, and many people flocked to Shannan Restaurant to try the dishes here.

Of course.

This situation is becoming more and more obvious in the confrontation: "Waiter, our dish has not been cooked yet, has it?" If you don't do it, don't do it, let's go and taste it! "

Many guests have opted for chargebacks!


Even the fat master named and recommended the right Shannan catering, why should he spend at Roche catering?

Those Internet celebrities who were invited by Luo Guangyao also directly terminated filming, and then went to Shannan Restaurant. Although the other party did not give money, even the fat master recommended it by name.

This popularity has to be rubbed even if you post money!

Rub this heat hard!

Watching their restaurant go empty, the opposite side is overcrowded.

Luo Guangyao sat directly on the ground, his eyes dull: "Things, why did it become like this?" "

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