Wang Qing didn't know Su Mei, but seeing her wearing a white hard hat and hugging her back and forth, he knew that the other party must be a big leader.

Without much thought, he hurriedly said, "It should be because I drank the summer soup..."

Wang Qing didn't believe Chen Nan's words before, and didn't think that the summer soup was so magical.

But with the arrival of hot days, the temperature on the construction site skyrocketed. Especially for the type of steel workers, the surrounding steel bars are burned, and the temperature of their construction site has exceeded 50 degrees.

When they watched the workers fall one by one, Wang Qing, who had drunk the summer soup, were deeply shocked and believed in the efficacy of the summer soup.

"You mean, a bowl of summer soup can make people resist the scorching heat?" Su Meimei's eyes showed shock, the construction period of the splendid future is very urgent, if all the workers stop work because of heat stroke, it will definitely delay the progress of the project.

Wang Qing said respectfully: "Yes, our brothers did not suffer from heat stroke because they drank summer soup."

Su Mei glanced at the weather forecast on her phone.

The high temperature above 35 degrees will last for half a month.

It seems to be short, but if the work is stopped for half a month, it will definitely delay the progress of the project.

If she cannot complete the project within the stipulated time, she has to accept the family's arrangement and marry a man she does not like.

Thinking of this, Su Mei looked at the assistant beside her and said, "Xu Bin, you follow this eldest brother to find the person who brews the summer soup, at all costs, we must let him help us brew some summer soup

!" "Yes!" ------

Wang Qing didn't know where Chen Nan's home was, so he could only take Xu Bin to the door of the family home of the steel mill to squat.

Six o'clock in the evening.

Wang Qing in the black Accord saw Chen Nan's family of three, and said excitedly: "They are out of the stall!" Xu Bin's

eyes lit up, and he immediately followed Wang Qing to the barbecue stall.

"Brother Wang, why did you come so early today?" Chen Shan was a little surprised.

Wang Qing sighed: "Brother Chen, don't hide from you, all of my more than three hundred co-workers have suffered from heat stroke, vomiting up and down, and our construction site has also stopped."

Chen Nan smiled and said, "Can you believe in the effect of

summer soup?" Wang Qing stretched out his thumb: "Your summer soup is really amazing, the temperature on the construction site has reached more than fifty degrees, and our brothers didn't feel the slightest heat." It's also thanks to the fact that we took the summer soup last night, otherwise we would have suffered from heat stroke.

Speaking of this, Wang Qing hurriedly said: "Next to me, this is Xu Bin Xu supervisor on our construction site, and he came here to ask you for a favor this time."

Chen Shan and his wife showed a suspicious look.

But Chen Nan guessed his meaning and asked: "Do you want me to provide

summer soup?" Xu Bin looked condescending: "Not bad, I heard that the summer soup you brewed has a miraculous effect, and it happens that we need it on the construction site, so I want you to boil some." Of course, we will not lose you, each warm bottle is purchased according to twenty yuan, which is much better than your barbecue stall to give guests a free drink

, right?" Chen Nan was very unhappy with the other party's arrogant attitude, he sneered: "Twenty yuan a warm bottle? What are you kidding, do you know the cost price of that warm bottle of summer soup?" A

trace of anger flashed in Xu Bin's eyes: "You shouldn't want to sit on the ground and start the price, right?" Young man, a gentleman loves money and has a way, are you so greedy that you are not afraid of having

a life to make money and not to spend it?" "Are you threatening me?" Chen Nan laughed angrily, this is the attitude of asking people to do things?

"Threat?" Xu Bin laughed: "An ant living in a shantytown, if it weren't for Xiaoye finding you this time, you and I would not have any intersection in this life."

Wang Qing said nervously: "Don't be angry with Supervisor Xu, Chen Shan's summer soup also has a cost, and the price of a warm bottle for twenty yuan is too low..."

Xu Bin's eyes widened, and he said angrily: "What are you?

"The surname Xu, you can roll, it is impossible for me Chen Nan to do business with you. Chen Nan directly issued an eviction order, although he is short of money now, he will definitely not do business with such a guy who has no one in sight.

Xu Bin took a deep breath and said generously: "Forget it, it's not easy for you, I'll give you some more money, fifty yuan per warm bottle, this price should not be low, right

?" "Young man, I advise you not to be ignorant of lifting, it's really going to provoke Xiaoye to be careful not to eat and go!" Chen

Nan was not afraid: "I don't know how to lift, what can you do to me?"

Xu Bin drove the car away in anger.

"Chen Nan, I'm sorry, I didn't expect Xu Bin to be such a thing. Wang Qing looked embarrassed, he himself thought of recommending Chen Nan's summer soup to help their family, but he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

Chen Nan asked, "Is your project in a hurry?" Wang

Qing nodded: "Yes."

"It's not a big problem, if I'm not mistaken, the boss of your project department will come over in person." Chen Nan had a shallow smile on his face.

After ------

Xu Bin returned to the Jinxiu Future Project Department, he told Su Mei what happened before, and added oil and vinegar on the side: "President Su, that young man is too much of a thing, and we are in a hurry with the construction period, so I want to sit on the ground and start the price, in my opinion, we don't need to bird him at all, even if the project is delayed for a period of time, it can't be cheaper than that turtle grandson."

"I know, you go down!" Su

Mei couldn't see any expression on her face.

After Xu Bin left, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

During this time, she had always suspected that there was an internal traitor arranged by the family, and now, this internal traitor seemed to have surfaced.

After all, Xu Bin's ability has always been good, but why hasn't this little thing been done well?

Thinking of this, she left the company and drove a fiery Ferrari to the night market in front of the family home of the shantytown steel mill.

She had previously privately inquired about the whereabouts of Chen Nan, the three workers who had eaten with Wang Qing, just in case.

Sure enough.

This time it came in handy.

"What do the beautiful women want to eat?"

At the night market, Chen Nan warmly invited Su Mei to sit down.

It is undeniable that this woman is very beautiful.

Standard melon seed face.

A pair of bright eyes shone brightly, as if they could speak.

Especially the graceful figure, paired with a dark blue OL suit short skirt, the whole person reveals a strong and cold atmosphere of a strong woman in the workplace.

Su Mei asked politely

: "Are you Chen Nan?" Chen Nan frowned and couldn't help but say: "Are you from the Splendid Future Project Department?"

Su Mei's eyes were sincere, and she said straight to the point: "There are nearly four hundred workers on our construction site, and I want you to help make some summer soup, and the price is not a problem." Seeing

the business coming to the door, Chen Nan was in a good mood: "If your construction period is delayed, how much will you lose?"

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