A total of sixty-eight people came to the auction today.


To be precise, sixty-eight people wanted to photograph the brand of dragon drink, but the number of people who came to participate was more than five hundred.

After all, they are all bigwigs in some financial circles and business circles, and they all have bodyguards around them.

Nine o'clock in the evening.

The auction officially begins.

As the founder and largest shareholder of Dragon Drink, Chen Nan walked to the front of the auction stage in full view.

Even though there were many bigwigs gathered in the audience, he did not have the slightest stage fright.

Even if these people are worth tens of billions of dollars, they are ordinary people in his eyes.

Bowing on the stage, Chen Nan held the microphone in his hand: "Thank you for coming to participate in the auction of Dragon Drink Company in your busy schedule, we didn't expect Dragon Drink to get everyone's attention and like."

"Our original intention is only to create a drink suitable for our descendants of Daxia..."

"Finally, I want to emphasize one point."

"No matter who shoots Dragon Drink in the end, Dragon Drink headquarters can't move out of Jeju!"

For a company with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, just paying taxes every year is an astronomical amount.

This is also a little contribution that Chen Nam can make to Jeju!

"Okay, next I will ask Mr. Jiang Jiancheng to preside over today's auction!" Chen Nan turned around and stepped down.

Compared to Chen Nan's calm and calm.

Jiang Jiancheng was obviously a little nervous.

Even if he has a worth of tens of billions, which of these big guys present can't crush him?

"It is an honor to host this auction." Jiang Jiancheng said: "Without further ado, let's start today's theme directly."

"This time Dragon Drink Company auctioned 100% of the company's shares, which included two large filling lines, as well as summer soup and warm-up soup recipes."

"When the auction starts, the starting price is 10 billion, and each price increase must not be less than 10 million!"

Ten billion is the value of dragon drink in the market now.

At the moment when Jiang Jiancheng announced the start of the auction.

The secretaries around the sixty-eight bigwigs all said something in their ears.

I saw that the expressions of those people were a little strange.

There are doubts!

There is also puzzlement!

But more than not, he was unwilling.


There was no one at the scene who made an offer.

Jiang Jiancheng was stunned!


What's the situation?

Aren't you here to bid on Dragon Drink?

Why aren't they bidding now?

Could it be that you came to see the excitement?

The other side.

Jian Ning and Mu Wanting were also panicked.

The face was full of anxiety.

"Chen Nan, what the hell is going on? Why don't these people bid? Jian stomped her foot anxiously, and the transaction price in their hearts was 100 billion.

If it is divided equally, she and Mu Wanting can each get 20 billion.

You can be a rich woman and live this life dashingly.


Who would have thought that no one would participate in the auction at the starting price of 10 billion!

"It should be someone who wants to sabotage our good deeds!" A trace of anger flashed in Chen Nan's eyes, and just as Jiang Jiancheng announced the completion of the auction, the secretary of these bigwigs received a summons.

And then muttered something in their ears.

It should have been that they had to abandon the auction!

It's clear.

There should be a big figure behind it!

"Actually, streaming is not a big deal." Mu Wanting said lightly, even if the streaming auction company still belongs to them, the money they will make in the future will definitely be more than 100 billion.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Nan's mouth: "I'm afraid it's not so simple!" In

the silent banquet hall, someone suddenly raised the number plate in his hand: "I give out ten billion and ten million!"

"This... This person came to pick up the leaks in good faith, right? Jian Ning's face was almost green.

Chen Nan lit a cigarette and looked deep: "If I'm not mistaken, he should be someone's trust."

Jian Ning gasped: "Are you talking about the Qu family?"

"Who else has this energy besides them?" Can these big guys give up the auction? Chen Nan's eyes were cold, he had already let Qu Shaojun take his life.

But I didn't expect that the composer would play yin.

How merciful I really am!

Mu Wanting said, "The Qu family is a well-known family in the capital, ranking one of the thirteen families, and ranking fifth.

"Their wealth and connections are terrible, and if they want to invade our company, who else will dare to take it?"

Speaking of this, I couldn't help sighing.

None of them expected that a good auction would turn out like this.

I already knew this.

Isn't it fragrant to sell 40% of the shares for 30 billion?

Jian Ning said indignantly: "Husband, or let's terminate the auction, we can't complete the composer no matter what!"

Mu Wanting nodded: "Although it is not appropriate to terminate the auction at this time, I believe these people should be able to understand, because this auction is not fair to us at all, even if it is passed out, it is not a big deal."

Chen Nan said in a low voice, "In this world, what is the so-called fairness!" Even if there is, it is in the hands of those powerful people!

"Keep shooting, even if they shoot the dragon drink today, I will make them pay a heavy price!"

After leaving the prison and returning to the world, only one person dared to snatch what belonged to Chen Nan.

That is Jiang Ye.

Sadly, he is dead!

Now there is another one who is not afraid of death, and Chen Nan naturally wants to have fun with them!

"Is there a higher price?" Jiang Jiancheng's face was sallow, he was not an ordinary person, he knew that Chen Nan was secretly targeted, otherwise things would not have become like this!

The scene was silent.

"Ten billion and one million for the first time!"

"Ten billion and one million for the second time!"

Speaking of this, his speech speed couldn't help but slow down, and he raised the wooden hammer in his hand with difficulty: "Ten billion and one million for the third time!" At

this moment, he hopes that someone will make an offer to break the current embarrassing situation.

Unfortunately, needles can still be heard at the scene.


"Deal!" As soon as the hammer was hammered, Jiang Jiancheng forced a smile: "Congratulations to VIP No. 36 for taking the Dragon Drink Company at a price of 10 billion and 10 million!"

An old man in his fifties stood up, he hugged his fists around, and a bright smile like a chrysanthemum appeared on his face: "Thank you for your acceptance, thank you!" Everyone

else got up to say hello, said something kind and turned to leave.

They still had some regrets in their hearts for not being able to participate in this auction.

Of course.

If they had known that the family had set their sights on Dragon Drink, they wouldn't have come here to make a splash.

After completing all the formalities, Jiang Jiancheng came over with an apologetic face: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I failed to complete the task you explained!"

Chen Nan smiled: "We are clearly targeted, what does this have to do with you?"

"Don't talk about this, you first help me spread the news, see if anyone wants to buy Shannan Restaurant, and sell it if there is a suitable candidate!"

Chen Nan now has two companies.

Since you want to get rid of it, then the catering company will not stay in your hands.

At this moment, Qu Shaojun came over with a playful smile on his face and brought two masters: "Mr. Chen, has your company only sold ten billion and ten million?" That's too worthless, right? "

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