A strong sense of frustration rose in Han Yexi's heart.

She thought that with her posture, temperament, and figure, she could also make Chen Nan look at him differently.

You can see Xu's heart.

She knows.

After all, he is an ordinary person.

Without much thought, she hurriedly said: "Sister Xu, it turns out that everyone is a family, let your boyfriend help me, okay?" I'm dying of pain. "

The reason why Han Yexi has today's achievements has more or less had a certain impact on Xu Qingxin.

Xu Qian knew the boss of Han Yexi's brokerage company, and said that his relatives would take care of him a lot, and then Han Yexi got the company's resource tilt.

Of course, this is also inseparable from their own appearance and ability.

Xu Qianxin smiled and said, "You send the location to my mobile phone, and we will go over now."

"Okay, thank you Sister Xu and brother-in-law for coming over in the evening, thank you very much."

After hanging up the video, Xu Qianxin received the hospital address sent by Han Yexi, as well as the room number.

Chen Nan looked depressed.

This is all about getting ready for bed, and I even have to help each other see a doctor...

For the sake of the relatives on the second uncle's side, endure!


an hour later.

Chen Nan and Xu Qianxin, wearing a mask, came to a large orthopedic hospital and met Han Yexi here.

She was wearing a hospital gown and her face was pale.

Although I haven't seen it for half a day, the whole person seems to have lost a lot of weight.

There were a lot of people in the ward.

There are not only her company leaders, but also several old Chinese medicine practitioners.

After all, Han Yexi has to have an important performance in a few days, and he must recover as soon as possible.

Because there were outsiders present, Han Yexi did not say the identity of Xu Qixin.

Just forcing a smile can be regarded as a hello.

"Dr. Wu, is the patient's condition serious? When will I recover? Meng Lan, the boss of Han Yexi's company, asked.

Dr. Wu was full of silver hair and had reached the age of flower armor, and he said: "I have just studied the patient's condition with your colleagues, and the patient is a typical cold qi entering the body, but it has invaded the root bone.

"Although this is not a fatal disease, once it occurs, it will make the patient worse than dead!"

"The most important thing is."

"This disease is difficult to completely cure!"

"Need cupping and fire therapy at the same time!"

Meng Lan asked nervously, "Can I perform next Tuesday?"

Dr. Wu smiled: "Don't think about it, she will be in bed for at least three months in this situation!"

"What? Trimester? Meng Lan gasped.

She knows how long it is to be three months in this ever-changing Internet.

Even if Han Yexi now has more than ten million fans.

But if these three months disappear from the public eye.

Even if he comes back after three months, I am afraid that it will be cold.

Not to mention, she has an important show next Tuesday.

If she can successfully participate, she is very likely to break the circle and become a newcomer in the entertainment industry.


They can't wait that long.

Han Yexi looked at Chen Nan nervously: "Brother-in-law, is my illness really so serious?" It

was reasonable for her to call Xu Qianxin's sister and Chen Nan's brother-in-law.

Chen Nandao: "Dr. Wu is right, if you want to heal the cold qi into the body, fire therapy and cupping are the best healing methods.

"However, this disease is nothing to me, I can help you do a massage to heal!"

He understated.

One word aroused the anger of all the doctors present!

"Speak loudly!"

Dr. Wu's disciple Hu Jun said coldly, "Look what you can endure, do you think you are Hua Tuo alive?" I tell you, even if Hua Tuo is alive, he dare not say that he can cure cold poison in an instant through Tuina!

Dr. Wu's eyes were also full of chill when he looked at Chen Nan: "Could it be that Xiaoyou is also a doctor?" Don't know which hospital to excel in?

Chen Nan said modestly: "I, ah, have a small medical hall by myself. "

It's just that you deceived ordinary people outside, and you actually came here, didn't you humiliate yourself?" A middle-aged doctor spoke.

The others also spoke, looking at Chen Nan's eyes full of contempt.

Chen Nan ignored them and looked at Han Yexi: "Can it be cured?" Han

Yexi himself believed in Chen Nan.

After all, he could see at a glance that he was cold.

But hearing the words of these old Chinese doctors, her inner thoughts were also shaken.

Even these people have a hard time healing themselves.

He... All right?

He is nothing more than a little handsome, and he has hundreds of millions of dollars...

Wait a minute!

People like him shouldn't have to lie to themselves, right?

Thinking of this, she held the attitude of giving it a try and said, "Then bother my brother-in-law to help me push it!" Dr

. Wu said flatly, "Miss Han, are you sure you want to accept his tuina?" Let's say ugly things in the front, rash Tuina is very likely to aggravate your condition, you have to think carefully.

"Come on!"

A flash of determination flashed in Han Yexi's eyes, and then with the help of his assistant, he turned around and lay on the hospital bed with difficulty, revealing his smooth back.

Even if it's risky, she has to try.

After all, she couldn't wait three months.

Instead of that, give it a shot!

Seeing this, Chen Nan did not hesitate, took out the silver needles he was carrying, and pricked a few needles along the acupuncture points on both sides of Han Yexi's cervical spine.

"Didn't you just say Tuina? Why is acupuncture used now? Hu Jun looked disdainful.

On the contrary, everyone else showed an intriguing expression.

As soon as the connoisseur makes a move, he will know whether it is there or not.

In the process of Chen Nan's needle application, they could obviously see each other's ability.

The needle drop is stable and fast!

It is said that acupuncture can reach this level, and at least more than 30 years of medical experience.

And he...

He looked like he was in his twenties.

After applying the needle, Chen Nan urged the True Qi to gather on his hands, and then gently pushed it up at Han Yexi's waist.

"This... This is eight half-lock massages?

As if seeing a ghost, Dr. Wu let out an exclamation.

In addition, those old Chinese medicine doctors were also stunned.

"Yes, this is indeed the eight-and-a-half lock massage technique that has long been lost!"

"Oh my God, the eight half-lock massage techniques have actually seen the light of day again!"

"This is the supreme treasure in our traditional Chinese medicine, but unfortunately it has been lost for nearly a thousand years, I really didn't expect to see the light of day today!"

After returning to his senses, the eyes of those old Chinese medicine doctors looking at Chen Nan changed.

Say nothing else.

Able to perform eight half-lock manipulations.

Healing a small cold breath into the body is nothing at all.

Of course, they are more curious in their hearts.

This person is young, why can he master this lost Tuina skill?

A moment later.

Han Yexi let out a cold breath.

Chen Nan stopped Tuina and put the silver needle away.

"Brother-in-law, your massage technique is also amazing, I don't even have pain at all!" Han Yexi's face was full of ecstasy, he didn't expect Chen Nan's medical skills to be so awesome.

Dr. Wu asked nervously, "Take the liberty of asking, what is your relationship with Wushan senior?"

Chen Nan was surprised: "You know my master?" "

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