"Purple Qi coming east?"

Nangong He's eyes were full of surprise: "This is a good sign, hurry up, everyone take this opportunity to cultivate well." "

Purple Qi is the most sacred and powerful force in heaven and earth.

Ordinary people bathed in purple qi can be empowered and reborn.

If the cultivator can seize the opportunity, he will definitely get a great opportunity.


eve of sunset.

Chen Nan landed over Qinglong Mountain in a special type of plane.

At this time, Jiang Jiancheng had already prepared a coffin made of golden silk nan.

Seeing Chen Nan holding a peerless beauty, his heart was also heavy.

He had a hunch that this woman was very important to Chen Nan.

"Mr. Chen, you mourn!"

Chen Nan gently put Nangong Wan's body into the coffin, then picked up the shovel, and the pickaxe dug up on the ground.

The deceased cannot be buried in the Yin and Yang Feng Shui Array, which will make the deceased jump out of the three realms, reincarnation, and cannot be reincarnated.

This is also Chen Nan's idea.

Eighteen years is too long.

He couldn't wait that long.


He is going to Kunlun Mountain to find the legendary warm jade and recall Nangong Wan's soul.

Because of this, he would temporarily bury Nangong Wan here.

After all, once she goes to reincarnation, even if she finds the legendary warm jade, it will be difficult to recall her soul!

Two hours later.

A tombstone appeared on the wilderness with the inscription: The place where his beloved wife Nangong Wan sleeps.

Signature: Husband Jun Chen Nan.

The sixth day of November 2022!

"Wan'er, you rest here first, and I'll come to see you when I find Nuan Yu!"

He whispered, then turned away.

Return to Jeju.

He came to Jane's house for the first time and found Old Master Jane.

The Jian family was responsible for the jade business, and in his early years, Old Master Jian traveled all over the world, and even went to Kunlun Mountain.

Therefore, he wanted to look for clues about warm jade in his mouth.

After hearing this, Old Master Jian said seriously: "Chen Nan, warm jade is just a legend, it only exists in ancient myths and stories, even if I have been to Kunlun Mountain and know many jade pickers, I have not heard them say anything about warm jade!"

Chen Nan was not discouraged: "Then I will personally take a trip to Kunlun!"

Jian Ning's face was full of anxiety: "It's very dangerous there, why are you going there?" Why look for something that doesn't exist?

Chen Nan: "Because, it can save lives!" "

I..." Jian Ning was speechless.

She could feel that Chen Nan's personality had changed a lot after returning this time, and the whole person exuded a depressed and sad temperament.

"If you want to go, I can give you a contact information." Old man Jian said: "I know a jade picker, their family has lived on jade mining for generations, because I saved his life before, so he owes me a personal favor!"

"However, I don't know if he can have a clue about Nuan Yu over there."

Chen Nan said solemnly: "Whether there is a clue or not, I have to try." Old

man Jian found a pen and paper, wrote down an address, and handed it to Chen Nan.

"Wait at home for me to come back!"

Chen Nan rubbed Jian Ning's face, and then left the mid-level villa area.

He called Xie Churan and He Shanshan respectively, and he took a plane and came to Qinghai at ten o'clock the next morning.

It belongs to the high altitude area and the temperature is cold.

The entrance to the Kunlun Mountains is in the southwest of Qinghai, between Xinjiang and Tibet.

The Kunlun Mountain Range, also known as Kunlun Void, the First Sacred Mountain of China, the Mountain of Ten Thousand Ancestors, the Kunlun Hill or the Jade Mountain.

It is the mountain system of central Asia and the backbone of the mountain system in western China.

The mountain range stretches from the eastern part of the Pamir Plateau in the west, across Xinjiang and Tibet, and extends to Qinghai.

The total length is about 2,500 kilometers, the average altitude is 5,500-6,000 meters, the width is 130-200 kilometers, the west is narrow and the east is wide, and the total area is more than 500,000 square kilometers.

In the cultural history of the descendants of Yanhuang, it has a prominent position as the "ancestor of ten thousand mountains".

The ancients called Kunlun Mountain the "ancestor of the dragon vein" of China.

After getting off the plane, Chen Nan found a rental car dealer, rented a Toyota Land Cruiser, and then continued to drive west according to the address given by Mr. Jian.

After all, the place where Zabu Yongcuo lives is very remote, located at the junction of Qinghai and Xinjiang and Tibet, and it takes more than eight hours to drive.

The sky here is blue and cloudless.

Occasionally drifting past a cloud, it also gives a feeling of being within reach.

It seems to have a magical power that cleanses the soul!

Even Chen Nan was much quieter in his heart.

There are many people who yearn for this land and think that this is the closest place to heaven.

Think that this place purifies the soul!

Chen Nan had also heard this idea, and had always believed that some literary and artistic youth forcibly gave this land an aura.

After all, too many people come here every year to drive, bike, and hike.

This has also led many people to think that life is not complete without coming to this land.

Until now.

Chen Nan suddenly realized.

It is indeed a place to cleanse the soul and purify the soul.

In the final analysis, it is this majestic sacred mountain that exudes mystery.


the sky here changes very quickly.

The sky was clear a second ago.

The next second, lightning and thunder.

This extreme weather also slowed down Chen Nan's speed, even if the Land Cruiser he drove had excellent off-road performance, it was difficult to fight the extreme weather of nature.

Stop and go.

Halfway through, there was a thick layer of snow on the road ahead.

Almost a short walk you can see vehicles that have been scratched and accidental.

Whenever he encountered, he would stop and help the other party drag the vehicle as much as he could.

It's not easy to go out and about, and it's a good idea to be able to help.

Two o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Nan parked his car at a gas station in a small town.

Here you can not only refuel, but even eat and stay.

Although his car still has a lot of oil.

Not hungry though.

But extreme weather has appeared ahead and the roads have been closed.

Stop as a last resort.

"What do you eat, sir?" When Chen Nan walked into the restaurant, an indigenous person here came over speaking non-standard Chinese.

"Let's have a yak hot pot!"

After this trek and baptism, Chen Nan's heart also calmed down.

Although it is important to find warm jade.

But nothing can be rushed!

"Okay, you find a place to sit first." The staff said politely, and after Chen Nan sat down, he brought him a pot of milk tea.

Chen Nan took out his mobile phone and sent text messages to Jian Ning, Xie Churan, and He Shanshan to report safety.

After reporting safety, the staff also brought up the unique yak hot pot here.

"Thank you!"

Chen Nan picked up the chopsticks and put the yak meat into the pot.

Just as he was about to start, a beautiful woman in her twenties appeared at the door, her gaze looked around the restaurant, and finally locked onto Chen Nan.

A bright smile appeared on the enchanting face: "Husband, I finally found you!" "


Chen Nan looked confused.

She called me husband?

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