"In that case, then it's up to you!"

Bassoner chose to compromise.

For no reason, they don't know who the enemy they are facing is.

Therefore, Chen Nan's move was needed to help them attract firepower and attract the attention of the enemy.

In this way, Chen Nan swaggered out of Zabuyongcuo's room with the map, and then said to Basson'er: "Mr. Bassoner, this map is regarded as a witness between you and the Jian family, from now on, the two will not owe each other!"

Bassoner said, "I'll ask you to take you to the hotel to rest, and after dealing with my father's funeral, I'll find someone to accompany you into the mountains to collect jade!" Of

course this is false.

In order to speak to the internal traitors in the family.

"There is work!"

Chen Nan arched his hand, and then drove the leased Land Cruiser to the most high-end hotel in the local area under the escort of bodyguards.


The news of Chen Nan's acquisition of the map of Zabu Yongcuo also reached the ears of Han Continent.

Han Continent is a jade merchant from abroad.

Although it is not as long as the Yangji family, it has also built a world by tough means.

In terms of influence, it is no weaker than Zabyongtso.

Especially after learning that Zabyongcuo had drawn a map.

A bad thought arose in my heart.

If he can get that map, won't he be able to become stronger and bigger, and become the first jade merchant in Yingjungou?

As long as he controls the supply of high-grade jade, he can control the entire jade market.

"Are you sure Bassoner gave the map to that guy named Chen Nan?" After hearing the information coming from the phone, Han Continent's eyes lit up.

He himself was not sure that Zabyongcuo had drawn the map, and now it seems that the rumors are true!

"Yes, Basson'er also agreed with Chen Nan to find someone to take him into the mountains to collect jade after the funeral."

Han Continent frowned: "Have you figured out who that Chen Nan is?" Why did the old guy Zabyongtso give him the map before he died?

"Will this confuse us with suspicion?"

The other person replied, "Probably not!" Zabu Yongcuo suffered an avalanche when he was young and was saved by a man surnamed Jane, so he owes the other party a favor. Many people know about this, and the one named Chen Nan is related to the Jian family.

"Then I'll go meet this guy named Chen Nan for a while!" A cold light flashed in Han Continent's eyes, and he immediately led people towards the hotel where Chen Nan was staying.


Knock knock!

Not long after Chen Nan lay down, he heard a knock on the door.

"It's coming so fast!"

He was overjoyed.

In fact, he can go into the mountain alone.


It's not necessary.

After all, the power of one person is limited.

And he didn't think that an ordinary person could traverse the Kunlun Mountains.

Experienced jade pickers must take the lead.

Secondly, it is also possible to attract fire to yourself.

It can also be regarded as helping the Bassons family.

"Who are you?"

After opening the door, Chen Nan asked lightly.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Han Continent, and Uzhinuo is my person." Han Continent had a playful smile on his face, followed by a group of strong middle-aged men.

Chen Nan asked calmly, "And then?"

Han Continent sneered: "I heard that Uzhinuo died very strangely."

"I didn't expect that he would kill himself!" Chen Nan smiled: "It should be scared by me!" "


A middle-aged man behind Han Continent roared angrily: "I advise you to behave in front of Han Ye, otherwise I will let you know the end of being an enemy of Han Ye."

"Good, don't think that defeating those few wastes of Uzhino is invincible, we people can kill you casually."

Chen Nan looked over with one look.

The cold, deep gaze made the two shouting middle-aged men instantly close their mouths.

His eyes were too sharp, and just by looking at it, he felt like a man's back.

To put it bluntly.

His eyes were even more terrifying than those beasts of Kunlun Mountain.

Han Continent also realized that Chen Nan was a master, and his attitude softened.

He sat casually on the sofa, lit a cigarette, and said, "I heard that Zabu Yongcuo gave you the map he drew before he died?"

"Why, are you trying to snatch the map from my hand?" Chen Nan smiled and asked, "It's okay to have this idea, but do you have the ability?"

Han Continent winked at his subordinates.

"Get on your knees and talk!"

A middle-aged man thought, directly stretched out his big hand, and grabbed towards Chen Nan.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan raised his foot and kicked him out, smashing down several middle-aged people outside the door.

Han Continent slowly lit a cigarette.


His subordinates rushed towards Chen Nan without hesitation.

Chen Nan punched to meet the blow.

In just a few breaths, all the people brought by Han Continent fell to the ground.

It's really not an opponent at all!

But Han Continent's smile remained unchanged, and he even cocked Erlang's leg: "Your strength is very strong, even if I Han someone has been messing around in the rivers and lakes for so many years, your strength can rank in the top three!"

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth were disdainful: "Boss Han doesn't seem to put me in his eyes!"

Han Continent shrugged: "I'm not malicious, I just want to test the strength of Brother Chen, that's all!"

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Say, what are you looking for me for?"

"You should come to Kunlun to find some kind of jade, right?"

Han Continent smiled and said, "If so, we can cooperate." "

I have a lot of jade pickers in my hands, and they all have a lot of experience."

"If we cooperate, I can guarantee to find the jade you want in a short time!"

Chen Nan asked, "What do I need to do?"

Han Continent smiled and said, "I like to deal with smart people like you, you just need to give me the map drawn by Zabu Yongcuo!"

"After all, with Basson's abilities, there is no benefit to keeping that map in your hands."

Chen Nan pondered for a moment: "How can I believe your words?

Han Continent laughed loudly: "Brother Chen, your strength is extraordinary, my people are not your opponents at all, shouldn't you think that I have the courage to find trouble with you?"

"Besides, it's a win-win thing, so why should I backtrack?"

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "What you said makes some sense, but I promised Bassoner that when he held a funeral for Old Master Zabuyongcuo, he would send someone to escort me to Kunlun Mountain!"

Han Continent said, "Brother Chen, I can tell you very responsibly that the skills of those jade pickers under me are very high, and they are not comparable to those in Basson.

"Moreover, in terms of taking 10,000 steps back, the customs here are very cumbersome, and it will take at least a week after the funeral is over."

"Are you sure you can wait that long?"

Chen Nan hesitated for a moment, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes: "In that case, then listen to Boss Han, when can we leave?"

"The weather is bad tonight, let's leave tomorrow morning!" Han Continent's face was full of joy, mistakenly thinking that Chen Nan had fallen into his trap.

I don't know.

Real hunters often appear as prey!

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