Finish eating.

The group continued on their way.

This time.

The atmosphere in the team is obviously much more harmonious.

The eyes of everyone looking at Chen Nan were full of jealousy, after all, this was a powerful cultivator.

Stop and go.

In the blink of an eye, it was night.

The temperature difference in the interior of Kunlun Mountain is not large, it is about minus 30 degrees.

It's just that in the air vent, it will make people feel uncomfortable.

"Mr. Chen, this valley in front can be sheltered from the cold wind, or should we rest here for one night?" Han Continent had a flattering smile on his face.


In fact, Chen Nan is not tired.

Even though the environment here is harsh, he is a cultivator.


Except for him, everyone else is ordinary people.

You also have to take care of their feelings.

After all, he was still counting on these people to help him collect warm jade.

Then Han Continent let people set up tents to escape the wind and cold.

The night was getting deeper.

The wind was still roaring.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, looking at the map.

After a long day's trek, they were almost forty kilometers deep.

At this rate, it takes a week to reach the Gnie-Sengo.

Arrive at Jade Mine No. 8.

And look for warm jade.

It's not far to go this way, but Zabyongcuo was able to discover the No. 8 jade mine in this vast snowy mountain and plan the nearest route.

It's still remarkable.


and in another tent.

Han Continent was communicating with Li Yao in sign language.

The climate in the Kunlun Mountains is harsh and windy, and sometimes two people close at hand cannot hear each other.

So there is sign language.

Li Yao: "Big brother, do we really want to go to Genie Shenshan with him?" Han

Continent: "This surname Chen is a cultivator, if I'm not mistaken, there should be rare jade in the Genere Sacred Mountain."

Li Yao: "Then why don't we just kill him and go treasure hunting alone?"

Han Continent directly gave him a roll of his eyes: "I feel that you are a fool!"

"The Mountain of Genes is three hundred kilometers away, and it is dangerous, and the further you go inside, there are some large beasts living inside."

"Chen Nan is powerful, and with him we can reach that place safely."

Li Yao suddenly realized: "So, big brother, do you want him to be our bodyguard?"

Han Continent showed a reassuring smile: "Yes, that's what I meant!"

"That surnamed Chen thinks that being a cultivator can make us desperately work for him, I bah, who killed the deer is not certain!"

Li Yao gave a thumbs up: "Big brother Gao Jian, I am convinced of you."

Han Continent: "Sleep and sleep, continue to rush tomorrow!" -------

the next day, after dawn, the crowd continued on their way.

Compared to yesterday, the wind has weakened, which also speeds them up.

Although he encountered some wild beasts living in the South Mountain on the way, they were safe and sound, and there was no conflict.

In the blink of an eye, a week passed.

The Sacred Mountain of Genie also appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Han Continent looked at the majestic mountains in the west and said, "It is said that Wangshan runs a dead horse, although the Geneshen Mountain is ahead, but I am afraid it will be difficult to arrive before sunset today."

"Mr. Chen, how about we recharge our batteries tonight and hurry again tomorrow morning?"

Chen Nan: "Listen to you."

"Okay!" Han Continent hurriedly beckoned people to set up tents, and then prepared dinner.

Because of the portable gas tank, you can drink a hot soup and even eat hot rice even in the ice and snow.


The crowd began to rest.

Chen Nan was difficult to settle, let alone sleep.

Although the No. 8 jade mine was ahead, he didn't know if he could find warm jade here.

After all.

The last time Zabyongcuo was here was twenty years ago.

Who can guarantee that it will not be patronized by others in these twenty years?

The night was getting deeper.


A faint 'thunder' sounded.

At first, Chen Nan didn't take it seriously.

But not long after the thunder sounded, there was a roar between heaven and earth.

"Brother Chen, there has been an avalanche, let's run!"

Tuba shouted outside Chennan's tent.

Chen Nan's face changed, although they had not personally experienced an avalanche these days, they had also seen an avalanche several times.

It can be called the destruction of the world.

"Let's go!"

He rushed out, only to find that Tuba was alone.

"What about the others?" Chen Nan frowned.

Tuba's face was full of anxiety: "Han Continent and the others have already run away, if I guessed correctly, this avalanche was planned by them." Chen

Nan thought of the 'thunder' before.

Suddenly something came to an understanding.

That should not be thunder.

Rather, a shot fired at a distance.

Because of the headwind, it sounds like thunder.

In fact, causing an avalanche in the Kunlun Mountains is too simple.

Not to mention shooting, in some places even loud words can cause an avalanche.


The ground shakes.

Chen Nan saw the light of a flashlight coming from afar, and was constantly waving at them at this time.

As if in a provocation!


Chen Nan burst into a foul mouth.

Avalanches occurred on the left and right sides, as well as on the snowy mountains behind them.

Although he was able to escape.

But what about Tuba?

Can't watch him die in Kunlun Mountain, right?

"Hide behind me!"

Chen Nan squeezed his hands together: "Up!" "


A gust of wind erupted in his palm, heading head-on in the direction where the snow had swallowed it.

However, in the face of a large-scale avalanche, even the spells cast by him, a powerhouse in the Foundation Building Period realm, were vulnerable.

Not to mention resisting the avalanche, not even for a second.

"Flame Art!"

With a wave of his arm, the Flame Technique roared out.

The terrifying heat melted the surrounding snow, but it still didn't help.

"Brother Chen, you go first, don't worry about me!" Tuba's face was sallow, and he knew that it was this time when he was close to Chen Nan that Han Continent abandoned him.

"I'm gone, who will give you Abba the end?" Chen Nan's eyes were cold, he would not give up a person who had good intentions for him.

Seeing that the surrounding snow has melted a lot.

Chen Nan pinched his hands.

Countless water vapors transformed into a huge Xuan Tortoise, shrouding the two of them below like a house.


The left and right sides, as well as the avalanche behind them, also fell one after another.

Directly devoured that Xuan turtle.


Han Continent's face was full of solemnity: "Chen Nan's means are indeed terrifying, if it weren't for us causing an avalanche, it would be impossible to kill him!"

Li Yao asked nervously, "Boss, can these three avalanches really kill Chen Nan?"

The corners of Han Continent's mouth flashed with disdain: "I admit that Chen Nan's strength is indeed very strong, but after all, he is a mortal, since he is a mortal, how can he resist the wrath of nature?"

Speaking of this, he paused and said with a smile: "Go, return the same way."

"Not only do I want to get the map drawn by Zabu Yongcuo, but I also want to find Chen Nan's cultivation method!"

"If we get his cultivation method, will we also be able to become a master like him?"

His eyes were full of fascination.

I don't know.

Chen Nan is still alive!

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