Ten o'clock in the morning.

Two salute trucks made a deafening bang.

Sun Sihai and the others stood in a row, and at the same time unscrewed the courtesy flower, and the scene looked very lively.

In addition, Chen Nan also prepared a lot of lollipops in advance and threw them into the crowd, causing many children to laugh happily.


But no one entered the medical center for Chen Nan to heal.

Even if he charges a dollar, no one is willing to put his little life in his hands.

Sun Sihai and the others blushed anxiously.

He wanted to pretend to be a patient and let Chen Nan heal, but reason told him that this would not work, which would anger Chen Nan, but the gain would outweigh the loss.

With a shallow smile on his face, Chen Nan looked at the onlookers who were about to leave, and he said loudly: "Please stay, I have also invited a heavy guest, as long as you see him, you will definitely believe my medical skills." "

The onlookers stayed.

Chen Nan looked at his father in a wheelchair and said with a smile: "Dad, it's time for you to stand up!"

Many people also showed incredible eyes.

Chen Shan broke his legs three years ago by someone who collected protection money, something that many people living in shanty towns know.

It is also known that he borrowed loan sharks to see many doctors, but none of them could be cured.

Under the shocked gaze of the people, Chen Shan put his legs on the ground, and then slowly stood up.

This moment.


people stared at Chen Shan like a ghost.

This was followed by an incredible exclamation.

"Did I hallucinate, did he really stand up

?" "Dreaming, it must be a dream!" "

His leg was broken so badly, why did he suddenly heal

?" "Can anyone tell me what is going on here?"

Chen Shan had already expected such a big reaction from people, and said with a smile: " I don't want to hide from everyone, I also feel like a dream now, after all, my son has only been back for a week, and he healed the injury that has plagued me for three years in one week!"

Chen Shan laughed: "It seems that this kind of thing can't be falsified, right?" Chen Shan

shrugged undeniably: "I admit that this is very unscientific, but this is the truth!" Jia

Cui smiled: "Although my son was falsely accused and imprisoned for three years, he was blessed by misfortune, and he was cultivated by an old doctor and obtained what he had learned all his life, otherwise he would not have healed my man." "

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

Although many people did not believe in Chen Nan's medical skills before, the moment Chen Shan got out of his wheelchair and stood up again, he still shocked everyone.


There were people who wanted to see Chen Nan for a doctor.

"Chen family boy, do you still know me?"

Out of the crowd came a silver-haired, hunchbacked old man.

"You are Uncle Qi, right?" Chen Nan said with a smile, the other party was also an employee of the steel mill, but he was responsible for boiling water in the kitchen boiler room.

Uncle Qi snorted, his voice slightly hoarse: "My throat is uncomfortable, and it hurts to swallow saliva, or can you help me see?"

The other party is the first patient to open the medical center, although he just has an uncomfortable throat, but he must also take it seriously.

After Uncle Qi entered the medical hall, the surrounding people also blocked the door.

Chen Nan first looked at Uncle Qi's throat, and then gave him a pulse, and said: "You are always caused by the strong lungs, the problem is not big, as long as two needles are pricked, it can ensure that the pain in the throat can be alleviated!"

Chen Nan smiled, then picked up the disinfection cotton swab, disinfected it on the Shaoshang cave of Uncle Qi's two thumbs, and picked up the silver needle and pricked it.

After piercing the skin, he withdrew the silver needle, pinched Uncle Qi's thumb, and squeezed out a lot of bruises: "There are many acupuncture points in the human body, and bloodletting on Shaoshang acupoints can clear the lungs and relieve sore throat."

After doing this, he looked at Uncle Qi and said with a smile: "Uncle Qi, you can always swallow saliva and try."

Uncle Qi swallowed his saliva with the attitude of trying, and then exclaimed: "It really doesn't hurt anymore, my throat really doesn't hurt anymore, Chen family boy, you are a medical skill!"

His voice was crisp, without the slightest feeling of hoarseness.

The onlookers were amazed.

Believed Chen Nan's medical skills.

"Doctor Chen, I often have headaches, how about you help me see?"


people opened their mouths, hoping that Chen Nan could heal them.

"Come and come, all in line, let's come one by one!" Chen

Nan did not refuse.

They are all ordinary minor diseases, which are hand-to-hand diseases for him.

But it was the cure of these patients suffering from minor illnesses that also made Chen Nan's reputation and reputation explode instantly.

Some even called him a divine doctor.

Not only because of his superb medical skills, but also a dollar of diagnosis money, which makes people feel good.

"Okay, twenty patients have been healed today, come back tomorrow morning if you want to see a doctor!" After treating the twentieth patient, Chen Nan no longer helped people see a doctor.

This made some people complain, thinking that Chen Nan was too rigid.

Chen Nan no longer explained anything about this.

Collecting a fee for a dollar is the rule of Wumen.

It is also the rule to heal twenty people a day.


Doctor Chen, what are you doing with these pills?" Someone locked his gaze on the three pills that Chen Nan had refined.

Chen Nan said with a smile: "As the name suggests, there are weight loss, there are hangovers, and there are also those who improve men's kidney function." "

Does this medicine really work?" asked a middle-aged man cautiously.

A shallow smile appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Of course, invalid refund."

The middle-aged man hesitated and asked nervously: "A friend of mine has a bad kidney, and he has always been very distressed, or you can get me a few pills, I'll let him try it! Is this Hercules pill expensive?" Chen

Nan smiled and said: "Today is the opening, all the pills are sold at a discount, if you want to give me a thousand yuan!"

Chen Nan: "There are no side effects, immediate results, eating one can make a man return to eighteen years old."

"Then I'll buy one and let him try it!" the middle-aged man was ruthless, and spent a thousand yuan to buy a Hercules pill.

Others heard that all the elixirs were sold at a discount, and they all bought some with the mentality of trying them out.

Five hangover pills.

Ten weight loss pills and ten Hercules pills.

It didn't seem like much, but it brought 25,000 yuan to the Chen Medical Center!

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