"Second Elder, right? I heard that you are going to marry the twin sisters of the Yue family?

Chen Nan looked at Hua Yan.

"Being able to get my favor is a blessing that they cultivated in their previous lives!" Speaking of this, Hua Yan looked angry: "It's all to blame on you, if it weren't for your bad deeds to me, I would have had a round house with those twins a long time ago!"

"So, you're going to die!"

Before the words fell, he rushed towards Chen Nan, and the long sword in his hand erupted with terrifying sword qi.

Hua Zun, who was fighting fiercely with the nine elders guarding the mountain, his face changed drastically: "Second elder, quickly retreat, you are not his..."

The words are not finished.

He saw a flying sword piercing through Hua Yan's eyebrows!

A blood mist splashed and drifted away with the wind!

Hua Yan died, fell to the sky, and his eyes were wide on the verge of death, as if he didn't expect this ending!

"Damn it, damn it, you all deserve to die!" Huazun's pupils were instantly bloodshot, and the strong grief made his body run rampant.


The Great Elder of Shoushan was holding a gentleman's sword and cut off his left arm!

He only had the cultivation of the early ninth layer of the foundation building period, which was far from Huazun's strength!

It is also thanks to having a gentleman's sword, otherwise it will not hurt the other party at all!


After cutting off one of Huazun's arms, the others also launched a fierce attack at the first time, leaving shocking wounds on his body.

One of them even ran through his dantian.

He was covered in blood and looked miserable!

However, no one dares to take it lightly, after all, this is a strong person in the great consummation realm of the foundation building period!

"See? Even if you hurt my dantian, it won't be enough to affect my strength!" Hua Zun was almost crazy, and he punched out and knocked Lao Jiu away.

"Are you condensing?" Grand Elder Shoushan exclaimed.

During the refining period, true gas is just gas, but in the foundation building period, real gas will liquefy.

But if you want to step into the Golden Pill Period, the True Qi in your body must condense into a Golden Pill!

Huazun's dantian has been penetrated, but there is no true qi leaking in his body, isn't this a characteristic of the Condensing Dan Realm?

"The Pseudo-Dan Realm is more than enough to deal with you!" Hua Zun roared, the long sword slashed through, and the terrifying sword qi was like a rainbow, and it instantly appeared in front of the second elder.

The Second Elder's face changed drastically.

She didn't have a spirit weapon at all, how could she resist this terrifying sword qi?


Chen Nan appeared in front of her like a ghost, and the Heaven-Burning Furnace slammed the sword qi heavily, and it fell on the distant building complex and erupted into a deafening roar.

"Beautiful sister, don't be afraid, I'll guard you!" Chen Nan gave the second elder a look, but his tiger's mouth was faintly painful, and even blood oozed out.

After all, it was a super powerhouse in the pseudo-Dan realm, and he was only one heavenly calamity away from Ning Dan.

If he can survive the Heavenly Tribulation, he can be called an immortal!

Without much thought, he squeezed his hands and cast gravity!

Huazun had already been seriously injured, and the dantian was pierced by a sharp sword, and at this time, the use of gravity magic could interfere with the pseudo-dan in his body!


His four spirit weapon flying swords also slashed forward!

"Insect tricks!"

A terrifying pseudo-pill power erupted from Huazun's body, forming a golden bell hood that resisted Chen Nan's attack!

Hua Zun took out the elixir to restore his injuries and true qi, and did not hide his disdain for Chen Nan: "Ants, after all, they are ants!"

"Even if you have the ability to kill enemies beyond the level!"

"Even if your physical body is invincible!"

"But I have already stepped into the Pseudo-Dan Realm with one foot!"

"How can you kill me?"

Elder Shoushan had a solemn expression: "Chen Nan Xiaoyou, the imperial sword art is not your strong point, you can't kill Huazun at all like this!"

Speaking of this, he handed the gentleman's sword in his hand to Chen Nan and said solemnly: "The quality of this sword is comparable to a medium-grade spirit weapon, if you hold it, it will definitely be able to exert great power!" It is even expected to kill Huazun!

Chen Nan hesitated.

Or took the gentleman's sword.


The gentleman's sword struggled in his hand, as if trying to break free of his hand!

Huazun laughed: "This is the newly elected head of the Huashan Sword Sect?" Obviously, Junzi Jian did not recognize him! The

eyes of the nine Guarding Mountain elders also flashed a trace of gloom.

I thought that Chen Nan was the chosen one who could lead the Huashan Sword Sect to a stronger and more brilliant tomorrow!

But none of them expected that Junzi Jian would actually reject Chen Nan!

It's obvious!

He's not the one they're waiting for!

Chen Nan quietly looked at the active gentleman's sword in his hand: "What? You said you looked at this guy badly for a long time? "

The gentleman's sword instantly quieted down!

"What?" Huazun's face changed drastically.

He originally thought that Junzi Jian was repelling Chen Nan.

Unexpectedly, I was communicating with him!

The nine Mountain Guarding Elders were full of ecstasy!

Only those who have been approved by the sword spirit can read the idea of the gentleman's sword!

No doubt!

Chen Nan is the one they are waiting for!

"Is this the destiny of heaven?"

Some of the disciples of the Huashan Sword Sect had hot eyes.

Some are decadent!

Some people hoped that Chen Nan could overthrow Huazun's rule, after all, after Huazun became the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, their situation was terrible!

And some Huazun supporters hope that Huazun can win!

If Huazun is killed, those of them who do things for Huazun will also pay a heavy price!

"Since you see that this guy is not favorable, then you and I will kill him together!" Chen Nan's right hand shook, and the true qi in his body was instilled on the gentleman's sword.

In a flash!

The terrifying sword qi rushed straight into the sky!

The combination of Chen Nan and Junzi Jian is simply a strong combination!

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan spat out thunder and jumped into mid-air!

At the same time, he held the hilt of his sword with both hands!

Faced Huazun with a powerful move to split Huashan!

I saw a sword qi tens of meters long roaring out, tearing the air, and slashing heavily on Huazun's protective body true qi!

What a stir!

Huazun's protective body true qi is like a lonely boat in the ocean, swaying!


Chen Nan roared angrily, and the true qi in his body was continuously transported to the gentleman's sword!

The Junzi Sword once again erupted with terrifying sword qi, breaking through Huazun's protective body true qi under everyone's shocked eyes!

It also blasted him out hundreds of meters and smashed a boulder!

Splash a puff of dust all over the sky!

When the dust and smoke cleared, the shawl was scattered, and Huazun, who had a sword mark on his forehead, appeared in the eyes of everyone!

He was coughing up blood in embarrassment!

However, there was a crazy smile on his face: "I admit, your strength is very strong, but with these alone, you can't kill me!"

"Even if you can kill me, you can't kill me!"

His words felt contradictory.

Just when Chen Nan was confused, he only listened to Hua Zun say to himself: "Senior Shen Yuan, I am not the opponent of this son, and I hope that you can control the body of the junior and kill the other party!" "

Next moment!

Huazun's eyes turned scarlet.

Great Elder Shoushan had a quake: "It's not good, he has another soul in his body!" "

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