"Congratulations to the head of Chen for becoming the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!"

"The Huashan Sword Sect will definitely become stronger and bigger under your leadership, and move towards a brilliant and brilliant tomorrow!"

As soon as he returned to the ancient capital, Chen Nan received a call from Li Mu.

If nothing else, he should be using satellite positioning to keep an eye on his location!

Moreover, the Huashan Sword Sect must also have an inner probe arranged by the guardians!

Otherwise, this product would not know about becoming the new head of the Huashan Sword Sect!

Chen Nan said: "Don't be weird in yin and yang, send a plane over, I will go back tonight!"

Li Mu teased: "It's ready, just need an order from Chen, you can arrive in Jeju tonight!" Chen

Nan did not live with him, and after returning to his residence, he took Yue Qimeng, and the Yue Qiluo sisters came to Jeju at eleven o'clock at night.

He jumped directly above the Yin and Yang Feng Shui Bureau in the eastern part of Qinglong Mountain, and then found Nangong Wan's coffin.

Because this place is a natural Yin and Yang Feng Shui Bureau, even if she is buried here for more than a month, her body has not decayed, and it looks exactly the same as when she was buried.


He placed Nuan Yu on top of Nangong Wan's head, and then sat cross-kneeled and waited quietly!

Warm jade can summon spirits!

But how long it will take, he does not know!

The only thing he can do is be here with her!

Time is tight, anticipation is slowly passing!


Li Mu, Qin Hongyu, and Meng Guo appeared!

"Chen Nan, there is something I need to tell you, you have to be mentally prepared!" Li Mu's expression was solemn: "We have read a large number of ancient documents, and Nuan Yu can indeed summon spirits, but there is one condition!"

"That is, the deceased died for no more than seven days!"

"And now, Miss Nangong has been dead for more than a month, even if you find Nuan Yu, it won't help!"

Chen Nan's face was full of pain: "No, I buried her here as soon as she died, and it stands to reason that she will not go to Yin Cao Di Mansion to report." "

Bury the dead in the natural Yin and Yang Feng Shui Bureau, and the soul of the deceased will jump out of the three realms and five elements!

Chen Nan's purpose in doing this was to think of being able to recall Nangong Wan's soul!

But I never expected that things would turn out like this!

Li Mu: "This kind of thing is full of too many changes, and no one has succeeded so far!"

Qin Hongyu said, "Maybe you can let Miss Nangong sleep here, we will let people closely monitor this place, if she can wake up, we will notify you as soon as possible."

"That's it!" Chen Nan looked unwilling.

But he also knew that the priority should be to improve his cultivation!

Only in this way can we protect the women around us in the chaotic times!

Moreover, it is daytime, which is the time of day when the sun is at its strongest!

If Nangong Wan's body was kept exposed, this might hurt her body!

Even if she can recall her soul one day, it will affect her soul return!

Subsequently, Chen Nan put Nangong Wan's coffin back in its original place and covered it with thick soil.

Chen Nan took out a storage bag: "This is the Spirit Jiao Pill I refined in Kunlun Mountain, there are five hundred pieces in it, you bring it back, it can be regarded as a little contribution I made to the guardians!" "

Spirit Jiao Pill belongs to the second-level elixir, and everyone can be reborn if they eat it, let alone cultivators.

With so many Spirit Pills, it can completely take the strength of the guardian to the next level!

Li Mu was also not polite, put away the storage bag, and asked seriously: "What happened to the matter of killing immortal vines?"

Chen Nan: "It's not a big problem, I have reached a consensus with that guy." When I return to the mid-level villa, I will summon that Immortal Killing Vine!"

Li Mu didn't ask much, and then said, "Let's go, we'll send you back!"

Chen Nanyi reluctantly looked at the place where Nangong Wan was buried.

Then followed the three back to Jeju!

"What are you going to arrange for that pair of twin sisters of the Yue family? As far as I know, you seem to have two confidantes in the Mid-Levels Villa, right?

Qin Hongyu smiled and spoke.

Chen Nan is a scumbag, they have known this for a long time.

"Let's buy them a villa alone!" Chen Nan's head was big for a while, he couldn't let Yue Qimeng and Yue Qiluo sisters live in Villa 95.

If this was the case, Jian Ning would have to turn his face on him!

After that, Chen Nan called the housekeeper Bai Yun, after all, there are still villas for sale in the community, and it is completely possible to buy one for the sisters to live there.

Although the villa is not big, it is enough for the sisters to live.

"From now on, you will live here, I live in villa 95, call me if something happens!" Chen Nan brought the Yue sisters to Villa No. 45, where everything was readily available and had reached the standard of moving in with a bag.

Yue Qimeng's face was full of reluctance: "Brother Chen, can't we live with you?" In case, I mean in case, in case I go crazy while cultivating, you might as well save me in the first place!"

"You are clearly the body of Big Brother Chen!" Yue Qiluo criticized mercilessly.

Yue Qimeng's face was full of blush: "Didn't I want to make you comfortable?"

Chen Nan looked confused!

What's the situation?

Could it be that the sisters have telepathy?

If so!

Then last time he practiced with Yue Qimeng, did Yue Qiluo also feel it?

He cleared his throat and said, "Qimeng, we are not far away, there is something I can feel." As for living together, it's not convenient on my side. "


Yue Qimeng agreed disappointedly.

"Okay, let's get familiar with your surroundings first." Chen Nan said and transferred five million to the two of them: "You take this money for daily expenses!"

Yue Qimeng said, "Suddenly I have a feeling of being entrapped!" Chen

Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood, this girl, speaking is becoming more and more indiscriminate!

Then he returned to Villa 95!

Although he was not at home during this time, Jian Ning often came to clean up, and the house was spotless!

I took a shower and changed my clothes!

Chen Nan came to the back garden, bit his fingertips, and a drop of blood fell on the ground!

In a flash!

Chen Nan felt a strange feeling!

It was as if something was echoing him thousands of miles away!

A minute later!

This feeling is getting stronger and stronger!

Until a young vine appeared on the ground!

The Immortal Killing Vine that was far away in the Valley of the Undead in the ancient capital of Shaanxi Province came to Jeju and came to Chen Nan's house!

"Brother Vine, I will arrange this place as a blessed place, let's grow together!" Chen Nan whispered, he had thought of arranging a Spirit Gathering Array before, and now it was time to implement it!

Whether it's for yourself or to keep the Immortal Killing Vine here!

It's all obligatory!

"Young Lord, you have finally returned!"


Guan Qing's face appeared haggard in Chen Nan's eyes.

Chen Nan's eyes flashed with a chill: "Old Guan, why are you injured?" Who hurt you? "

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