"Mom, did you have an early menopause? Why are you forcing me? Xu yelled, extremely disappointed with his mother's performance today.

Huang Rui snorted coldly: "I'm here for your good, why don't you understand?"

"Good for me?" Xu Qian smiled angrily: "Before you recognized Chen Nan, you also wanted the two parents to meet to discuss marriage." Now, just because of Lin Chen, you have to beat the Mandarin Duck.

"If someone even better than Lin Chen appears, will you break us up again?"

"Am I a person in your heart, or an item that you exchange with at will?"

The last sentence was yelled out by her!

Huang Rui was embarrassed and angry: "People go to high places, am I wrong to do this?"

"Stop arguing!" Chen Nan secretly sighed: "Aunt Huang, I know that you have good intentions, but Lin Chen will not marry him."

Speaking of this, he looked at Old Master Xu and said, "Old man, it will be the Spring Festival soon, I wish everyone a happy New Year in advance and all the best."

"What, I still have business, so I'll leave first!"

Seeing that Chen Nan is leaving.

Except for Huang Rui, everyone felt very depressed in their hearts!

After all, they recognized Chen Nan from the bottom of their hearts!

Moreover, they knew that the Immortal Origin was far away from them!

Instead of pursuing the ethereal immortal edge, it is better to cherish the people in front of you!

"I'll go with you!" Xu Qianxin said loudly.

Huang Rui stomped her foot and screamed: "Do you want me to die?"

Xu Qianxin showed no mercy: "Can we not use the trick of crying, making trouble and hanging yourself?"

"Heart, you stay home!" Chen Nan smiled: "I don't want to turn my face because of your mother and daughter, don't worry, one day my aunt will accept me." "

As a man, the most basic responsibility is not to let the beloved woman and her mother have a stiff relationship!

"I..." Xu poured tears into his eyes.

She didn't expect that at this time, Chen Nan was still maintaining the relationship between her and her mother!

"Trust me, gone!"

Chen Nan smiled and waved his back to the Chen family!

Free, indifferent, as if what happened before did not cause the slightest wave in his heart!

This heart alone impressed the Xu family!

"I'll send him!" Xu Nuo put on a trench coat and followed out, and when he was about to reach the gate of the community, he caught up with Chen Nan, lowered the window and smiled: "Come on, get in the car, sister is coming to send you warmth!"

Chen Nan was also not polite, pulled the car door and sat in the promised co-pilot.

Xu Xu drove away and comforted him softly: "It is said that every man has a mother-in-law who is difficult to handle, and my sister-in-law is not a good stubble."

"You don't have to comfort me, even if it's for the sake of my heart, I can't turn my face with her in your face!" Chen Nan's face was full of bitterness, he didn't expect that coming to the door today would bring shame on himself.

The corners of Xuuo's mouth rose, revealing an intriguing smile: "Do you want to go to my place tonight?"

Chen Nan said casually, "What are you doing there?" Promise

: "Me?

Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood, he didn't sleep all night last night, and he was woken up by He Shanshan and Jian Ning in the morning!

Now, he was a little wistful when he thought about that kind of thing!

However, the debt he committed must be made up for!

Fortunately, Promise is a gentle, considerate woman!

She sensed that Chen Nan was a little powerless!

So she has always been in control!

This is also thanks to the fact that she often goes to the horse farm to practice horsemanship!

Waist and horse in one!

Very superb!


the next day.

Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Chen Nan came to Ultimate South Mountain.

Since it is a visit before the Spring Festival, it is naturally indispensable to end Nanshan!

After all, the Fire Cloud Cave is here!

And Nangong He is his father-in-law-to-be!

After many days, the final Nanshan looked more and more depressed!

The cold wind in the mountains is fierce, and you can't see the creatures at all!

"This is the Fire Cloud Cave, the idlers stop!"

Just arrived at the bottom of the mountain.

There were Fire Cloud Cave disciples blocking his way!

"Idler? Me? Chen Nan was amused: "You two are new, right?" Don't even know me? Go and go, play while going, don't delay me chatting with my husband!

"Stop!" A disciple directly pulled out his long sword and said coldly, "The two of us are indeed newcomers, but we know all the disciples of the Fire Cloud Cave, and it is obvious that you are not a Fire Cloud Cave disciple!"

"If you don't want to die, get out!"

"Presumptuous, don't be rude to your aunt!"

With a deep voice, Mu Chen, one of Nangong He's closed disciples, walked down wearing a white robe.

"Elder Mu, is he really an aunt?"

The young disciple who had blocked Chen Nan before looked nervous.

Mu Chen: "How else?" The

young disciple quickly bowed down, his face full of cold sweat: "I'm sorry aunt, I don't know your identity, and please have a lot of adults, don't see with villains!"

"Am I like that kind of man with a small belly?" Keep guarding the mountain! Chen Nan smiled and walked towards the mountain with Mu Chen.

Mu Chen said as he walked: "Master said before that you would come back, I didn't believe it at the time, I didn't expect you to really come!"

Chen Nan: "The Spring Festival is coming soon, and according to the rules of the world, the son-in-law wants to give the old man a New Year gift." Said and looked at the mountain: "Feeling, the mountain is livelier than before!"

"Moreover, there are many more masters of the Foundation Building Period realm."

Mu Chen said: "After you left, a touch of purple qi appeared in the east, Master let us bathe in purple qi for the first time, maybe our talent is okay, seize the opportunity, there were many people who stepped into the foundation building period that day!"

"Not only that, but the Fire Cloud Cave also unified the cultivation forces of the entire Ultimate South Mountain!"

"Now, the Nine Mountains, Eighteen Caves, and Thirty-Six Villages have all turned to our Fire Cloud Cave!"

Chen Nan's face was full of surprise: "I didn't expect that my father-in-law would be so fierce and unify the cultivation forces of Ultimate South Mountain!" "

Ultimate South Mountain is the number one mountain in the cultivation world, and there are thousands of scattered cultivators in it.

It is still very terrifying for this force to condense into a rope, if it has an absolute foundation, it is not weaker than the eight major forces!

During the conversation, Chen Nan came to the mountain.

But everyone who knows him will politely shout Aunt!

After all, this is a strong man who single-handedly turned the tide and rescued the Fire Cloud Cave from danger!

"Meet your father-in-law!"

After seeing Nangong He, Chen Nan bowed to him and saluted!

"You and my son-in-law don't need to be so polite!" Nangong Hegujing Wubo's face showed a doting smile, and then invited him to sit down and rest: "I see that your cultivation has improved a lot, or let's have a discussion?"

Chen Nan was stunned!

He could feel that Nangong He's cultivation had reached the beginning of the third layer of the foundation building period!

However, he can have the six-layer consummation of the foundation building period!

If you really do it with him, it will definitely be him who suffers.

"Don't worry, I will definitely show mercy to my subordinates and promise not to hurt you!" Nangong He's eyes lit up and directly launched a fierce attack towards Chen Nan!

Chen Nan was unable to complain.

Where did your faith come from to hurt me?

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