Shushan Jianmen Sword Traceless said: "Chen's generous return of the gift is tantamount to giving charcoal in the snow to us, and who wouldn't like it?" Everyone

else nodded!

Although there are many mid-foundation building masters who can't use this elixir at present, they can also use it when they condense the golden pill in the future!

To put it bluntly!

This elixir can save their lives!

As for the powerhouses of the seven top forces, they have already thought about it, and when they return to the sect, they will take the God Raising Pill as soon as possible to prepare for the future tribulation!

"Boss Chen is young, but he can refine third-grade pills, he is really talented, and it is the hope of my alchemy world!" Wu Daozi sighed, which was regarded as recognizing Chen Nan's ability!

Immediately, he changed his voice and said, "However, Old Immortal doesn't think that the Huashan Sword Sect can withstand this catastrophe!" "

They didn't want to talk about it!

After all, even if Chen Nan became the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, he was not qualified to talk to them in their eyes!

And now!

Chen Nan has already become a strong man alongside them!

Zhang Tianshi said, "What Wu Daoyou said is that this catastrophe is a calamity for the world, but for our cultivation world. We should stay out of it, not get involved!

Chen Nan smiled: "I have decided on this matter..."



There was a roar of a beast from the back mountain!

The sound is deafening and exudes a powerful bestiality!

So much so that many people with low realms feel a strong sense of oppression!

Cangning's face changed: "Why did that guy suddenly go crazy?"

Jian Wujian couldn't help but ask, "But you Huashan Sword Sect Mountain Guardian Spirit Beast Purple Eye Lion?"

Cangning nodded slightly, and said with a solemn look in his eyes: "That guy has been sleeping, and I don't know why he suddenly went crazy!"

"Roar!" Accompanied by a thunderous lion roar.

A burly and majestic male lion appeared at the top of Cangyun Peak, it was three meters tall, five meters long, and its body was covered with fiery red mane, especially those purple eyes, full of cold and bestiality!

Seeing this purple-eyed lion weighing nearly 10,000 catties, everyone felt their hearts beat faster!

The momentum of this purple-eyed lion was so strong that they didn't dare to look at it!

Especially the bestiality it exudes!

Let the void tremble slightly!

"This guy's strength is comparable to that of a pseudo-Dan Realm powerhouse, although I don't know why he will fall into madness, but he must submit it!" Cangning had a solemn expression.

Now that all forces have come to participate in Chen Nan's succession ceremony, if the purple-eyed lion commits murder in public, the consequences will be unimaginable!

They have to make sure those guests are safe!

"I heard that this guy's strength is very strong, I'm afraid you alone won't be able to subdue it, right?" Jian Wujian smiled: "Since I have received the Cultivation God Pill from Chen's head, I naturally want to help the Huashan Sword Sect suppress this demon beast!"

Zhang Tianshi said, "I should be able to subdue it when I wait for the combined force!" "

Amitabha!" Abbot Hui Kong clasped his hands together, and the treasure was solemn: "The cultivators below the seventh layer of the foundation building period quickly leave this place, so as not to harm the pond fish!" "

Everyone ran as soon as they heard the legs!

If you don't run, you can't do it!

After all, even Zhang Tianshi said that they should be able to subdue this demon beast together!

What should be?

Even they are not absolutely sure!

At this time, Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Thank you Daoists for your kindness, this is a matter for my Huashan Sword Sect, so there is no need for others to make a move!"

"What does Boss Chen mean? Could it be that your Huashan Sword Sect can subdue this demon beast? The Hundred Flowers Valley Lord couldn't help but frown.

Wu Daozi smiled: "Although the strength of the Huashan Sword Sect is good, but at present, the Huashan Sword Sect does not have a strong person in the Great Perfection Realm of the Foundation Building Period, even if you nine Mountain Guarding Elders go up together, I am afraid that you will not be able to subdue this demon beast!"

"To deal with it, I'm enough alone!"

Chen Nan is full of spirits!




Everyone's eyes widened!

Am I experiencing auditory hallucinations?

This guy actually said that one person can deal with this purple-eyed lion?

Shouldn't he have swelled after refining a third-level elixir?

With his cultivation in the middle of the seventh layer of the Foundation Building Period, how could he possibly defeat this purple-eyed lion?

The heads of the seven top forces secretly shook their heads!

It's normal for young people to love the limelight!

But the limelight also has to be divided into occasions!

The strength of this purple-eyed lion was terrifying, and even the seven of them did not dare to submit it one hundred percent!

Can he subdue the Purple-Eyed Lion alone?

What an international joke!

He can't have this kind of strength!

Before everyone could react, Chen Nan shrank into inches and moved to the purple-eyed lion at the altar.

He is tall and immobile, like a sharp sword!

Raise your hands and exude a strong demeanor!

Even if he faced a demon beast with a pseudo-pill realm alone, there was no fear in his eyes!

Chen Nan spoke, his voice loud: "Today is the day of the great joy of the Huashan Sword Sect, you quickly return to the back mountain!" "


The purple-eyed lion's eyes flashed fiercely, emitting a deafening roar!

Then, it jumped towards Chen Nan!

See this scene!

Everyone held their breath!

The powerhouses of the other seven top forces even held the magic weapon, as long as Chen Nan encountered an accident, they would save each other as soon as possible!

It can also be regarded as returning the favor of that god-nourishing pill!

After all, today is the first day that Chen Nan succeeded to the throne of the Huashan Sword Sect!

They can't watch him being killed by the purple-eyed lion, can they?

If this is the case, how will the face of the Huashan Sword Sect remain?

What is the face of the eight great religions?

Of course!

If Chen Nan was really killed by the Purple-eyed Lion, the Huashan Sword Sect would definitely change its leader!

When the time comes...

They also have to come to the succession ceremony of the new leader!

The atmosphere has become much more depressing!

Everyone held their breath!

Even some timid people even close their eyes!

It was as if Chen Nan was about to die in the mouth of the lion!

Right now!

Chen Nan moved!

He turns his fingers into pen, true qi into ink, and the firmament into paper!

Under everyone's shocked eyes, a big 'well' character was written in the air!

In a flash!

A huge green rune appeared in the sky, exuding a mysterious and powerful aura!

"Rune? He actually knows runes? Zhang Tianshi exclaimed!

"Groove, who the hell is this guy? Not only proficient in alchemy, but even proficient in runes? "

He's a pervert, isn't he?"

The strong men of the seven top forces looked at Chen Nan with jealousy written in their eyes, they didn't expect this guy to have so many means!

Tic-tac characters appear in the sky, trapping the purple-eyed lion under the runes!

It kept roaring and crashing into runes!

The scene even erupted into a dull loud noise, which made some cultivators with low cultivation feel their blood boiling, and some even vomited blood in public and fell into a coma!

This battle looks like no suspense!

But Zhang Tianshi frowned, and his eyes were extremely solemn: "The well character is afraid that it can't trap this demon beast, once it breaks the well character, Boss Chen will definitely encounter accidents!" "


With a loud noise, the purple-eyed lion broke the well character!

It was like a beam of light rushing towards Chen Nan!

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