In the video!

A dragon mastiff covered in blood fell in a pool of blood!

Blood stained the snow on the ground!

You can clearly see that there are shocking sword marks on its body!

Behind it, an old man in his sixties sat cross-kneeled in front of a Dan furnace and said to the camera: "If you want this animal to live, come to Kunlun Mountain!" "

That's a bit inexplicable!

Not against someone!

But Chen Nan knew!

That's for yourself!

After all, he and the dragon mastiff took that twin snow lotus!

It took Yanglian!

I took Yin Lian myself!

Even if that twin snow lotus was taken by one person and one mastiff for nearly three months!

But there are still medicinal effects left in their bodies!

The old man in the video should be an alchemist!

"He should be trying to refine me and Sister Mastiff into elixirs, right?" Chen Nan's heart rose with surging killing intent, he had a relationship with the dragon mastiff, if it weren't for one person and one mastiff to kill the dragon and seize the twin snow lotus.

He simply couldn't have cultivated today!

And now!

Naturally, you can't watch the dragon mastiff being tortured!

"Chief, this person is not a cultivator in the world, if nothing else, he should be a strong man who ran out of hell!" Cangjue's expression was solemn.

These days, Chen Nan refining pills, he is also watching and learning a little!

In Chen Nankou, he learned that he had been to Kunlun Mountain and had seen the dragon mastiff!

So, the first time I saw the video, I came here!

"I need to go to Kunlun Mountain!"

Chen Nan's eyes were firm!

Ruo Lan frowned: "You are now the head of the Huashan Sword Sect, and every word and deed determines the life and death of the Huashan Sword Sect, you actually risk your life for a beast?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically, "How about I return the throne of the head of the Huashan Sword Sect to you?"

Ruo Lan was speechless, seemingly not expecting Chen Nan to be angry because of this.

"It may be an animal to you, but it is a friend to me."

"So, I can't watch it being tortured!" Chen Nan also realized that what he said just now was too much, and he explained it.

"Of course, if you encounter this kind of danger, I will also fight for it!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Cangdu: "But is there any way for me to arrive at Kunlun Mountain in the first place?"

Cangdue took out a thick pile of azure talismans: "This is a teleportation talisman, and the cultivation of the head can completely control the direction of teleportation."

"I have summoned several other Mountain Guarding Elders and are willing to go to Kunlun Mountain with the leader!"

Chen Nan asked, "Go as a burden?" "


Cangdu was coughed violently!

Chen Nandao: "The dragon mastiff is my friend, and now that it is in trouble, it is my duty to save it!" As for the Huashan Sword Sect, cultivate well first and improve your cultivation! "

Before the critical moment, he will not use the Huashan Sword Sect!


He activated the teleportation talisman and disappeared into a wisp of cyan afterimage in Cangyun Peak!

Teleportation is fast!

A hundred miles away is only five minutes!

And when teleporting, Chen Nan also opened the short video platform on his mobile phone!

It was found that there were many cultivators in the Great Xia Dynasty, and some cultivators gained a lot of fans by performing spells, most of them were in peace and kept to themselves, and abided by the laws of the world!

There are also some people who are very restless, forcibly robbed, occupy some wealthy families, spend days drinking, and enjoy the life of drunken gold fans!

At present, the existence of these people has not affected the operation of the world!

He also brushed the old man who injured the dragon mastiff!

The other party's name is Shangzhen Taoist, and he is currently on the list of the first short video!

Gained more than a million followers!

And the number of fans is still skyrocketing!

At noon!

Chen Nan arrived at the Kunlun Mountain Pass!

From a distance, he saw a bright red blood on the snowy mountain next to the pass!

He saw the Shangzhen man on the video!

I also saw the dying dragon mastiff!


The Shangzhen Daoist also saw Chen Nan, and his eyes flashed with playfulness: "I really didn't expect that you really dared to appear!" This boldness, the old man likes it very much!

"It's just a pity that you shouldn't take that twin snow lotus!"

"If not, the old man will not target you!"

"You shouldn't have come!"

The dragon mastiff spat out words, very weak!

Chen Nan walked towards the mountain step by step: "You and I live and die together, we have fought side by side, how can I watch you suffer?" The

dragon mastiff showed a complicated gaze!

It seems that he didn't expect Chen Nan to say such a thing!

Because in its eyes, Chen Nan is just an ordinary person who has had a relationship!

And he sees himself as a comrade-in-arms!

"Junior Chen Nan, meet the senior!" Chen Nan bowed to the Shangzhen Daoist and saluted: "The junior doesn't know that the twin snow lotus is a thing of the senior, so he will take it rashly, but the junior is willing to compensate the predecessor for a elixir!" The

Shangzhen Daoist frowned slightly: "Do you have an elixir?"

Chen Nan took out a storage bag: "There is a blood ginseng of five thousand years in this storage bag!" Saying that, the storage bag floated towards the Shangzhen Daoist.

Hearing about the 5,000-year-old blood ginseng, the eyes of the Shangzhen Dao people showed an unconcealable ecstasy!

He leaned out with one palm and held the storage bag in his palm!

Then spiritual power is injected into it!


Just when his spiritual power had just poured into it, the storage bag burst out!

Detonated the flame talisman that Chen Nan had already prepared!

It was like a gas canister exploding, flying the Shangzhen Daoist out!

Even his hair and eyebrows are burnt, and he looks like a bald head!

"Junior, you dare to assassinate the old man, and the old man will definitely refine you into a pill!" The Shangzhen Daoist let out a roar like thunder.

But he found that Chen Nan had already fled into the depths of Kunlun Mountain with that dragon mastiff!

"You can't escape! Offend the old man, and there will be no place for you in this heaven and earth! The Shangzhen Daoist was full of hideousness, and chased into the depths of Kunlun Mountain along the aura left by Chen Nan.

"Without the flight of the imperial sword, it can be seen that the Shangzhen Dao people are not in the Golden Pill Period!"

Chen Nan was also relieved!

If the other party is a Jindan period powerhouse, he is not an opponent at all!

And now!

You can find a way to kill each other!

He used the teleportation talisman to widen the distance between him and the Shangzhen Daoist, and gave the dragon mastiff some spirit pills to restore its cultivation!

It's just a pity!

The dragon mastiff was badly injured, even if he took the Spirit Jiao Pill, he did not recover from its injuries!

The dragon mastiff glanced at the Shangzhen Daoist who followed behind: "I'm afraid I won't be able to..."

Chen Nan said angrily: "Don't say so much nonsense, Xiao Ye came to save you from far away, can't you be optimistic?"

"But, thank you for going out of your way to save me!" The dragon mastiff looked into the distance and said weakly: "In front of you is Nakar Peak, cross this mountain you close your eyes and listen to my command to move forward."

"Remember, you can't make a mistake in one step, otherwise you will step into a place of irreparable disaster!"

Chen Nan snorted, and couldn't help but look at the dragon mastiff on his back: "Sister Mastiff, it doesn't seem to be necessary, right?" I have the confidence to defeat that old man! Dragon

Mastiff: "I'm dying, I want to give you a big chance!" "

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