This moment!

Chen Nan had an illusion!

Feel like your body is a burning stove!

It feels like a bucket full of holes!

It can't carry his soul at all!

The intense pain made his soul want to leave his body!

After all, the pain of quenching the internal organs is too strong!

Even if he clenched his teeth, he almost fell into a coma because he couldn't bear it!


With the passage of time, he can also feel the changes in his internal organs!

The internal organs were wrapped in a faint golden light, which was far stronger than before!

But that's all!

Even if he tempered other organs, he didn't dare to quench his heart!

After all, once the heart is damaged, he will die on the spot!

Turned his head and looked at the sandalwood in the distance that had just burned, and at this time there was no trace of ash!

Chen Nan knows!

If you let this incense plant burn out naturally, it is estimated that it will be tens or hundreds of years!

He endured weakness and walked over with difficulty!

Then, he cast the fire character in the rune!

Set it on fire at the bottom of the sandalwood!


With a puff of green smoke, sandalwood turned into nothing in an instant!

"I persevered until the sandalwood burned out, so I should be considered a pass, right?" Chen Nan looked at the girl and gasped.

The girl's face was full of anger: "You... You rippy! "

Where did I get the pi?" Chen Nanxiao: "The rule is to support until the incense burns out, I just accelerated the burning of sandalwood when the rules allowed." The

girl was furious, and just wanted to speak, but the boy stopped her!

"Okay, you've passed the first level, and now you can enter the Immortal Mansion!" The boy waved his right hand, and the gate of Xianfu slowly opened.

"But there's something to tell you before I go inside!"

"The second level is extremely dangerous, once you accept the challenge, there are only two endings!"

"Death or life!"

"I advise you not to take any chances!"

"Because the puppets inside will not show mercy to their subordinates at all!"

Chen Nan glanced at the dragon mastiff lying on the ground in the distance: "You wait for me here, I will find a way to save your life!" Speaking of this, he resolutely walked towards the entrance of the Immortal Mansion.

"Do you say he can win?" The boy looked at the girl beside him with a shallow smile on his face.

The girl looked disgusted: "He can't beat that stupid big man!" The

boy shook his head disapprovingly: "I think about it, not necessarily!" After all, sometimes defeating an opponent depends not only on strength, but also on wisdom! The

girl's eyes were resentful: "Are you implying that the two of us have low intelligence and were exploited by that guy?"

The boy smiled and said, "That guy is very smart himself, after all, the success rate of one in 100,000 has been grasped by him!" The

girl was silent.


Except for Chen Nan speeding up the burning speed of that sandalwood, it was impossible for him to resist the mountain character!

At the same time, Chen Nan entered the Immortal Mansion.

The picture in front of him made his scalp numb and creepy!

There are nine thick jade pillars inside the Immortal Mansion!

Nine jade pillars supported this nine-layer immortal mansion, and each one seemed to be a natural formation!

And each jade pillar is also carved with soaring dragons, which look lifelike!


The gate of Xianfu was closed, and the light became dim!


A middle-aged man in his thirties appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes!

Jianmei Xingmu, wearing a green shirt and holding a bladeless epee!

His eyes are deep and he doesn't have the slightest emotion!

Nor did it expose any breath!

But Chen Nan inexplicably felt a dangerous aura!

"He should be the puppet in the boy's mouth, right?" Chen Nan's eyes were solemn, and the gentleman's sword immediately appeared in his hand: "Senior, offended!" "

Words fall!

He flashed in front of the middle-aged man!

The gentleman's sword stabbed out!

Although silent, it contains powerful attack power!

After all, the Gentleman's Sword is a Huashan Sword Sect inheritance spirit weapon, even if it is a lower-grade spirit weapon, it is comparable to a middle-grade spirit weapon!

Plus Chen Nan's flesh is fierce, and he said it unceremoniously!

This blow can kill the powerhouse of the ninth layer of the foundation building period in seconds!


He was shocked to find that when the gentleman's sword reached the middle-aged man's eyebrows, less than a centimeter away from his eyebrows, it stopped strangely!

"Groove, is it so strong?"

Chen Nan was creepy!

I never dreamed that the strength of this puppet would be so strong!

In a flash!

The Shadowless Sword flew out!

Kill the middle-aged man in the rear!

The middle-aged tiger's body shook, and a terrifying energy forced Chen Nan to retreat!

Also blast the Shadowless Sword out!

It is also thanks to Chen Nan's physical strength that has increased by a few points, otherwise I am afraid that I will be injured!

"It's my turn!"

There was an indifferent voice from the middle-aged population!

I saw him appear in the air instantly, and the bladeless heavy sword fell in the air!


With a strong wind coming towards us!

Chen Nan subconsciously took a few steps back!

But he found that no matter how he retreated, the middle-aged man was always in front of him!

The bladeless epee is getting closer and closer to him!

"Is this the potential?"

Chen Nan's eyes were solemn, this is a magical power, it is said that only a very few people can master it!

Once you grasp the situation, you will trigger the rules of heaven and earth!

It can also improve combat effectiveness!

Don't think about it, he raised his sword to resist!

Two swords collide!

Chen Nan was blasted out by the other party's sword and smashed the wall of the Immortal Mansion!

Even though his physical body had undergone tempering again, he spewed out a mouthful of blood uncontrollably!

The middle-aged man looked at Chen Nan quietly: "It's your turn!" Chen

Nan recovered his blood qi and carried the long sword forward again!

In fact, he knew that with his current strength, he was not the opponent of this puppet at all!


He didn't have a choice!

Only by defeating him can he gain the approval of the Immortal Mansion, so as to find a way to save the dragon mastiff!


Chen Nan rushed towards the other party again!

The gentleman's sword burst out with a sharp sword qi, stirring in all directions!

However, the middle-aged man's eyes are indifferent!

It's as if he didn't have any emotions!


Chen Nan roared!


The gentleman's sword penetrated the void and instantly appeared in front of the middle-aged man's eyes!

In fact, Chen Nan knew that even if he could attack the other party's eyes, he would not be able to break his defense!

Sure enough!

When the gentleman's sword appeared in front of the other party's eyes, it stopped in mid-air again!

But Chen Nan was not panicked at all!

He had already expected this situation, and the Heaven Incinerator appeared in his hands!

He grabbed the incinerator!

Take it as a Haotian hammer, instill all true qi, and fiercely smash the tail of the gentleman's sword!


The Heaven Burning Furnace emitted a melodious sound!

In the face of this terrifying force, the gentleman's sword instantly broke the energy on the puppet's body!

Carrying the momentum of destroying and decaying, the gentleman's sword pierced the puppet's eyebrows!

Let the puppet be stunned in place, his eyes dull!

The heavy sword in his hand also fell to the ground with a bang!

Chen Nan gasped, then looked around the empty space and asked, "Have I completed the test now?" "


A middle-aged man in a green shirt appeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes, with a gratifying smile on his face: "Congratulations on completing the assessment, and next you will inherit this immortal mansion, as well as the thousands of treasures in this cave!" "

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