This moment!

Everyone at the scene held their breath!

But there is no fear in the eyes!

As the bespectacled Confucian said!

Moths to the fire may seem silly, but they can illuminate the pace of others!

They need to inspire others with this behavior!

Thus avoiding similar catastrophes!

There are many people online watching the live broadcast here!


Hundreds of millions of people feel that time has suddenly stopped!

They can't imagine that the images that should have appeared in the special effects drama will play out in reality!

That's the lives of thousands of compatriots!

"With me, you don't want to hurt them!"

Chen Nan roared angrily and appeared in the crowd in a flash!

Using his hand as a pen, he quickly wrote a 'wood' character!

The golden runes soared into the sky, resisting the terrifying blow of the tricky master!

This scene made the blood of countless compatriots boil!

It also made many cultivators who were watching the live broadcast frown!

Chen Nan stepped forward to rescue Wuyang City, which itself made them very unhappy!

Not to mention that this son's strength is still so terrifying!

If he can defeat the tricky master, who will dare to occupy a certain city and live like an emperor in the future!

Of course!

This idea does not hold!

Because everyone can see that the tricky master has stepped into the Golden Pill period cultivation!

Chen Nan will die today!

"You're still a rune master?" A shocked look appeared in the eyes of the tricky master, the rune master was extremely rare, he did not expect Chen Nan to be proficient in rune!

"You guys stand down first, I don't want to see you die a miserable death!"

Chen Nan's spiritual power roared out, controlling the formation, forcibly moving those Wuyang City residents around him into the distance!

"Even if you are a rune, you have to die today!"

The tricky master's eyes froze, and a flying sword silently cut through the long sky and slashed towards Chen Nan!

The speed of the trickster is too fast!

Not to mention the people in the live broadcast room, even the people watching from a distance did not see what was happening!

It's time for a hit!

A middle-aged man wearing a cyan robe appeared strangely in front of Chen Nan!

He held a bladeless heavy sword, slashed out with a sword, and blasted out the flying sword of the tricky master!


The tricky master gasped!

He didn't expect a master to appear!

He couldn't see the depth of this person!

But one thing is obvious!

This person in front of him must have reached the realm of the Golden Pill Period!

Otherwise, it wouldn't have appeared in front of him like a ghost!

"Who borrowed your dog's guts and dared to kill my master and nephew?" The middle-aged man made an icy voice.

Seeing this, Chen Nan hurriedly said, "Also ask Uncle Junior to help the junior kill this person!" "

This person is none other than the Sword Immortal Puppet on the first floor of the Immortal Mansion!

It's just that, for the sake of prudence, Chen Nan let him call his master and nephew!

So that others can't figure out their own reality!

Even if someone plots against themselves, they will never dare to act rashly!


If anyone knew that they had a Sword Immortal Puppet comparable to the Golden Pill Period realm, they would definitely spare no effort to kill themselves!

"Since you have spoken, then Senior Uncle will help you kill this person!" The sword fairy puppet's face was expressionless, giving people a feeling of being very pressing!


He appeared in front of the strange master like an afterimage, and the long sword slashed fiercely at the other party!

The trickster raised his sword to resist, and the two fought together!

But because the speed was too fast, even Chen Nan couldn't capture it with the naked eye!

However, the end of the tricky master has long been predetermined!

It was impossible for him to defeat the Sword Immortal Puppet!

After all, it had four spirit stones in its body!

Enabled at the same time, it can kill the powerhouse of the four-layer realm of the Golden Pill Period!

"Brothers, go up together and kill Chen Nan!"

Yan Xiong sword pointed at Chen Nan!



Those subordinates of the tricky master are very cohesive!

With Yan Xiong's order, everyone rushed away with long swords in hand!

"Just you? I haven't put it in my eyes yet! Chen

Nan's eyes flashed with amazing killing intent!

He squeezed his hands with both hands, and the formation was urged to the extreme, and countless sword qi appeared in the air!

Like dense rain, it fell into the crowd!

Although he couldn't use the formation to hurt the tricky master, most of his subordinates were strong people in the middle and late stages of foundation building!

Even if the powerhouses in the late stage of foundation building could dodge the attacks of the formation, those cultivators in the middle stage of foundation building were difficult to parry!

In an instant, more than thirty people died tragically on the spot!

"What are you still doing stupidly?" Yan Xiong roared angrily at those scattered cultivators who had defected to Wuyang City: "Now is the time for you to show your loyalty, if you can kill Chen Nan, the boss will definitely be rewarded!" "

Wuyang City has absorbed many cultivators during this time, all of them are masters of the foundation building period, and the number is as many as three hundred!

At this time!

After hearing Yan Xiong's words, those cultivators all showed terrified eyes!

Chen Nan's strength itself is very strong, not to mention that he is still controlling the formation at this time!


A sword qi cut down the first level of a middle-aged man!

Yan Xiong said angrily: "This is the end of disobeying orders!" "


Yan Xiong's means made those scattered cultivators rush towards Chen Nan without hesitation!

Together, they may be able to kill Chen Nan, but if they don't listen to the bear, they will definitely be killed on the spot!


Yanxiong also sent people to rush into the innocent crowd!

Want to distract Chen Nan by killing ordinary people!

The sound of thunderous crashes in the air is endless!

Chen Nan also felt a strong sense of oppression!

Don't think about it!

He cast a doppelganger technique, and six doppelgangers flew out of his body one after another, going to the front of ordinary people to help kill strong enemies!


Yan Xiong's eyes are full of heat!

If he can get this spell, his strength will definitely increase!

Chen Nan's expression was solemn, and he controlled the formation to kill those cultivators!

At first, he was able to cope easily!

But as time passed, he had a feeling that he was overwhelmed!

Whether it was casting a doppelganger technique or manipulating a formation, it was rapidly consuming his spiritual power!

It's certainly not a solution for a long time!

He knows!

This was Yan Xiong's intention to let those ordinary cultivators besiege him!

This person's city is extremely deep, not a good class!

"In that case, then I will kill you!"

Chen Nan stopped the formation attack, holding a gentleman's sword, like a humanoid weapon rushing into the crowd!


He incarnates as the Grim Reaper!

Like a demon king in hell, blood shot everywhere he passed, and no one could resist his progress at all!

So much so that those who resisted him felt fear and did not even dare to resist!

"Control six doppelgangers to protect a group of ants, but the Buddha-figure came to kill me, do you really think you are a god?" Yan Xiong held the tiger head knife in his hand, and the aura of the nine-layer great consummation of the foundation building period was unreserved.

He walked towards Chen Nan step by step, and did not hide the killing intent in his heart: "I don't deny that your strength, talent, and growth space are very strong!"

"But you have a Achilles heel, and that is taking these ants too seriously!"

"If you fight me with all your heart, you may still have hope of winning!"

"Now, you have no chance of winning!"

When the words fell, he cut it out!

The destructive sword qi stretched for thousands of meters, fell into the crowd, and hundreds of people died in an instant!

Yan Xiong wore a playful smile: "Don't you want to be a savior and want to protect them?" But why did they die tragically in front of you? "

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