Chen Nan waved his right hand, and the extra nine-turn golden pill flew to the Blood Emperor's side: "This is a nine-turn golden pill, after you take it, you should be able to make your cultivation reach the great consummation of the golden pill period!"

Chen Nan said, "My task is very simple, to kill other heavenly kings who endanger the world!

His strength ranks fifth among the eighteen heavenly kings

, and now that he has the nine-turn golden pill, plus so many spirit tools and magic weapons, he said that his strength is second, and there should be no one else to oppose it?

After all, the competition in the Golden Pill Period is the number of spirit weapons and magic weapons!

Chen Nan said: "Go to Shaolin first, the host of Huikong is my friend, no matter what, I will save him!" When

he became the head of the Huashan Sword Sect and succeeded to the throne, he once had a relationship with the monk with a bald head like a light bulb


He fully explained what it means to pass wine and flesh through the intestines

, and the Buddha kept in his heart! Yes

, the bald man did not obey the precepts of Buddhism at all

! But this did not affect Chen Nan's liking for him

! Maybe he was sorry for the Buddha

! But he has been popularizing all sentient beings for all these years

! He donated all the incense money and built hundreds of schools, libraries, and hospitals in poor mountainous areas!

When the disaster came, he also broke the rule that Buddhist women did not enter the temple, vacated all the rooms, and allowed the mothers of the Yamashita Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital to enter the temple to give birth!

Chen Nan did not know if there was a Buddha in the world!

If it weren't for the fact that he was waiting for the Blood Emperor to come to the door these days, he would have rushed to Shaolin to aid the Huikong bald donkey

! "Yes!" The

Blood Emperor respectfully answered, and then led everyone to leave Cangyun Peak

! They just walked on their front feet

! The sky around them cleared!

Thunderclouds disappeared into the air, cloudless, sunny!

With the sound of breaking wind, all eighteen elders flew back to Cangyun Peak with their energetic imperial swords!The

clothes on their bodies may be ragged, but everyone's eyes are very commanding

! and they all exude a powerful aura!

"I really envy that you can fly with the imperial sword, when will I be able to condense the golden pill!"

Since he and Ruo Lan Shuangxiu stepped into the ninth layer of the foundation building period, his cultivation has stagnated, even if he cultivates the Yin Harvesting Technique, it is futile

! He really envies these Golden Pill stage masters who can fly with

the sword! Although he has a luxury car, the means of transportation such as the imperial sword flight is not cooler than the luxury car?"

"Chief, cultivation should be gradual!"

"I suggest you cultivate your mind first, then cultivate your body, and polish your body well, only in this way can you deal with

the Heavenly Tribulation!" Ruo Lan also said: "Yes, you should relax now, it is best not to participate in the battle in the cultivation world!" She

knew that Chen Nan had controlled the heart demon

! However, the horror of the Heavenly Tribulation made her unable to rest assured!

Chen Nan smiled: "Now that the Blood Emperor has turned to us, plus my Huashan Sword Sect has eighteen more golden pills, there shouldn't be much change in the world at present!"

"Chief, the Qingteng that danced with demons before, is it the elf from the Valley of the Dead?" Cangning's expression was solemn, it was obvious that he had also heard of the elf in the Valley of the Dead!


books record that there is indeed a powerful

cultivation in history, but in the end, it was killed by the Immortal Killing Vine!" "Don't worry, I know it in my heart!" Chen Nan's face was relaxed, the Immortal Killing Vine was indeed terrifying, but he believed that he could control it!

"Okay, I'll go back to the world first, and I'll call you later!" Chen Nan said and looked at Ruo Lan: "Let me feel the taste of flying the imperial sword?" Send me home by the way!" Ruo

Lan snorted, and the purple soft sword on his wrist turned into a purple light and appeared at his feet: "Come up!" Chen

Nan stepped on Ruo Lan's long sword, and put his hands around the other party's water snake waist behind his back

! "Take care!" As

soon as the words fell, the plane slowly took off, although it was a little unstable at first, but it quickly recovered its stability!

Chief, the flying sword is just a means of transportation, different from the car and the horse, but it can't be shocked

!" ノ)゚Д゚


̄□ ̄||The

elders of the Huashan Sword Sect all showed different expressions, but their expressions were extremely shocked! The

speed of the flying sword is certainly fast!

But it is far from the speed of this old thing in Cangning!"

Cangning, you wait for the old lady, when I come back, I have to break your mean bones!" Chen

Nan cleared his throat and said, "Don't think about that old thing, what, how soon will we be able to reach Jeju?"

Not to mention, the feeling of flying with the imperial sword is really good

! Although the wind is strong, releasing the Protective Body True Qi can weaken the wind!

Even if it is flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters, it is extremely quiet, and you can't even hear the slightest sound of the wind!

If you hurry up

, it's almost enough!" Ruo Lan turned around, her beautiful eyes were full of doubts

: "What do you want to do?" Chen Nan's hands suddenly became dishonest, and an intriguing smile appeared on his face: "I want to have a sword shock, do you want to?!"

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