Seeing Chen Nan still laughing stupidly

, Sun Er was directly stunned: "I lean, my roommate should not be a fool, right?

But was dodged by Chen Nan, he said: "You are the grandson?" The

corner of Sun Er's mouth twitched, and he emphasized loudly: "Ear, ear's ear, not son's son!"


Nan has heard that there will be several more sons after entering the university, but he never expected that there would be two more grandchildren in this dormitory

"I'm too lazy to say anything about you!" Sun Er rolled his eyes angrily, with a depressed expression

on his face! Because of this name, he was not less ridiculed

! But this can't be blamed on him

! All blame his family's old man

! He is the eldest son, named Sun Er, the second sister Sun Mei, and the third brother Sun Nose, all of whom are named through their facial features! According

to the thinking of the older generation, this kind of name is easy to feed!

"Let's go, follow me to the lecture hall, that's where you made a name for yourself today!" Sun Er had a gloating expression: "I really didn't expect

that a special enrollment would appear in the eyes of everyone in this way after Tsinghua today!" "Little brother, I can tell you very responsibly that in this matter, you have set a new record for Tsinghua

!" "You are the first person to review in public on the day of special enrollment registration!"

Chen Nan went to the bathroom to sort out his hairstyle, and then said: "Sun Er, you can't think that I am younger than you by looking at my youth, according to my age, you have to call me brother!" After

stepping into the foundation building period, Chen Nan's whole temperament has undergone earth-shaking changes

! The skin is white and tender like a little girl, and she looks like she is in her twenties

! But her real age has reached twenty-three!

"If you don't believe it, you can look at my ID card!"

"Lying groove, you are really twenty-three, why are you so young?" After reading Chen Nan's ID card, Sun Er's face was shocked.

Chen Nan thought for a while and said, "Maybe a handsome guy can resist the invasion of time

!" "You are really narcissistic!" Sun Er looked disdainful: "However, you are indeed very handsome!"

Chen Nan is the kind of person who is not very stunning at first glance

! But with contact, you will find that his appearance is really high!

When he went to the lecture hall, Chen Nan also knew the structure of the Department of Chinese Medicine, because there are not many students, so there are no freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors

! Only beginner classes, intermediate classes

and advanced classes! As long as you can become a student of the advanced class, you can go to six research rooms with experts and professors in the department for further study

! These six research rooms were built by Tsinghua with a lot of money, in order to research drugs and benefit mankind!

Although the six laboratories have only been established for two years, Studio No. 1 extracted a component that inhibits the spread of cancer cells in plants last year, and applied it to the clinic!

Chen Nan also knows the situation

on the side of the Department of Chinese Medicine, six senior professors, eight experts, and twelve lecturers! Except for Li Muya, a senior biology elite who returned from studying abroad, everyone else often goes to major hospitals for consultation!

Chen Nan looked embarrassed: "That is to say, everyone in the Department of Chinese Medicine will watch me perform in the lecture hall?"

Sun Er's eyes widened: " Dude, you shouldn't have run out of which psychiatric hospital, right?" "

Let's see, buddy is going to become the brightest star in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine and even the entire medical community today!" Chen Nan said as he took out a pack of cigarettes, took out one and threw it into his mouth!

Sun Er's scalp was numb: "It's almost in the lecture hall, you actually want to take a cigarette?

Chen Nan smiled: "I just put it in my mouth, I shouldn't have violated the school rules, right?"

"You are awesome!" ------


other side

! In the lounge of the lecture hall

! Li Muya wore a white coat and walked in a little tired

! At this time, there were five old men with white hair and white hair in front of her!

Without exception, they were all smoking cigarettes and talking about the progress of their work

! Although there was an exhaust fan in the small room

, it was still pungent! Seeing this, Li Muya silently took out a pack of women's cigarettes and took a sip, which eased the pungent feeling!

Yang Mingyu, who was over seventy, said: "Xiao Li, to say something that shouldn't be said, since that young man has become a special student and came to our Chinese medicine department, it means that he has some skills!"

Young people are a little arrogant, this is normal

!" "Especially a smoker, sometimes smoking may be unintentional

!" "Why let him report in public on the first day?"

"Although a hundred tempers are made into steel, sometimes it has to be properly accommodated!" Yang

Mingyu is the founder of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and it was he who proposed to establish the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine thirty years ago!

Although the establishment of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has not achieved much glory so far, it has not broken the inheritance

! In addition, a special enrollment has finally appeared in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he said that he must maintain the physical and mental health of young people!

Li Muya took a puff of cigarette and said: "My project has been completed halfway, as long as I can overcome it all, I can develop drugs that make people quit smoking, and then I will definitely let all of you quit smoking!"

Although cigarettes can relieve people's fatigue and inner anxiety, but affect health, it is better to quit

!" "Well, after quitting for two more years, I can make more contributions to the country

!" With a knock on the door, Bai Weiwei pushed open the door and walked in!

When she smelled the pungent smell of smoke, she coughed while saying: "Dean Li, Chen Nan has arrived at the lecture hall!"

Li Muya extinguished the cigarette, looked at the five senior professors of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and said with a smile: "All extinguish the cigarettes in your hands, and let me see the speech of the new guy!" Everyone

smiled bitterly

! If Li Muya hadn't forced them to come here with her identity as the dean, they wouldn't have come here!

After Li Muya and the five old professors sat down, Bai Weiwei walked to the front of the lecture hall and said, "An extremely bad thing happened today, Chen Nan, a new special student who came to the teaching building, actually smoked in front of the teaching building, and his attitude was very improper!"


all wanted to know what this special student looked like, why

he died in public on the first day of reporting!

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