Tang He was excited, surging!

As long as he can seize this opportunity, he can make a name for himself in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

Even become a hero of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!

He had a month to prepare for this!

As for Chen Nan, he didn't care about it!

After all, it is just an in-school party, even if the school publicizes this matter at that time, it is destined not to cause too much heat!

What he really cared about was the project to develop hepatitis B!

If Li Muya's laboratory can develop a special drug to cure hepatitis B, the sensation caused will not be limited to schools!

But the whole country!

And the whole world!


time passes!

Twenty days have passed in the blink of an eye!

In the past 20 days, Chen Nan has been staying in Li Muya's laboratory to participate in the research and development of hepatitis B specific drugs!

Although life in the lab is boring...

But Chen Nan's life is not boring!

Heard a lot of good news!

The Blood Emperor and the Demon King join forces!

Fighting everywhere, he subdued three other Heavenly King-level Golden Pill Stage peak powerhouses in just twenty days!

However, it is also deadlocked!

After all, there are eighteen Heavenly King-level powerhouses in hell, except for Emperor Yu, who disappeared into Kyoto!

The other twelve Heavenly King-level powerhouses all chose to form an alliance!

No way, they are all afraid that the Blood Emperor and others will find them trouble!

Therefore, the current True Cultivation Realm belongs to the three-legged world!

The first camp is the Blood Emperor, and they have the largest number of spirit weapons in their hands!

The second camp is the Fire Emperor!

The third camp is the Stone Emperor!

Although he failed to dominate the cultivation world, the cultivation world is also very peaceful today!

At least no one dares to bully!

Moreover, the strong people of the three camps have also spoken out openly, and they must not affect the lives of ordinary people!

Otherwise, someone would definitely be sent to kill the cultivators who violated the rules!

This is a good thing!

It was what Chen Nan had always wanted to see!

After all, no matter how the cultivators fight each other, as long as it does not affect ordinary people!

The only regret is that I couldn't find out the whereabouts of Emperor Yu!

He was like the world had evaporated, and even if the Guardians had been investigating the matter, they could not find out where he was hiding!

I think I should hide somewhere to cultivate!

He also did not affect his current state of mind in order to find Emperor Yu!

If nothing else, Emperor Yu should be about to step into the Yuan Infancy period!

And once he breaks through, he will definitely appear in the cultivation world!

Even integrate the three forces!

Why can't you kill him then?

As for him now!

Live each day well, let your mind be peaceful and fulfilling!

Li Muya Lab!

It has been a month since the project to develop a specific hepatitis B drug was launched!

It's also time to report at the end of the month!

Ye Wanzhi's expression was solemn: "Team leader, we have cultivated 130,000 bacteria, and we have also tried to fuse hepatitis B virus with those bacteria, but none of them can control the regeneration and replication of hepatitis B virus!"

A woman named Qin Rou said, "Those bacteria all have a common feature, that is, they are not active enough!"

"If you can find more active bacteria, you can block the regeneration and replication of hepatitis B virus, thereby engulfing it!"

Li Muya frowned!

The research direction proposed by Chen Nan before is correct!

But they all underestimate the regenerative function of the hepatitis B virus!

This is also the most important level that prevents them from researching!

If you can't break through this level, even the best plan is empty talk!

"How about we find some wild animals to try?" Chen Nandao: "Although we went to the zoo last time to look for the hair and blood of thirty kinds of animals, those animals have always lived in the zoo, and there is still a big difference between them and wild animals.

Ye Wanzhi's eyes lit up: "Chen Nan is right, this is like a domesticated lion tiger in a zoo, although it looks fierce, but compared with the lion and tiger living in the wild, it is a world of difference!"

"If nothing else, the bacteria contained in those wild animals will be more active!"

Some people asked, "But where do we go to find wildlife?" And successfully get their blood and hair?

Li Muya focused her gaze on Chen Nan!

Finding wild animals is difficult, but if he makes a move, it is definitely a small matter!

"Leave this matter to me!" Ye Wanzhi took the initiative to ask: "According to the results of previous research, it can be known that the XTE605 bacteria on the Siberian tiger can temporarily isolate the hepatitis B virus and slow down the speed of regeneration!"

"If the bacterial activity in the wild Siberian tiger is stronger, it may be able to overcome the difficulties we are currently encountering!"

"I can go back to my hometown in the northeast!"

"My grandfather is an old hunter in the mountains, and I can ask his old man to go out to the mountains to find wild Siberian tigers!"

Li Muya nodded slightly: "In this way, let Chen Nan go with you!" "

That's it!

Everyone was surprised!

Why is good things always indispensable to Chen Nan?

That's too biased, right?

Li Muya also felt a little biased, and immediately explained: "The Siberian tiger is a first-class protected animal, if you find and sample, you will definitely deal with your local forestry department!"

"Chen Nan is the deputy leader of our project team, and following him can also reflect our importance and sincerity!"

Ye Wanzhi hesitated, but still nodded!

In fact, she was quite resistant to being with Chen Nan!

This guy is very good, but Ye Wan's heart is very tormented when he is with him!

I always feel sorry for my girlfriend!

As for what else can others say?

Li Muya said, "You guys clean up and leave as soon as possible, we are waiting for your good news in Kyoto!"

"Finding wild Siberian tigers is important, but safety is more important than Mount Tai!"

Ye Wanzhi smiled: "Then everyone wait for our good news!"

Then Chen Nan returned to the dormitory with a few changes of clothes, took a special car with Ye Wanzhi to the airport, and arrived at Bingcheng by plane!

After arriving at the ice city, it was already eight o'clock in the evening!

As soon as I walked out of the airport, I saw a beautiful woman with white skin, long legs, wearing a white camisole vest, a black short skirt, and flaming red lips with big waves!

With a smile on her face, her pace was getting faster and faster, and when she was still more than ten meters away from Ye Wanzhi, her hurried small broken steps turned into trots!

Then, the two hugged each other tightly!

It's like a joy or reunion of lovers who are separated from each other!

This scene is normal!

But what is abnormal is that the two actually kissed in public!

Chen Nan's scalp is numb!

Li Muya didn't lie to me, Ye Wanzhi is indeed Lala!

Perhaps feeling Chen Nan's strange gaze, Ye Wanzhi quickly separated from the woman, and his face showed a trace of inexplicable embarrassment: "Don't make trouble, there are friends!"

At the same time, Fan Ruyan also looked at Chen Nan!

Kazilan's big eyes did not hide his hostility towards Chen Nan in the slightest!

Chen Nan felt very inexplicable!

I don't seem to have offended him or said anything rude, did I?

Why should she be hostile to herself?

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