"What to do? Waiting for rescue, of course! Fan

Ruyan's eyes looked at Haval H9 coldly, and disappeared from vision!

Wang Ming said nervously: "However, our mobile phones have been destroyed!"

"Use your brain, even if our mobile phone is destroyed, there is still a way to call for help!" Fan Ruyan said as she opened the door of a Wrangler and pressed the SOS button on the roof!

"Lying groove, Sister Ruyan is Sister Ruyan, I actually forgot the distress system that comes with the car!" Wang Ming's face was full of ecstasy!

Although Chen Nan just destroyed the engines of four cars, the vehicle system is good!

You can still call for help!

I'm afraid Chen Nan himself didn't expect this!

Toot toot!

"Hello, is it Mr. Wang? What can we do for you? "Suddenly a woman's voice came from the car, it was the Jeep staff!

Wang Ming said excitedly: "You guys locate my location, and then call my first emergency contact and ask him to send a helicopter to pick us up!"

"Okay Mr. Wang, we'll contact your first emergency contact and send him your location!"

End of call!

Everyone's hanging hearts fell to the ground!

The next thing they have to do is wait for rescue!


When Chen Nan and the others left Daxing'anling and returned to Pangu Station!

It was already eleven o'clock the next morning!

Xie Qiang's face was full of reluctance: "Although I want to leave you for a meal and a drink, I know that you are short of time!"

"If... If you want to go to Daxing'anling in the future, you must come to me!

"Let's drink whatever we say!"

Chen Nan said with a smile: "Then it's decided, you will have to make a few hard dishes by then!"

"Don't worry!" Xie Qiang laughed!

Then Chen Nan, Ye Wanzhi, and Ma Xiuyuan got on the train back to Bingcheng!

Leaving Bingcheng Station, a middle-aged man came forward!

The other party greeted with adoration on his face: "Hello Mr. Chen!"

Chen Nan handed him the incubator and said, "Send this sample to Li Mu as soon as possible!" "Good


The other party took the incubator and disappeared into the crowd under the surprised eyes of Ye Wan's face!

"What do you mean? Who is Li Mu? Ye Wanzhi couldn't help but ask!

"Li Muya's brother!" Chen Nan smiled: "Don't worry, there will be no mistake in handing over the samples to them, and they can send the samples to the laboratory as quickly as possible!"

Ye Wanzhi muttered, "We should bring it back!"

Chen Nan said softly: "If you promised your aunt to go to your house for dinner, you can't break your word, right?" And, it's time to take this opportunity to reunite with your family and relax! "

Li Muya's laboratory has been established for more than a year, and no one has returned home.

As a deputy team leader, he also has to care about the body and mind of his team members!

Because of this, he would contact the Guardian's people in advance!

The purpose is to let Ye Wanzhi take the opportunity to rest for two days!

Ye Wanzhi's eyes were complicated: "Thank you!"

"Chen Nan, Miss Ye, I'm going back to my life too!" Matthew Yuan smiled and said, "I hope to see the news on the news that you have developed a specific drug for hepatitis B as soon as possible!"

Chen Nan: "This road is accompanied by Big Brother Rauma!"

"It should!"

With a few simple pleasantries, Matthew left the train station!

Chen Nan: "Let's go too!" "

Yes!" Ye Wanzhi nodded slightly, and then followed Chen Nan towards the distance!

Suddenly, she said, "Will Ruyan come back?"

Chen Nan shrugged: "God knows!" "

Actually, he really doesn't want Fan Ruyan and the others to come back!

This kind of selfishness and disregard for the lives of others should die!

Ye Wanzhi's face was full of sadness: "I know you don't like her, but she is an inseparable person in my life for me..." Do you look down on me?

Chen Nan was amused: "Why should I look down on you? Just because she's your partner?

"Does not exist!"

"Everyone has the right to pursue their own happiness!"

"Whether it's the opposite sex or the same sex!"

"All should be blessed!"

"Of course, crossing races is definitely not possible!"

The last sentence amused Ye Wanzhi, but tears welled up in his eyes when he laughed and laughed!

At all costs!

Fan Ruyan plays an important role in her life!

"Hurry up and call your uncle and aunt, just say let's go back to dinner!" Chen Nan diverted the topic, he is the most unbearable woman to cry, especially a beautiful woman!

Ye Wanzhi immediately called his mother, and then rejected Chen Nan's idea of taking a taxi home!

The two strolled under the street lamps of the ice city!

Ye Wanzhi said: "Actually, the ice city in summer is a very ordinary city!"

"If winter comes, you'll find that this is the most beautiful city in the world!"

"The streets and alleys are full of lifelike ice sculptures!"

Saying that, she stopped, looked at a small square in the distance, and recalled: "Ruyan and I met in that square, that year, I was sixteen years old!"

"I was disrespectful to a few punks, and she stepped forward and rescued me from the encirclement of those punks!"

"And then... The two of us are together! Speaking

of this, a painful expression appeared on her face!

Chen Nan originally wanted to interrupt her, but finally gave up the idea!

She should say what is in her heart, so that she can relax and withdraw from that relationship!

"We were happy at first!"

"She also gave me all the beauty and romance!"

"However, as time goes by, her personality is also exposed to my eyes!"

"She is a very possessive and very strong woman, and she tortures me every time we meet... Exhausted!

"So much so that I was tired and afraid to be with her!"

"That's why I stayed in Kyoto and didn't go home!"

"It's not that I don't want to go back, but I don't dare!"

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask, "Then why don't you separate from her?"

Ye Wanzhi's face was full of pain: "I also thought about it, but the Fan family is the first family in Bingcheng, with assets of nearly 100 billion, once I and Fan Ruyan separate, she will definitely take revenge!"

"And she threatened me to make my affairs public if I separated from her!"

"Actually, I don't care about these false names!"

"But my parents can't, I have to think about them!"

"You know, my parents are retired teachers!"

"They have taught and educated people all their lives, although they are not peach and plum all over the world!"

"But if the world knows I'm gay, where will their face go?"

"What would the students they taught think?"

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "I really didn't expect you to carry so much!"

"However, you and Fan Ruyan have broken off and can start a new life!"

Ye Wanzhi's face was full of complexity: "I don't want her to come back, otherwise she will take revenge on us!"

"But I don't want her to die in Daxing'anling!"

"What are you afraid of her?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose: "Even if she really comes back, I can help you settle them!" An

emotion called emotion instantly poured into her heart when Ye Wanzhi was defenseless!

Swollen, very comfortable: "Why are you so nice to me?" "

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