Fan Zhiwei's scalp was numb, and his eyes were full of fear and anxiety!

Needles can also be heard in the Fan family's restaurant!

Fan Zhiwei's son is named Fan Pengcheng and is studying in the UK!

And there are bodyguards around for close protection!

How could someone kidnap you?

Fan Zhigang motioned for the second elder to open the hands-free and said in a low voice: "Don't hurt my people, we will give you how much money you want, and you can hit your account now!"

"Uncle, save me, save me!" Fan Pengcheng shouted for help on the other end of the phone!

An indifferent voice came over the phone: "Mr. Fan, I'm sorry, we didn't make money by doing this!"

Fan Zhigang whispered, "What do you want?"

The other party smiled and said, "Mr. Fan, you seem to have forgotten your agreement with others!"

Fan Zhigang snorted: "Are you from Chen Nan?

"Good!" The other party was very frank: "Mr. Chen once told you to go to Pangu Town at eight o'clock today and give Xie Qiang a filial piety!"

"If you can't make it past eight o'clock, you will kill a descendant of the Fan family every half hour!"

"Fan Pengcheng is the first!"

"Don't worry, my knife is fast, and I promise not to make Fan Pengcheng feel the slightest pain!"

The next moment, Fan Pengcheng's heart-rending scream came from the other end of the phone: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, ah..."

The shouting stopped abruptly!

Then there was a muffled sound of 'bang'!

It was as if something heavy had fallen on the wooden floor!

"Hear that? My knife is sharp! A man's voice came again on the phone: "Mr. Fan, if you don't want to watch the clansmen leave one after another, it's best to take the clansmen and wear linen and filial piety to Pangu Town!"

"Having said that, I hope you do it yourself!"

Toot toot!

The phone was hung up!

Needles can be heard in the Fanjia restaurant!

Everyone is bloodless!

The shock in my heart cannot be calmed for a long time!

Fan Pengcheng is studying in the UK!

But... Why could Chen Nan's people find him so easily?

If you are on the other side of the ocean, you can find it, so aren't the clansmen in Ice City all under Chen Nan's surveillance?

An icy chill rose into everyone's hearts!

"Big brother, what should we do?"

Fan Zhiwen was apprehensive: "Do you really want to wear linen and wear filial piety and send the end to that untouchable?" Fan

Zhigang sat on the stool dumbfounded!

His eyes are dull!

It seems to be more than a decade in an instant!

He couldn't accept that Chen Nan could find Fan Pengcheng on the other side of the ocean!

After all, ordinary people do not have this energy at all!

Now they are staying in the Fan family!

But he had an illusion!

It was as if countless pairs of eyes were secretly watching their every move!

He had no doubt that half an hour later, another clan member would be brutally killed by his people!

"Prepare the plane, except for the clansmen who are far overseas, the others will follow me to Pangu Town!" Fan Zhigang immediately made a decision to lead his clan to Pangu Town!

Bingcheng is more than three hours away by car from Pangu Town!

This time does not seem to be long!

But it costs the lives of the people!

So flying is the fastest!

Fan Ruyan asked incredulously: "Dad, do we really want to send that untouchable person to the end?"

Fan Zhigang looked over with an angry look: "I hope, you close your mouth now!"

"Yes, you'd better say a word, not a word!"

"The reason why the Fan family has fallen to this point is all because of you!"

"After solving this matter, I will slowly settle the score with you!"

Fan Ruyan lowered her head in horror!

This is the first time her father has been angry with her!

Helicopters take to the skies!

Head towards Pangu Town as fast as you can!

While on the road!

Fan Zhiwei received another call from his daughter!

And then...

No more then!

His daughter in Germany was also destroyed!

In just one morning, he experienced the pain of a white-haired person sending a black-haired person twice!

And all this was caused by Fan Ruyan's hand!

He really, really wanted to open the hatch of the plane and push Fan Ruyan down!

This moment!

Fan Ruyan has changed from the pearl in the palm of the Fan family to a sinner referred to by Qianfu!


"They're here and they'll be at the town's square in three minutes!"

At Xie Qiang's funeral!

Li Mu whispered in Chen Nan's ear!

Chen Nan asked, "Is that Jin Dan here?"

Li Mu sneered: "The Fan family is the number one wealthy family in Bingcheng, it has been passed down for hundreds of years, and they think they are nobles, do you think they will really wear filial piety for Xie Qiang?"

"Their move is just to paralyze you, thereby temporarily saving the lives of the Fan family!"

"When they arrive, they will definitely kill you as soon as possible!"

"My life is not something that a small Golden Pill Early Stage cultivator can kill!" Chen Nan had a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, and then said: "You help me stare at the funeral here, I'll come when I go!"

"Also, let the people of the Suona team blow loudly!"

"It's best not to let the residents of the town hear movement in the distance!"

"Let's go!"


Pangu Town's residential square is located in the center of the town!

It is almost a thousand meters away from Xie Qiang's home!

When Chen Nan arrived, he saw a luxurious private jet appear in the distance!

At this time, the flight altitude is slowly coming!

"Dad, that's him!"

"He is Chen Nan!"

On the plane, Fan Ruyan saw Chen Nan on the ground!

"Is he the one who let me kill my child?" Fan Zhiwei clenched his fists, his eyes full of killing intent!

If eyes can kill!

Chen Nan had already been cut by a thousand cuts with his eyes!

Fan Zhigang gritted his teeth and said: "This son is too arrogant, insulting the dignity of my Fan family, killing my people, and not crushing him to ashes, it is difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!"

Speaking of this, he looked at the middle-aged man sitting behind the cabin who was holding a long sword, lowering his head and napping, and said nervously: "Later, I will ask Senior Qu Yuan to help my Fan family kill this person!"

Qu Yuan slowly raised his head, looked at the tall figure on the ground, and let out a light sigh in his mouth: "Those offerings of your Fan family are all rubbish!" "

If you use some of them, it won't let me, a strong man in the Golden Pill Period, shoot and kill a junior!"

"But since Mr. Fan spoke, I will help you kill this son!"


Helicopters appeared over the Residential Square!

Then slowly land in the open area of the square!

After the hatch opened, Fan Zhigang walked out with the clansmen full of nervousness!

Without exception!

Everyone looked at Chen Nan's eyes full of awe, as well as hatred!

Chen Nan's tone was flat: "The one on the plane don't come out!"

"You and I have never met, and we have no grudges!"

"I don't want to hurt the innocent!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Fan family gasped!

Fan Ruyan was furious: "The surname Chen, that is a strong man in the realm of the Golden Pill Period, you are like an ant in front of him, who borrowed your dog guts to let you say this?"

"I'd rather see how you hurt me!" Qu Yuan walked down the plane with a look of disdain!

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