Luo Tianyou's pupils were congested, and the intense pain made him unable to make a sound.

Compared to the pain brought by his body, his soul is also in torment and torment.

In his eyes.

Chen Nan seemed to have turned into a devil, and his words and deeds made him afraid and uneasy.

He has lived for so many years, and it is the first time he has seen such a ruthless person who is not afraid of heaven and earth!


seven thirty at night.

Chen Xiazhi left the tax office.

Seeing Chen Nan waiting outside, he immediately cried with joy and threw himself into his arms and cried.

Vent all the grievances, anxiety, and helplessness endured in the past two days.

She thought she would be sentenced.


joy of the rest of her life after the disaster made her feel that the picture in front of her was a little dreamy.

"Miss Chen, I was blinded by lard before, and I hope that you adults don't remember villains, don't see me in general." Luo Tianyou was unable to kneel on the ground because his legs were wasted, and he was lying on the hot ground at the moment.

Chen Xiazhi was shocked.

She didn't expect that Luo Tianyou, who was high above, would become the miserable appearance he is now.

Chen Nan said: "Xia Solstice, you say, what should this person do, if you want to let him give birth to his brother, let him have a way to live, if you want him to die, I will let him go to see King Yan now!"

"Chen Xiazhi is kind-hearted and does not want to offend the powerful.

Chen Nan looked at Luo Tianyou, and a cold light burst out in his eyes: "Don't thank you yet?" "

Thank you Miss Chen for not killing, thank you Miss Chen for not killing." Luo Tianyou was grateful to Dade.

"Young Master Luo, I know that you are unwilling, if you want to take revenge, you can let the horse come over at any time. Chen Nan left a word, and then left the tax bureau with Chen Xiazhi.

"Young Master, if you hold on a little longer, we will send you to the hospital. The bodyguard Zhou Zijian's face was nervous, and he could see that Luo Tianyou's state was very poor, and a lot of blood flowed from the broken bone.

"I want Chen Nan to die!"

Luo Tianyou did not hide his killing intent in his heart.

Alin sighed: "Young Master, we know that you are angry and angry in your heart, but the other party is a strong person in the Grandmaster-level realm, and even the empty and silent predecessors of Qingcheng Mountain have been crushed and want revenge..." Zhou

Zijian said on the side, "Actually, there is another way.

Luo Tianyou's face was gloomy: "Say."

Zhou Zijian said, "As far as I know, Chen Nan offended Pang Zhen of the Ministry of Justice, and Pang Zhen also wanted to get rid of the other party. If we sue Chen Nan for intentionally wounding someone, we will definitely be able to put him in prison. "

If the judicial department is allowed to intervene, where will Young Master Ben's face fall, and where will the Luo family's face fall?" roared Luo Tianyou angrily.

Zhou Zijian did not speak.


Luo Tianyou's words changed: "My Luo Tianyou's face is certainly important, but Chen Nan scrapped my legs and did not bring him to justice, it would be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart." Send me to the hospital first, let Pang Zhen come to see me tomorrow, I want to sum up with him how to bring down Chen Nan

!" In order to take revenge, he did not hesitate to give up his face!


I told my parents about you."

On the way home, Chen Nan suddenly spoke.

"Oh!" replied Chen Xiazhi listlessly.

She knew that from the moment she was detained by the tax office, everything was on the surface, and she couldn't hide it at all.

Seeing her nervousness, Chen Nan rubbed her head spoiledly: "Mom and Dad are not unreasonable people, and all this is because of me, if the old mother wants to hit you in a hurry, I will protect you."

"Hehe, brother is the best for me. Chen Xiazhi hugged Chen Nan's arm tightly, no matter when and where, this arm could give her a great sense of security.

"Don't slap the horse yet. Chen Nan made a face: "You and I tell the truth, how many jobs have you done?" Chen

Xiazhi said nervously: "Working as a waiter in a rich and noble family is the main business, working in the 2046 bar is a part-time job, except for these two jobs, there is nothing else, if I cheat on my brother, I am willing to accept the punishment of spanking." Said with a pitiful gaze.

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched continuously.

Are you sure this is an attempt to punish?

"Give up your job in 2046, my brother has now made money, and you don't need to continue to work for this family." Chen Nan had a heavy heart: "Tomorrow, I will go to the second middle school to see if I can let you continue reading."

Chen Xiazhi whispered, "Brother, I don't want to study anymore."

Chen Nan pulled out the arm that was tightly held by her: "You have been in the society for almost three years, and you touched the pit of your heart and told me that it is easy for ordinary people to make some money?

"But I've been out of school for three years..." Chen Xiazhi's face was full of sadness.

She also wants to go to school, but it doesn't matter if they are a little person.

Chen Nandao: "Don't worry, brother will help you handle this matter." "

Maybe it's hard to get the summer solstice back to school.

But no matter what, he wanted her to go back to school.

Not just for her.

It's also for my college dream!


the next day.

Just after treating the twenty patients, Sun Sihai came to the medical hall.

"Master Chen, this is what you want.

Sun Sihai took out a wooden box, and inside were more than a dozen hairs of different lengths.

"I asked my younger brother to enter Pang's house on the pretext of unclogging the sewer for free, and collected these hairs in the bathroom, but I couldn't tell whose hair it was. Sun Sihai said nervously.

"It's okay, I can tell the difference. Chen Nan said and put away those few hairs, although he gave Pang Zhen a chance yesterday, he didn't know if Pang Zhen would turn himself in and return him, as well as those victims.

Collecting the hair of their family of three was also to judge each other personally.

Chen Nan asked again: "Lao Sun, do you know the school leader in the second middle school, can you let my sister continue to return to the second middle school to study?"

Sun Sihai said, "But the other party said that she couldn't accept the second young miss, after all, she had already withdrawn from school, and there was no student status for her in the school." Seeing

Chen Nan showing a helpless expression, Sun Sihai said with a smile: "Master Chen, don't worry, although the second middle school cannot accept the second young lady, but the Yingcai International School can accept the second young miss to study there."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up: "Is it the largest aristocratic school in Jeju?" Sun

Sihai nodded repeatedly: "I have asked people to contact Yingcai International School, and the answer given by the other party is very simple, as long as you take out 500,000 tuition fees every year, you can report at any time." "

Chen Nan is shocked, the tuition fee of half a million yuan a year, this is also too expensive, right?

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