As soon as these words come out!


As well as the people who are watching the live broadcast, they all feel a strong smell of gunpowder!

Come up and ask such a snarky question, and it is worthy of being a media practitioner!

Your question can really detonate traffic!

Dong Jianjun had already expected this situation, and he said, "This question, you might as well listen to how Chen Nan from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine answers!" "

Make him accountable?



He has long thought that as long as he can't answer the questions, others will answer them!

After all, he is the dean of the medical school, whether it is Chinese medicine or Western medicine, for him, the palm of the hand is meat!

The common people should be able to understand him, right?


reporter aimed his finger at Chen Nan: "Student Chen, can you answer why you are the only one in the Department of Chinese Medicine?" "

Countless people, and the camera are all focused on Chen Nan at this moment!

Others are more or less timid and nervous!

But Chen Nan was calm and calm!

This boldness has impressed many people!

"I know that many people are not optimistic about me, after all, I have only been in the Department of Chinese Medicine for a month!"

"But also because of this, today's battle can only be fought by me!"


"Western medicine is not worthy of letting the seniors of our department fight!"

"To deal with them, I am enough for a new person!"

He speaks amazingly!

Caused an uproar!

The eyes of everyone who looked at him were full of incredulity, shock!

As well as anger!

Although I don't know how many pounds he has, his arrogant attitude is rare in the world!

Many supporters of Western medicine are disgusted with him!

If it weren't for the police in the audience to maintain order, it is estimated that countless mineral water bottles would have smashed towards Chen Nan!

Even the seniors of the Chinese Medicine Department lowered their heads in shame...

Senior Brother Chen Nan, don't be like this, we are not as powerful as you say!

Please keep a low profile!

You pretend like this, as students in the same department, we are also afraid of being beaten!

You can't let us go out and wear helmets, can you?

Xue Ruiguang, the head of ------

Western Medicine Department, sighed secretly!

I thought Chen Nan was a talent!

I never expected to be so arrogant and not put Chinese medicine in my eyes!

It is said that modesty makes people progress, he has this kind of heart, and how many achievements does he have in medicine?

Fight today!

Western medicine has won!

The kind without suspense!


"Since Classmate Chen believes in his medical skills so much, then we look forward to your performance!" That reporter had a smile on his face full of excitement!

Chen Nan said, "There is something I want to correct!"

"The rules of my competition with Western medicine are not that each department selects five amateurs!"

"My original words are twenty!"

"Although the rule now is to select five amateurs each!"

"But, I still want to stick to my own statement!"

This moment!

Chen Nan became synonymous with stupidity!

But no one with a sound head can say such a thing!

They all felt that this competition was meaningless!

Because Western medicine cannot win!


someone suddenly said: "High, high, really high!"

"I now know why Chinese medicine sent Chen Nan to fight against five Junjie of Western medicine!"

"Because they know that no matter how hard they try, they can't win!"

"That's why they sent Chen Nan, a retard!"

"After all, the remarks of intellectual disability do not represent the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

"The Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this is a broken jar!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately attracted the recognition of countless people!

Apart from this possibility, they couldn't figure out why the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine would send Chen Nan to appear!

Although the five Junjie of the Western Medicine Department were angry with Chen Nan's remarks!

But it's like... There is no need to see a mentally retarded person, right?

"If you guys have no problems, now the competition officially begins!" With a smile on his face, Dong Jianjun directly announced the start of the competition!

This moment!

The five Junjie of Western Medicine received everyone's attention, and those cameras were also focused on them!

At this time, they are picking amateurs at random!

The way to pick an amateur is simple, throw the ping-pong ball in your hand into the crowd, and whoever falls into the hands will be on stage for inspection!

Who doesn't like to get a free medical exam without spending money?

When the amateurs selected by Western medicine appeared, Chen Nan also began to select amateurs!

The difference is that he does not use the method of throwing table tennis!

Instead, twenty amateurs were selected in the crowd, all of them were middle-aged and elderly people!

At this time, no one cared about Chen Nan's performance in the ring!

In the eyes of people, he is like a monkey who performs hard, which only makes people disgusted!

In fact, those twenty amateurs didn't want to cooperate with Chen Nan, but they all wanted to show their faces!

After all, the media is live!

After waiting for twenty people to take the stage, Chen Nan did not do any examination on them, but wrote twenty medical certificates and handed them to Dong Jianjun, after all, he was the referee of this competition!

As for the twenty amateurs, let them line up to go to the ten old professors for the next step of examination!


All the contestants will write down the physical condition of the amateurs and hand them over to the ten old professors to judge!

After all!

They are professional!


Wait for those old professors to confirm their diagnosis, and then let them come up with a treatment plan!

After that, it's time to assess whether the treatment plan is effective!

"What the hell is this guy doing?"

"It's not... He respects the rules of the competition and checks the bodies of those amateurs!

"This haircut is really excessive!"

Countless people were disappointed in Chen Nan!

Although they didn't expect to see Chen Nan's wonderful performance, his words and deeds angered the scene, as well as countless people who were watching the live broadcast!

"The reputation of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine has all been buried in the hands of this son!"

"He is a disgrace to the TCM community!"

People are talking about it!

On the other hand, the five Junjie of the Western Medicine Department were all using instruments to check the bodies of those five amateurs!

They are serious and responsible!

This attitude alone makes people feel good!

Look at Chen Nan again... Day, what a thing...

Five Western doctors quickly diagnosed the physical condition of the five amateurs and wrote down their diagnosis results on paper and handed them to Dong Jianjun!

Then, five people lined up and waited for the ten old professors to examine the twenty amateurs!

Almost half an hour later!

Twenty amateurs also completed the examination of ten old professors!

Ten old professors wrote down the inspection on paper and asked the staff to hand it over to Dong Jianjun!

Dong Jianjun smiled: "The next time is to test the answers of the Chinese medicine department, I believe many people are looking forward to it as much as me!" "

At this time!

Media cameras are on stage!

Dong Jianjun said, "The answer given by Chen Nan is that the twenty amateurs are all in good health and do not have any diseases!" With

that, the photographer focused his lens on the diagnosis written by Chen Nan!

Someone in the audience shouted insults: "Giving this judgment without checking the patient's condition is simply a mistake for human life, in my opinion, Chinese medicine is renamed quack!" "

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