Hearing Leng Feifei's words, the scene, and the people watching the live broadcast suddenly realized!

That's right!

Today's contest is not just about diagnosing a condition!

Also come up with a feasible treatment plan!

Even if Chen Nan has golden eyes like fire eyes!

Be able to see the cause of the patient at a glance!

But many people know that the reason for the decline of Chinese medicine is that the treatment process is slow!

After all, Chinese medicine treats diseases mainly to nourish them!

Western medicine is different, Western medicine can directly reach the cause through advanced instruments!

At this point, even if Chen Nan has gained the likes and praise of countless people, he does not believe that he can defeat Western medicine!

Chen Nan felt that the atmosphere was set up!

I would love to light a cigarette to express my feelings!

But smoking seems a bit rude at this time!

He said, "Senior Sister Leng is reasonable, since that's the case, then let's try it out!"

"I also don't understand the treatment methods of your Western medicine, so let's change the analogy!"

"Before, you selected five amateurs, four of whom had some physical ailments!"

"Nine of the ten amateurs selected by Principal Dong just now are physically sick!"

"There are thirteen patients on the stage at this time!"

"I also don't ask you what kind of treatment you use, after all, your professional terminology ordinary people can't understand at all, just as ordinary people can't understand the diagnosis certificate you wrote on the medical certificate!"

Invisibly, Chen Nan hit the Western doctor's face again, making countless people feel ashamed!

It also made countless people secretly applaud!

After all, the diagnosis of Western medicine is like a book of heaven for ordinary people!

I can't even read it!

Chen Nan continued, "I'll say a time!

"Give me half an hour!"

"If I can't heal these thirteen patients in half an hour, then I am willing to admit defeat!"




The scene was silent!

Everyone's eyes widened!

Healed thirteen patients in half an hour?

It's a fantasy!

It's impossible to do it at all!


Don't talk about ordinary people, even Hua Tuo would not dare to say such a thing when he was alive!

This moment!

Many people expressed disappointment in Chen Nan!

He shouldn't be so arrogant!

This will ruin the reputation he has accumulated with great difficulty!

Xue Ruiwen in the audience almost jumped up with excitement!

He didn't know where he should go after the Western Medicine Department lost, and now Chen Nan boasted about Haikou, this battle, it is certain that the Western Medicine Department has won!

And it's the kind without suspense!

Leng Feifei showed an intriguing smile: "Since Senior Brother Chen is so confident, then we are waiting for your good news!"

"I hope your medical skills will surprise us!"

Chen Nan smiled, and then took out the silver needles he carried with him and began to give acupuncture to those patients!

The first patient was a middle-aged man in his fifties, thin and plainly dressed!

After he was pricked by Chen Nan, he quickly took the trash can and spit out several mouthfuls of black and black things!

Then with tears in his eyes, he knelt down to Chen Nan: "Thank you God Chen for curing my pneumoconiosis, you are the benefactor of our family, I have nothing to repay, I kowtow to you!"

Chen Nan said: "Uncle, don't be like this, hurry up, I don't have time to help you up, I have to be treated!"

"No, the saving grace is unrewarded, you deserve it!"

After Li Si kowtowed three times, Yang's mother's reporter immediately stepped forward, handed the microphone to his mouth, and pointed the camera lens at him!

The reporter asked: "This gentleman, can you stand up and speak?"

Li Si said, "I also want to stand up, but I am impressed by Doctor Chen's medical skills, so let's kneel and talk, this is more comfortable!" "

The reporter almost didn't vomit blood!

At this time, I was still playing terriers, which is a bit rude!

"Can you tell your story?" The reporter asked!

"My name is Li Si, and I am the fourth oldest in my family!" Li Sidao: "I came from a rural family, and although life is difficult, my mother has told me since I was a child..."

The corner of the reporter's mouth twitched, a little unable to listen, and quickly interrupted him: "Excuse me, what disease did you have before?" How does it feel now?

Li Si said: "I am a miner, and I got pneumoconiosis when I went down to dig coal before, because of improper protection, and I came to Kyoto to see a doctor this time!"

"However, pneumoconiosis cannot be cured!"

"My previous illness was wheezing, and I could wheeze after walking a few steps!"

"But now, look at me..."

Saying that, he stood up, played a set of punches similar to monkey fists in the ring, and turned over several more heads!

There is also a carp to fight!

"Look at me now, my face is not red, I am not breathless, this is all the credit of Doctor Chen!"

"Doctor Chen has given me a new life!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Nan, knelt down on one knee, and covered his chest with his right hand: "Doctor Chen, from now on, you will be my god!" "

A thick layer of goosebumps rose on countless people!

This Li Si can ah!

I actually understand that you are my god!

Although this sentence is a little embarrassing to be said by a female star!

But he didn't feel that way when he said it!

After all, Chen Nan alleviated his condition!

As for whether his pneumoconiosis was cured, this needs to be further examined!

"Mr. Li, please follow us for an inspection!" A senior old professor in the field of Western medicine spoke, and immediately took Li Si to go for a series of examinations!

Before the test results came out, Li Si ran back ecstatically: "Okay, okay, my illness is better, Chen Shen has cured my pneumoconiosis!"

"Mother, you can rest in peace in the spirit of heaven!"

He burst into tears and kowtowed three heads to the west!

"Really fake? Can pneumoconiosis also be cured?

"Pneumoconiosis is the number one killer of coal miners, and no one seems to be able to cure pneumoconiosis at present!"

"Even if someone can heal, but... Chen Nan's treatment process is very easy, can a few needles cure pneumoconiosis? Obviously

, no one believed Li Si's words!

After all, this guy doesn't look like a normal person no matter how he looks!

And at this time, the old professor who took him to check returned to the ring with a CT!

His expression was solemn and his steps were heavy!

Dong Jianjun asked curiously, "Professor Shen, what was the result?"

Professor Shen sent the CT to Dong Jianjun: "President Dong, see for yourself!" Saying that, he sighed and walked towards the seat in the distance!

The atmosphere of the scene was depressed again!

Everyone held their breath!

Especially Xue Ruiguang!

To put it bluntly, Li Si's examination results determine his life and death!

Dong Jianjun looked at CT, and a shallow smile appeared on his face full of majesty, impassioned: "According to Li Si's lung CT, his lungs are abnormally healthy, and there is no shadow!"

"In other words, Chen Nan used the method of silver needle piercing acupuncture to eradicate Li Si's pneumoconiosis!"

"He, broke the curse that pneumoconiosis cannot be recovered!"

"He is a legend in the medical world!"

"He is the savior of countless pneumoconiosis patients!"

"It's not just Li Si's god!"

"Or the patron saint of health for all of us!"

This moment!

The scene boiled!

Countless people regard Chen Nan as a god!

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