Xie Lei is a hepatitis B carrier!

When he first learned that he was carrying this germ, he was terrified!

Afraid to socialize!

Fear of teaching it to others!

But then I realized that the only ways of transmission of hepatitis B virus are blood, mother and child, and sexual transmission!

In addition, even if they eat together, even spraying saliva into each other will not affect each other's health!

And of these three routes of transmission, sex is not 100% contagious!

Babies can also be protected from infection in the mother's body!

Only blood is 100% contagious!

Not to mention that Chen Nan absorbed a drop of his blood just now, even if he shares needles, he will be infected with the hepatitis B virus!

Chen Nan said, "What is the fuss about?" Sit down and eat!

Xie Lei burst into tears: "Even if you can't find a living specimen, you can tell me!"

"I have a bad life, even if I die, I should contribute to the country!"

"Why are you being a living specimen?"

"Is something going to happen and you want me to feel guilty for the rest of my life?"

He just has a humble personality, not stupid!

He guessed Chen Nan's thoughts!

Chen Nan wants to be a living specimen to replace rhesus macaques!

Chen Nan made a face: "Sit down!"

Xie Lei wiped the tears from his face and sat on the stool with a reluctant expression!

He blamed himself!

He already knew that Chen Nan wanted to be infected with the hepatitis B virus, and he said that he would not come to see him for anything!

Chen Nan ate the barbecue and said: "Correct what you just said, you are not a cheap life, your life is not cheaper than anyone, don't let me hear similar words in the future!"

"Otherwise, don't blame Brother Nan for teaching you a lesson for your father!"

"Secondly, you know my strength!"

"Even if there is an accident in the live experiment, I can still have the ability to protect myself!"

"As for what you said you should be a living specimen, don't even think about it!"

"I promised your father that the hepatitis B special drug was developed to your sisters and brothers as soon as it was developed, how can I let you be a living specimen?"

"Okay, don't talk nonsense, eat!"

Xie Lei endured tears and finished eating the barbecue!

He told himself in his heart that no matter what, he must be like Nan Ge and strive to be a person who is useful to the country and society!

It's early morning when ------

back in the dormitory!

Sun Er is not there, if nothing else, he should be happy with his girlfriend!

It's okay, it's quiet alone!

Sitting cross-kneeled, Chen Nan entered a state of concentration!

Mental power feels the changes in the body!

He could clearly feel that there were tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of hepatitis B viruses in his body!

These hepatitis B viruses are quietly flowing in his blood!

Even if he is a cultivator, he can't kill these hepatitis B viruses!

Of course, these hepatitis B viruses did not cause any damage to his body!

After all, hepatitis B virus affects liver function!

It's a long cycle!


Had breakfast!

Chen Nan wandered to Li Muya's laboratory alone!

At this moment, everyone has arrived, anxiously waiting for Chen Nan to appear!

Because he said that this morning can bring a living specimen!

Seeing Chen Nan appear alone, Li Muya couldn't help frowning: "Didn't you say that this morning will bring a living specimen?" Where are the living specimens?

Chen Nan smiled and shrugged: "I am!"

Li Muya was puzzled: "What do you mean?" Everyone

else was puzzled!

I didn't understand what Chen Nan meant!

Chen Nan picked up a hepatitis B kit, dripped a drop of blood on it, and said lightly: "I was infected with the hepatitis B virus last night!" A

simple sentence was like a thunderbolt that exploded in everyone's ears!

"Are you crazy?" Ye Wanzhi's eyes were full of tears!

Li Muya's face turned pale: "Chen Nan, you shouldn't be so impulsive, you are very irresponsible to yourself like this!"

Others also spoke: "Yes, even if we don't have a living specimen, it's nothing, it's a big deal to explain to the public that there is an accident!" Why would you do this?

"Could it be that you are infected with the hepatitis B virus to replace rhesus macaques?"

"Impossible, even if you are infected with the hepatitis B virus, you cannot become a living specimen!"

"According to the regulations of the medical community, it is strictly forbidden for anyone to become a living object specimen!"

They all admired Chen Nanda's fearless dedication!


They would definitely not let Chen Nan become a living specimen object!

Because no one knows what surprises will occur in the experiment!

They would definitely not watch Chen Nan take risks!

"Why are you so inky!" Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "Although there are international regulations, living people are not allowed to conduct human experiments.

"But in the absence of live test subjects, shouldn't this rule be broken?"

"Is the life of one person important, or the lives of tens of thousands of people?"

"Countless ancestors can throw their heads and spill their blood, can't we have a little dedication?"

"Okay, let's all go about their own business!" Saying that, he strode to the refrigerator, took out the vaccine that had been developed, went directly to the living laboratory, and locked the door!

Li Muya and others are anxious!

They want to open the door of the laboratory, but the laboratory uses thickened bulletproof glass, let alone them, even armored vehicles may not be able to knock open!

Chen Nan took out a syringe and drew out a needle tube of blood!

"Chen Nan, you open the door, open the door, if you die, we can also collect the corpse for you!" What should we do if you really make any mistakes like this? Ye Wanzhi knelt in front of the door and cried!

Everyone else was completely panicked!

Until now, the only thing they could do was watch Chen Nan inject the vaccine into their bodies!

There is nothing else to do!

Li Muya's face was full of solemnity, and she said, "Chen Nan, no matter what the result is, your character is worth learning from the world!"

"Please bear with us!"

Saying that, she bowed deeply to Chen Nan!

Everyone else also bowed to Chen Nan to show their respect!

No matter what the result is, Chen Nan's behavior is worthy of people's admiration and learning!

I am also glad that this nation has never lacked people like him who sacrifice themselves!

They are the ones who have brought the country to prosperity and prosperity!

Seeing this, Chen Nan hurriedly said: "Just bow once, don't bow three times, three bows is the etiquette for the dead!" This

sentence is not funny at all!

It even feels a little embarrassing!

Ye Wanzhi asked with concern, "How are you feeling now?"

Chen Nan covered his stomach: "My stomach is a little uncomfortable!"

"What symptoms?" Can you elaborate? The others panicked, for fear of any accidents to Chen Nan!

Chen Nan said embarrassed: "It may be that the leek box eats too much, and the stomach is a little burned!" "

Chen Nan, that's enough!" Li Muya was furious: "When is this, you still have the mind to joke?" Don't you know that everyone cares about you?

Chen Nangang wanted to speak, his face turned pig's liver color, and he collapsed directly to the ground, his body constantly twitching, and he rolled his eyes.

This change made everyone panic!

Any vaccine has side effects!

But no one expected that the side effects of the vaccine injected by Chen Nan were so strong!

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