Xue Ruiwen suddenly became the focus of everyone's eyes!

Even the camera was pointed at him!

"Isn't this the Western medicine that Sven scum Director Xue?"

"Yes, this guy is said to have left his job, why did he appear here?"

"Can people believe his words?"

"Get him out, he's here to make trouble!"

Those students in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine spoke!

Although the people who were watching the live broadcast in front of the TV had never seen Xue Ruiwen, they also knew such a person!

Xue Ruiwen ignored people's cynicism, walked directly to Director Liu's side, faced countless cameras, and said to hundreds of millions of viewers: "I have evidence to prove that Li Muya's laboratory has not developed the CN3 vaccine, and what they say is all false!"

One reporter asked, "What evidence do you have that what they say is false?"

Xue Ruiwen had a faint smile on his face: "As we all know, after the development of a certain pharmaceutical product comes out, two live experiments must be carried out, the first time is a guinea pig, and the second time is a rhesus monkey!"

"Compared to rhesus macaques, mice can be bought everywhere!"

"But rhesus macaques are different, and the genetic sequence of this monkey is a staggering 95 percent similar to that of humans!"

"And a female rhesus monkey gives birth to up to two cubs in her life!"

"Nowadays, there is no price in the international market, and you can't buy it at all!"

"And as far as I know, the rhesus monkeys that Li Muya bought at a high price accidentally suffocated on the way to transportation, and they simply could not carry out the final live experiment!"

"According to the law, the second live experiment cannot be completed, the drug cannot be announced as successfully developed, and the drug cannot be injected into people!"

"And now, Dean Li said that CN3 had injected three patients, which is an illegal act, and this behavior is very irresponsible to the general public!"

The atmosphere of the scene changed instantly!

Everyone looked at Li Muya with doubtful eyes, hoping that she could give a reasonable explanation!

After all, announcing this kind of news without successful development is very shameful!

Li Muya walked up to the podium with a calm face and looked at him: "Mr. Xue, how do you know that we did not conduct the final in vivo experiment?"

Xue Ruiwen sneered: "You answer me a question, did that rhesus monkey of yours die by accident?" "

A lot of people are holding their breath!

They all know that this is a critical issue!

If the rhesus monkey purchased by Li Muya died, it means that what Xue Ruiwen said is true!

Li Muya said calmly, "Yes!"

Xue Ruiwen grinned: "So, how did you complete the second stage of the live experiment?" Could it be that you still have a rhesus monkey?

Li Muya said, "Before answering this question, I want to ask Mr. Xue, how do you know that the rhesus monkey we purchased has an accident?"

Xue Ruiwen's face changed greatly!

He can't say that the rhesus monkey was killed by me, right?

He recovered his inner uneasiness and said impatiently: "It doesn't matter how you know, the important thing is that you answer my previous question."

"You don't even have rhesus macaques, how do you conduct the second stage of live experiments?"

"Before even the second stage of the live experiment was completed, you held a press conference, and the news of the release of CN3 was made public, and even promoted nationwide, are you saving people or harming people?"

"Are you behaving like those who have hepatitis B?"

"Don't you even want medical ethics for the sake of fame?"

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes were full of hostility and anger when they looked at Li Muya!

If what Xue Ruiwen said is true, then the nature of this matter will be very bad!

Even became the biggest scandal in the entire medical community!

But Li Muya seemed very calm: "I will give an explanation to the general public on this point, but before this, you have to tell me, how do you know that our rhesus monkey has an accident?"

Xue Ruiwen gritted his teeth and said: "You don't avoid the important and light, this issue is not important at all!"

Li Muya endured the anger in her heart and looked at the camera, as well as everyone present, and said: "One thing I want to clarify to you is that the live sample rhesus monkeys that we bought overseas at a high price died due to container air conditioning failure during transportation!"

"Not only our rhesus monkeys, but also thirty-two live specimens in the same batch have unfortunately died!"

"This is an accident that has never happened before in customs clearance!"


"Was it really an accident?"

"If it was an accident, why was it so coincidental, just in time for our press conference?"

"If we can't complete the second phase of the live experiment, then today's press conference of our TCM department will inevitably lose face and become a laughing stock in the eyes of the world!"

A reporter asked: "Dean Li, do you suspect that this is a conspiracy?"

Li Muya snorted: "Although I don't want this!"

"But it turns out!"

"This is indeed a conspiracy against the Chinese medicine department and against the hundreds of millions of hepatitis B patients on the planet!"

"After the incident, the customs clearance attached great importance to it, and also signed a confidentiality agreement with all insiders, strictly forbidden to leak the news of the accidental death of living specimens!"

Ye Wanzhi took the stage, handed a thick wad of A4 paper to Li Muya, and then turned and left!

Li Muya said: "This is a confidentiality agreement signed by customs clearance and other laboratory partners!"

"That is to say, except for those people that day, outsiders do not know about the accidents that happened to the rhesus monkeys!"

Speaking of this, she looked at Xue Ruiwen, who was full of sallowness, and said coldly: "Please also ask Mr. Xue to answer me truthfully, how did you know about the accident that happened to the rhesus monkey?"

"Do you still need to ask? This guy is the killer of rhesus monkeys!

"Oh my God, he was the head of the department before, how can he have the face to question other people's medical ethics?" Does he have medical ethics himself?

"This dog thing is not worthy of being a human at all!"

"I really want to strangle him to death!"

The people who were there and watching the live broadcast were furious!

The situation is clear today!

No matter how Xue Ruiwen explained it, it was difficult to wash away his killing of rhesus macaques!

If not, he would not have known that the rhesus monkey purchased by Li Muya overseas died tragically and unexpectedly!

This is a simple act of revenge!

Seeing that the trend of the matter was out of his control, Xue Ruiwen also completely tore his face: "Yes, I admit, I let people do it on the air conditioner of the container, I just can't let you complete the second stage of the live experiment!"

"But can you give me and the people at large?"

"You don't have rhesus monkeys, how did you complete the live experiment?"

"Without live experiments, how can we announce the development of the CN3 vaccine?"

This moment!

Li Muya became the focus of everyone's eyes!

Xue Ruiwen's behavior is indeed hateful, but if Li Muya did not complete the second stage of the live experiment, then their nature is far more hateful than Xue Ruiwen!

Li Muya had a complicated mood: "I have a VCR here, and after reading it, everyone naturally knows whether we have completed the second stage of the live experiment!" As

soon as the words fell, a piece of monitoring content appeared on the big screen behind her!

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