Just when Chen Nan was drinking tea at the sales office!

A yellow Lamborghini bull came outside!

After the scissors door opened, a rich second-generation cow with a cigarette came out!

At this time, looking east and west!

It's like looking for someone!

Liu Hongyan, who was in the distance, trembled violently in her heart when she saw this!

I'll be obedient!

Wouldn't this be Chen Nan's friend?

Thinking of this, her attitude suddenly eased, if this was really Chen Nan's friend, then she had to apologize to Chen Nan!

After all, the license plates starting with A are not ordinary people!

She walked to Chen Nan's side and tentatively asked, "Is that person outside your friend?"

Chen Nan looked outside and shook his head: "I don't know!"

Liu Hongyan's hanging heart landed, and she looked disdainful: "I just said, how can you know this kind of brother!" "

It is said that women turn their faces faster than turn books!

Chen Nan can be regarded as having learned this!

Right now!

Another McLaren supercar appeared outside!

This supercar is parked behind the butt of a Lamborghini!

A Gongzi brother came down, greeting the previous Gongzi brother, looking like an acquaintance!

The son brother of the Lamborghini said: "I didn't expect that it was us who arrived first!" Brother

McLaren smiled and said, "I was playing on the golf course opposite just now, and I rushed over when I received a call from Qin Shao!" Brother

Lamborghini sighed: "In other words, this is the first time Qin Shao has asked us for help!" But how can this help? If we go in and find Qin Shao's elders now, isn't it a little rude? As

he spoke, several more supercars drove over!

After a simple discussion, they finally decided to park the car in front of the sales office and block the sales office!

Maybe it's rude!

You may even be reported for picking quarrels and provoking trouble!


Are they afraid?

The sales ladies in the sales office and the people who came to see the house were stunned!

Is this going to be a supercar show?

Although Kyoto is expensive, you can buy a house here at any time with these supercars outside!

Of course!

People who can take out more than 10 million to buy supercars will definitely not be worse than a house here!

Zhang Bin, the manager of the sales office, heard the news and saw that these super cars blocked the door of the sales office, and he was a little panicked, although he didn't know why the other party blocked the door!

But this will affect the reputation of the community!

Don't think about it, and immediately walked out full of nervousness!

Want to ask!

It's just that no one cares about him at all!

Right now!

In the distance, a Chery QQ drove over!

Very ordinary and ordinary car!

So ordinary that it shouldn't even be in a big city like Kyoto!

After all, such cars have already been discontinued!

Even the second-hand market can't be seen!

Even selling scrap iron is worth three or five hundred!

But after the car appeared, the thirty or forty rich second-generation people present all straightened up and looked like they were waiting for it!

QQ stopped, Qin Haoran pushed the car door and walked out!

White vest, black stock, flip-flops!

Very homely dress, but no one dares to underestimate him!

Even if he drives Chery QQ!

"It's all coming quite quickly!" Qin Haoran grinned!

In fact, he has a supercar!

But I just don't want to open!

Because at this moment, driving a supercar is far better than driving a low-key car!

This shows what he is good at!


Although this guy Qin Haoran is usually very low-key, if he wants to pretend, the average person is not his opponent at all!

Sure enough!

When the staff of the sales office and those customers who viewed the house saw that so many brothers saluted him, they suddenly had a shocking feeling!

Zhang Bin also saw that Qin Haoran was the right master, and immediately stepped forward: "This gentleman, I am the manager of the sales office of Wangshan Yaju, is there anything I can do for you?"

Qin Haoran led people towards the sales office: "I heard that my parents were despised when they bought a house here?"

Zhang Bin's scalp was numb, and he quickly said: "No, no, no, there must be some misunderstanding here!" "

These brothers are not ordinary people at first glance!

If you really offend them, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Liu Hongyan also looked terrified!

The elder in his mouth should not be Chen Nan, right?

No, no, no!

Definitely not!

Although Chen Nan was wearing a mask, he looked like he was in his twenties!

Which of these people is not older than him?

And he is an outsider, how can he be Qin Haoran's elder?

Just as she comforted herself like this, Qin Haoran appeared in front of Chen Nan and bowed respectfully: "Uncle, the junior is late!" "


Liu Hongyan was like being struck by lightning, and she was instantly stunned in place!

They were actually called by Chen Nan?


What the hell?

Do you want to be so outrageous?

How could he, an outsider, have such an amazing relationship?

Not only Liu Hongyan was shocked!

Even those little brothers behind Qin Haoran had a shocking feeling!

You must know that although Qin Haoran is very low-key in the circle, the whole person is very proud!

Moreover, none of them expected that the elder in his mouth would be so young!

This should seem like a peer, right?

Although I don't know who the young man in the mask is!

But one thing is obvious!

If Qin Haoran can pay so much attention, the other party must have a background in the sky!

For a while, everyone's eyes looking at Chen Nan were filled with awe!

"Come and come, what are you doing with so many people?" Chen Nan was unable to complain!

I already knew that Qin Haoran was acting so impulsively, so he shouldn't have let him come!

This Zhang Yang, arrogant style of acting does not conform to his personality!

"Not much, these are only a few people!" Qin Haoran said indignantly: "People here look down on uncle you, and when you are a junior, you must find face for your uncle!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Zhang Bin and said angrily: "Who the said that my uncle is not qualified to buy your house here?" Who says he can't afford your house here? "


Liu Hongyan was so frightened that she collapsed on the ground!

"Just you, huh?" Qin Haoran was furious: "Do you know who my uncle is?" "

Ahem!" Chen Nan coughed dryly and said, "You help me buy two houses here, and I'll transfer the money to you later." The house will be hung in your name first, and after three years, it will be transferred to their sister and brother.

"Uncle, didn't you hit me in the face? Isn't it just two houses, just give them to my brothers and sisters! Qin Haoran said with a smile.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Am I short of this money?"

Qin Haoran was speechless!

Chen Nan suddenly said, "Oh, that's right!

"The people in the sales office are a bit of a bully, this month's sales crown is obviously my little sister, but I have to say that it is this Liu Hongyan!"

"I have to say that the total price of the house she sold exceeded my little sister!"

"In that case, then I can't help her rush her performance?"

"The contracts for these two houses are signed by my little sister!"

Speaking of this, he looked at Liu Hongyan, who was sitting on the ground, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "I want to see who this pin crown is!" "

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