Chen Nan's words made those students in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine unable to complain!

Have you forgotten the picture of being beaten by Tang He!

It's really not very rational to pretend like this!

Will make him a laughing stock!

Chen Nan took the stage and hooked his finger towards Ichiro Watanabe: "Come on, as long as you can make me move a little, this battle will be my loss!"

"Chen Nan, you shouldn't have come to this occasion!" Ichiro Watanabe grinned and sneered: "Although you are famous in the medical world, if you fall into my hands, you will not have any good ends!"

"Since you want to humiliate yourself, then I will fulfill you!"

As soon as the words fell, he took the initiative to rush towards Chen Nan!

Ichiro Watanabe is fast!

It's like a blast of wind!

But right now!

Chen Nan slowly raised his right hand and slapped forward!


With a crisp slap!

Ichiro Watanabe flew out for several meters under everyone's incredulous eyes!

Silence is better than sound at the moment!

Everyone's eyes widened!

Like hell!



"Why is that?"

"Is it an illusion?"

"Why is Senior Brother Chen Nan's strength so terrifying?"

"Did you slap Ichiro Watanabe?"

Everyone was stunned, and their heads were buzzing!

Those exchange students in Wakoku are also numb, and Ichiro Watanabe is a genius who has not been born in karate for a hundred years!

But no one expected that such an invincible Tianjiao in the Yin Kingdom would have no power to fight back in front of Chen Nan!

"Come again!"

Ichiro Watanabe's right face was swollen high, and his eyes were full of killing intent!

He was like a goshawk pounced on Chen Nan!

"Get out!"

Chen Nan raised his left hand and gritted his teeth and pumped it in the other party's face!


The applause is like thunder, crisp and harsh!

Ichiro Watanabe flew out again and landed on the ground like a dead dog!

This moment!

His face became symmetrical!

Unrecognizable and looks like a pig's head!

"It's not... Junior Brother Chen Nan was so terrifying, why was he beaten away by Senior Tang He in the first place? "There are TCM students who can't accept this!

"Could it be possible that Senior Brother Chen Nan is pretending to be invincible to Senior Tang He, so as to gain Senior Sister Ye's favor?"

"Lying groove, he's so shameless, but I like it!"

The students of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine all understood why Chen Nan was sent flying in the first place!

"Chen Nan, I'll draft grandma!"

Tang He was furious!

He thought he had defeated Chen Nan!

But he never expected that he deliberately lost to himself!

It made him feel like he was being played like a monkey!

Extremely humiliating!

Chen Nan smiled and took a cigarette: "Senior Tang He, strength is not important, after all, there are people outside the sky, but IQ is very important!" "

Tang He's face is green!

"Come again!"

Ichiro Watanabe stood up angrily, and his eyes bloomed with amazing killing intent: "If I don't defeat you today, I'm sorry for the first day of karate!" "


His figure swept by in the ring, like a cheetah pounced!

Chen Nan looked at him quietly, decisively raised his right leg, and kicked him in the chest!


Ichiro Watanabe spat out blood, his body drew a parabola in the air, and then fell heavily on the ground and fell into a coma!

"That's it?" Chen Nan looked disdainful: "The strength of the three-legged cat, how can you embarrass yourself to come out and embarrass people?" "

The scene was silent!

If they hadn't seen Ichiro Watanabe's strength with their own eyes, they would definitely think that Chen Nan was bullying an ordinary person!

And now, Chen Nan's strength shocked everyone!

"Okay, let's all withdraw!"

Chen Nan lit the cigarette on his mouth!

If Tang He was a little angry, he would definitely not come here to steal the limelight!

Blame him for not contending!

"Chen Nan, do you think this is interesting?"

Just as Chen Nan walked out of the Sanda Club, Tang He walked out with a gloomy face, if his eyes could kill, Chen Nan would have been cut by him a thousand times!

"Very good!" Chen Nan grinned and said, "If Senior Tang He hadn't beaten me, Senior Sister Ye wouldn't have impressed me, let alone become my girlfriend!"

"Speaking of which, you can be considered our matchmaker!"

The TCM students almost burst out laughing!

Chen Nan is not only extraordinary, but also has excellent medical skills!

Even the matter of capturing bamboo shoots is not comparable to ordinary people!

Looking at Tang He again, his face turned pig's liver color!

Chen Nan's sentence that you are the matchmaker between the two of us deeply stimulated him!

"The surname is Chen, let's walk and see, one day I will let you kneel beside me and repent!" Tang He left a cruel word and left angrily!

"Junior Brother Chen Nan, you have to be careful with Tang He, this guy will be rewarded, but he is not a good stubble!"

"Yes, I heard that the Tang family also has a certain influence in Kyoto, even if he does not dare to take revenge on you brazenly, but secretly making bad things can make you unpreventable!"

Some students from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine reminded Chen Nan to beware of Tang He!

Chen Nan answered with a smile!

But the heart does not think so!

What kind of waves can a small Tang crane turn over?

Then Chen Nan returned to the dormitory!

Sitting cross-kneeled, the alcohol in your body is quickly evaporated by True Qi!

Running the Yin Harvesting Technique, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gathered in all directions, and then all of them submerged into his body!

In the end, his cultivation went from the early stage of the ninth layer of the foundation building period to the peak stage of the ninth layer of the foundation building period!

Directly crossed two small realms!

"Secular life can really calm people's hearts!"

"Everything must be gradual, relaxed and measured!"

"I have already stepped into the nine-layer peak of the Foundation Building Period, and I am only one step away from the Golden Pill Period!"

Although there is a great consummation in the later stage of foundation building, pseudo-dan!

But for some geniuses, it is possible to directly cross these two small realms!


Chen Nan felt an inexplicable throbbing in his heart!

There is even uneasiness and trepidation!

It's a ridiculous, but very real feeling!

"Is that my Heavenly Tribulation?"

Chen Nan took a deep breath and tried to calm his emotions!

After a cultivator steps into the peak of the foundation building period, he can sense the thunder calamity!

And his Heavenly Tribulation is just a month later!

Thinking of this, a burst of anticipation rose in Chen Nan's heart!

As long as he stepped into the Golden Pill Period, he could fly with his sword and travel for nine days!

This is the dream of countless cultivators!

Open your eyes, it's already dark outside!

Just thinking about Ye Wanyi getting up for dinner, she called over!

Chen Nan answered the phone with a smile: "The two of us really have a good understanding, I was thinking of calling you and taking you out to eat delicious, but I didn't expect you to call over!"

Unexpectedly, Ye Wanzhi's terrified cry came from inside: "Chen Nan, save me!"

Chen Nan's face changed suddenly: "Where are you?" What happened?

Tang He's strange smile came from the phone: "Chen Nan, if you want to save Ye Wanzhi's life, then come to Wuliying!"

"I'll send the location to your phone later, if you dare to call the police, don't blame me for being cruel!"

Chen Nan was furious: "If you dare to hurt a single hair, I will destroy your Tang family!"

Tang He smiled wickedly: "Give the face not the face, do you think my Tang family is a soft persimmon?" "

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