The road to cultivation is full of ups and downs, as well as too many unknowns!

Only by going against the sky can we peek into the secrets of eternal life!

to be above all living beings!

And the golden pill period is a threshold!

Only by crossing this threshold can you have the opportunity to spy on the avenue and gain eternal life!


Among the cultivators in the world who are like a carp crossing a river, there are very few who can survive the Heavenly Tribulation!


Reach out and see the five fingers of heaven and earth!

A faint flame rises!

Subsequently, the cigarette in the corner of Chen Nan's mouth was lit!

He quietly looked into the air: "As I thought, the scene is a bit big!"

"Also, a peerless Tianjiao like me has to have such a big scene!"

Chen Nan had seen the eighteen elders of the Huashan Sword Sect cross the calamity at the same time!

Although the scene is shocking!

But it was far less shocking than his thunder tribulation at this time!


tens of miles away!

The nine Guarding Mountain Elders of the Huashan Sword Sect stood there quietly!

Eyes full of concern!

When Chen Nan went to the Huashan Sword Sect some time ago, they sensed Chen Nan's mood change!

Somewhat low!

Some reluctant!

In addition, he stepped into the nine-layer peak of the foundation building period!

So they all know that Chen Nan is about to cross the calamity!

Since Chen Nan didn't want them to know, then respect his wishes and pretend not to know anything!


They have been following Chen Nan!

In order to silently guard him when he crossed the calamity!

But at the moment!

A sense of foreboding rose in the hearts of the nine Mountain Guarding Elders!

The Great Elder hurriedly said in a low voice, "The Heavenly Tribulation is divided into three and nine Heavenly Tribulations, six and nine Heavenly Tribulations, and Nine Nine Heavenly Tribulations. The head condensed the golden pill today, it is the Three Nine Heavenly Tribulation, but the thickness of the robbery cloud is far more terrifying than the Nine Nine Tribulation recorded in the ancient books!

Third Elder Cang Ning said, "Have you seen Tianjiao who cultivated to the peak of Zhujidan in his twenties?" Great

Elder: "The head is the first!"

Cangning continued, "Then have you ever seen a third-level alchemist in his twenties? Great

Elder: "The head is the first!"

Cangning: "Have you ever seen a rune master in his twenties?" Great

Elder: "The head is the first!"

Cangning: "Have you ever seen a Foundation Building Period cultivator in his twenties kill a Golden Pill Stage powerhouse?" Great

Elder: "The head is the first!"

Cangning sighed: "He was born extraordinary, these auras seem dazzling, but when crossing the Tribulation, the Heavenly Tribulation he experienced will be proportional to his aura!"

"If it is said that an ordinary person's crossing of the calamity is nine deaths, then he crosses the calamity is ten deaths and no life!" Speaking of this, a touch of worry flashed in his eyes, but more helplessness!

Ruo Lan said in a low voice, "You also admit that he is extraordinary, but why don't you want to believe that he can survive the Heavenly Tribulation?"

"He has done things that are difficult for ordinary people to do!"

"It should not be difficult to survive this heavenly calamity..."

The words are not finished!

Night instantly turned into day!

A silver dragon tore through the void and quietly fell on Chen Nan's body!

Next moment!

A deafening thunder exploded in everyone's ears!

It's like the heavenly dome shattering, deafening!

It even gives them a headache!

After the pain in their heads disappeared, they all looked at Chen Nan in the distance!

I saw him covered in scorched black, lying on the ground in a large figure, and only a cigarette butt in his mouth emitted a faint fire!

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief!

Although Chen Nan looked embarrassed, he was not injured!

"This guy is really bold enough to carry the first heavenly thunder with his flesh!"

"Flesh resistance to lightning, this is not something that ordinary cultivators can do!"

"The head is really the leader, even the crossing is so arrogant!"


"Knock your mother, the first heavenly thunder is so ruthless?" Chen Nan gasped, the first heavenly thunder came too quickly, so that he didn't have a chance to guard against it!

Fortunately, the power of this heavenly thunder is not very strong!

Of course, it may also be that his physical body is too strong!

The first heavenly thunder did not destroy his physical body!

But it also made his limbs temporarily lose the ability to move!

Without much thought, he quickly controlled the surge of True Qi to his limbs and bones, repairing his damaged flesh and blood and meridians!

The influx of true qi is like the dry land has been irrigated by a ganlin, which is extremely comfortable!

Moreover, he could feel that his physical strength had improved significantly!

"At this recovery rate, my body can recover in ten minutes!"

"And according to ancient books, the second heavenly thunder will fall in half an hour..."

Without warning!

A bolt of lightning tore through the night and landed on him!

The power is far more terrifying than the previous one!


Chen Nan panicked!

Doesn't it mean that the second heavenly thunder will land in half an hour?

But why did the heavenly thunder seem to be seamless when I crossed the calamity?

This is not a doom!

This is trying to make me die!


When the second heavenly thunder fell!

Chen Nan's brain turned blank!

The skin of the body is open, and you can clearly see the current flashing on the body!

There is even a crackling sound!

The nine mountain guarding elders in the distance were all moved!

"The master is the master, not only dare to withstand the first heavenly thunder with his flesh, but even the second heavenly thunder!"

"This boldness is moving!"

"He's a role model for me!"

"Awesome, you can't hide when the heavenly thunder falls!"

"How else to say that he is the head of our Huashan Sword Sect?"

Just when the nine people were talking about it!

The third heavenly thunder fell silently!

The ground is shaken!

Chen Nan also let out a miserable scream!

This moment!

He felt that his physical body could not carry his soul!

I feel like I want to get out of my shell!

Because his flesh is in extreme pain!

Already dilapidated!

"This Heavenly Tribulation is very strange, different from what is recorded in ancient books!"

"It's really weird, but the head has successfully survived the Heavenly Tribulation!"

"Using the flesh to resist the three heavenly thunders, the talent of the head is really terrifying, and it is very likely to embark on the road of sanctification in the flesh!"

"Yes, the Heavenly Thunder Quenching Body is a supreme opportunity, but ordinary cultivators don't have the guts to resist the Heavenly Thunder with their flesh bodies! The leader used his flesh to resist the three heavenly thunders today, and he didn't need to think about it to know that his physical body would reach a terrifying point! The

fifth elder exclaimed, "That's not right! Wrong wrong! If the leader successfully survived the Heavenly Tribulation, why did the clouds of Tribulation in the air gather and not disperse? It shouldn't be like this, it shouldn't! Everyone

else's face changed!

They have all survived the calamity, and the moment the tribulation is successful, the calamity cloud in the air will disappear!

But now!

Chen Nanming had experienced three heavenly thunders, but not only did the clouds not disappear, but they looked more intense than before!

"According to legend, there is a kind of person who is called the Heavenly Forsaken, and this kind of person will not usher in the Three Nine Heavenly Tribulation, but the Six or Nine Heavenly Tribulation!" Cangjue's face changed drastically, and he thought of a terrifying legend!

Without much thought, he yelled at Chen Nan: "Chief, don't play with children, your Heavenly Tribulation is most likely Six or Nine Heavenly Tribulation, you should go all out!" "

Chen Nan is powerless to complain!

Lao Tzu has been doing his best!!

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