She wears a dark blue V-neck dress, and the career line in front of her is very strong!

The whole person reveals a unique charm of mature women from the inside out!

Especially that pair of flattering eyes, breathtaking!

Suddenly I was a little envious of Tuoba Yun...

But for Chen Nan!

Shen Nian's first impression on her was big!

Although he is beautiful, he knows that his position is different!

If not, there is nothing wrong with experiencing the joy of a Cao thief!

"I've seen Her Royal Highness!"

Chen Nan bowed slightly, and did not show too much inflammation!

After all, he is a strategist in Shen Lang's mansion, and if he gets too close to others, or acts too actively, it will definitely make people think more!

Shen Nian looked Chen Nan up and down a few times, did not hide his words of praise, and a gentle voice came out of his mouth: "Hearing that Mr. Chen completed the rules formulated by Shen Lang, this princess was surprised, and specially came to see Mr. Respect!"

"At first sight today, Mr. not only looks like Pan An, he is handsome, and the whole person exudes an elegant aura from the inside out!"

"I also hope that Mr. can help Shen Lang to help him consolidate his position in the future!"

Speaking of this, he bowed to Chen Nan!

Chen Nan replied: "Her Royal Highness the princess said seriously, since Chen Mou can become a counselor in the Shizi Mansion, he should fully assist His Royal Highness!"

Shen Nian said, "The four of you retreat first!" "


Mei Lan Zhuju immediately exited the backyard!

Shen Nian sat at the stone table under the peach tree, waved his right hand, and a set of jade tea sets appeared in front of him!

She made a pot of tea very quietly, then poured a cup for Chen Nan, put it in front of Chen Nan with both hands, and said casually: "I don't know where Mr. Chen's family lives?" Chen

Nan: "Chen Mou is a scattered cultivator, and he has been living like an idle cloud and wild crane before!" He

knew that Shen Nian was inquiring into his details!

Shen Nian said again, "Then why did Mr. Shizi join the Shizi Mansion and become a counselor under Shen Lang?"

Chen Nan frowned slightly, showing some displeasure: "Is Her Royal Highness doubting my origin?"

"Mr. Chen said and smiled, I'm just curious!" Shen Nian had a smile on her face, but the meaning was obvious, she still couldn't believe Chen Nan!

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Actually, it's nothing, I was originally dedicated to the Dao, but I stepped into the Jindan layer for a hundred years, but I couldn't go further!"

"I heard that the imperial court is like a battlefield, so I thought of coming to Kyoto, entering the imperial court, and experiencing the open and secret battles of the imperial court, so as to experience the mind and obtain the improvement of cultivation!"

"However, I Chen Mou did not have a recommendation, so I can't enter the court!"

"It just so happened to know that His Royal Highness Four is recruiting counselors!"

"So I was fortunate enough to become a counselor of Shizifu!"

Shen Nian's eyes flashed with an intriguing smile: "That is to say, if Mr. can get a recommendation at this time, you will still choose to enter the court?"

Chen Nan: "Before today, Chen did have this idea!"

"Although His Royal Highness Four is King Wu's favorite son, everyone knows about his reputation!"

"He's just a kid who doesn't learn and has no skills!"

"Chen Mou said this, Her Royal Highness the princess should not be angry, right?"

Shen Nian smiled, picked up the jade cup and drank fragrant tea: "Sir continue!"

Chen Nan: "But when I saw the world today, Chen Mou knew the wisdom of the fourth highness!" Although he gave the impression before that he was arrogant and domineering, he did not learn and had no skills, but if Chen was not mistaken, this was actually a disguise!

"The purpose of his this is to paralyze everyone, and only then can he deliver a fatal blow at a critical moment!"

Shen Nian shook his head disapprovingly: "Sir is afraid that he is wrong, but my younger brother has no big ambitions!"

Chen Nan asked, "If the Fourth Highness has no ambition and no learning skills, how can he come up with such an alternative assessment method?" Shen

Nian was speechless!

Chen Nan: "The two assessment methods proposed by the four highnesses seem tricky, but why not go the wrong way with the sword and look for the wizards of the world?"

Shen Nian: "So, you changed your opinion of him?"

"Good!" Chen Nan: "The city of the four highnesses is as deep as the sea, although Chen Mou does not know what his goal is, he is willing to follow him and serve the dogs!"

Shen Nian: "Since Mr. has spoken about this, I can tell you very responsibly, if Mr. can really assist Shen Lang, our Shen family will not treat you badly!"

"On the contrary, if Mr. lurks beside Shen Lang with other evil intentions, then don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Chen Nan smiled: "Under the whole world, it is not the royal land, and King Wu is the current Zuo Xiang, I Chen someone will not be stupid enough to be an enemy of King Wu!"

"I hope Mr. will do what he says!" Shen Nian got up and left!

After Shen Nian left, Chen Nan's eyes became solemn!

It is said that the chest is big and brainless, but Shen Nian gives him a dangerous signal!

This is a very smart woman!

If you accidentally show a flaw around her, the consequences will be serious!

But that's more fun, isn't it?


Chen Nan took Shen Lang's car and followed him to the bank of the Chunjiang River!

Although the means of transportation in this world are very simple, Shen Lang's chariot is very luxurious, and the entire chariot is carved from a rare giant jade!

It is carved with a unicorn, which looks lifelike!

Pedestrians on the road avoided each passing by, their eyes full of awe!

Shen Lang lay lazily in the car, giving people a cynical feeling: "Sir, I feel that the time is not ripe now, so you understand?"

Chen Nan: "His Highness wants me to keep a low profile?"

"Not and not either!" Shen Lang said: "I mean, Sir can be high-profile, especially in this kind of thing, the higher the profile, the better!"

"Regarding wisdom and strategy, it is completely possible to pretend that there is none!"

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Chen Mou is stupid, I don't know what His Highness means!"

Shen Lang's eyes suddenly showed a sinister smile: "My two brothers have learned that I am recruiting counselors, and they have evil thoughts about me, if nothing else, they will send someone to murder me!"

"And I haven't bought off their men yet!"

"So, you need to endure for a while before this!"

"If you want to endure, Sir must keep a low profile!"

"It's better to let them think that you are also a Wind Moon master, and I recruited you just to smell the same!"

"So that they won't send someone to murder me in the first place!"

Chen Nan: "However, I am afraid that what happened today has already been known by the two highnesses, right?"

Shen Lang grinned: "This gentleman can rest assured, all those who know today's events have died, and outsiders do not know your talents!"

"So, I just need to get up today?" Chen Nan looked embarrassed!

As a scumbag, isn't that what he does best?

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