City Guard Command Mansion!

Shen Cong sat cross-kneeled, as a Jindan period powerhouse and the eldest son of King Wu, he didn't need to work so hard!

But he knows!

I don't have any chance to enjoy and indulge myself!

His father's favoritism made him have to practice hard and be diligent in government affairs!

Because even so, King Wu's favorite is Shen Lang!

"Commander, the Yaxiu girl has sent information!" The steward of the ruling mansion walked in respectfully: "According to what Miss Yaxiu said, the strategist recruited by the fourth highness is not a superior wisdom, but a Wind and Moon master!"

"This person is one enemy and six, and does not fall behind, he is very brave!"

Shen Cong slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes: "After all, I overestimated the fourth old!"

"I thought he would recruit someone who is good at power and mind!"

"Which Chengxiang actually recruited a Wind Moon master!"

"It really stinks!"

Speaking of this, a disdainful expression appeared on his face: "Father should be very disappointed when he knows about this, right?" "


Shen Feng, as the commander of the palace forbidden army, although his power is not as powerful as the commander of the city guard!

But it is not comparable to the average person!

This time, he also arranged for a woman to blend into the Floating Fragrance Courtyard!

In order to find out the details of the strategist that Shen Lang recruited!

Knowing what Chen Nan had done, he couldn't help but let out a light sigh: "My opponent is the eldest brother after all!" "


Marshal's Mansion!

"Your Royal Highness, did you sleep?" The maid Qiu Ju came to the outside of Shen Nian's room!

Shen Nian: "Come in and talk!"


The maid pushed the door and entered, and saw Shen Nian sitting quietly in the barrel!

Even though the hot water in the barrel had already cooled, she was unaware!

For some reason, a hint of crimson appeared on his cheeks!

She knows!

The princess must be empty inside!


Although my aunt is a generalissimo of the Terracotta Horse!

But because he went crazy when he was cultivating in the early years, he hurt the fundamentals!

So much so that the princess was alone in the empty room when she got married!

Qiu Ju said, "Just now Xuemei sent a message about what Chen Nan did in the Piaoxiang Courtyard!" This person is amorous, obscene, and besides, with one enemy six..."

A look of surprise flashed in Shen Nian's eyes: "One enemy six? Are you sure?

Qiu Ju said nervously: "This is what Xuemei said, I don't know what kind of villain is!"

"Okay, you go down, if Xuemei comes back, let her come to me!" Shen Nian waved his hand, but his heart couldn't calm down for a long time!

She could understand what Chen Nan did in the Floating Fragrance Courtyard, only in this way could she paralyze people who harbored evil thoughts about Shen Lang!


She didn't expect that Chen Nan could beat one against six!

Thinking of her waste husband, she suddenly felt hatred!

Guy who doesn't look good!

If you have one-tenth of Chen Nan's bravery!

Why didn't Princess Ben be so empty?!

King Wu's Mansion!

King Wu sits alone in front of the chess game!

He loves to play chess!

This gave him a feeling of being in control of all living beings in the world!

It's not so much that he likes to play chess!

Rather, he likes to control the fate of others!

He was holding a white chess piece, and his eyes flashed with an intriguing light: "It is said that this strategist was very resistant to this land of wind and moon fireworks at first!"

"But why are you proficient in this way?"

The butler said, "Is Wang Ye suspecting this person?" King

Wu shook his head slightly: "If he is really proficient in the art of power and strategy, he should not go to Lang'er's mansion, because everyone knows that Lang'er is a disciple who does not learn and has no skills!"

"Even if he discovers Lang'er's talent, his starting point itself is not right!"

The butler said, "What Wang Ye said is reasonable!" "

Can King Ning make any moves during this time?" King Wu diverted the topic!

The butler said: "King Ning and the Jia family have a close relationship, but because Wang Ye found evidence of the Jia family's collusion with the enemy this time, King Ning behaved very low-key during this time!"

King Wu muttered, "If Chen Nan is not King Ning's person, then it is very likely to be an extraordinary person!" It is very likely that he has insight into the pattern of the world! "Speaking of this, the chess piece in this hand slowly lands on the board!

The butler hesitated and said, "Do you want to test him?"

"No need!" King Wu showed an intriguing smile: "This person is a worm or a dragon, time will give the answer!" "


noon the next day!

Chen Nan came to the first floor and joined Shen Lang!

Shen Lang's face was full of admiration: "Sir is really like a god man, your record last night has already made history!"

"Six beauties have worked hard, and their throats are about to smoke, right?"

Last night, he heard the sound coming from Chen Nan's room, so that he became a little more alive!

The six blushed shyly...

Chen Nan said with a smile: "I have a medicine that can make life come alive and become a seven-time lang in one night, if His Highness Shizi likes it, I can give it to His Royal Highness Shizi!"

"So good!" Shen Lang laughed: "Come, reward these six beauties!"

"Mother Wu, remember to give them a few days off and let them rest well!"

Then Chen Nan and Shen Lang left the Piaoxiang Courtyard!

Above the Jade Bowl!

Shen Lang sighed: "Sir is obviously brave, but why do you dislike hooking and listening to music?" "

It's not that Thaksin can't trust Chen Nan!

It's just pure curiosity!

Chen Nan cleared his throat, and his eyes flashed with embarrassment: "Maybe... I'm thin-skinned, and I don't like to walk around the green building with others!

Shen Lang was stunned, and then said with a smile: "It turns out that Mr. is also a sullen person, which is very similar to us!"

Chen Nan couldn't find a rebuttal, and immediately diverted the topic: "Your Highness Shizi, I want to go to the Xuanji Gate!"

Shen Lang: "I'll let people send you over!" "


at the same time!

Xuemei also returned to the Marshal's Mansion!

"I heard that Chen Nan fought one against six last night?" Shen Nian looked at the respectful woman in front of him, and he couldn't see any emotional fluctuations in his eyes!

Xuemei replied respectfully, "Back to Her Royal Highness, yes!"

Shen Nian said: "I don't believe that there are such brave people in the world, let go of your body and mind, I want to watch your memory!"

"Princess spare your life!"

Xuemei knelt on the ground with a snort, being watched and remembered is a very cruel thing!

And if you are not careful, you will die!

"If you cooperate, this princess will let you die, if not, don't blame me for not thinking about the master-servant relationship!" Shen Nian's face was expressionless!

"Yes..." Xuemei's face was full of panic, and she forcibly calmed her heart!

Subsequently, her brain went blank!

Shen Nian watched Xuemei's memories last night like an outsider!

She didn't believe that someone could fight one against six, and she didn't stop all night!

But after reading it, my heart beat without contending!

She was deeply impressed by Chen Nan's divine bravery!

That strong and powerful chest gives people an inexplicable sense of security!

It's as if the sky is falling!

Although Chen Nan is very perverted, he does not treat the six as adults!

However, a longing arose in her heart!

How nice would it be if I could spend the night with him?

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