Pang Zhen's scalp was numb.

What happened tonight had turned his perception of the world upside down.

If nothing else, just the wife and daughter with the knife in the chest standing alive in front of his eyes made him feel like a ghost.

"I said that if you don't confess to committing a crime, I will judge you personally, have you forgotten?" came a cold voice from Pang Lina's mouth again.

Why can you control our family of three?" Pang Zhen was desperate, and he recognized the owner of the voice.

Who is it not Chen Nan?

"My means, how can you imagine?" Pang Lina had an evil smile on her face.

"Actually, I don't want to do this, but you didn't take the opportunity you had

!" "Since this is the case, then none of your family of three will be spared

!" "Everyone who has eaten human blood steamed buns must be judged by me!"

"I will not kill you, I will put you under the judgment of the law."

"I'm going to let the rest of your life be in pain, despair, and guilt!"

Pang Lina and Lu Yan both fell in a pool of blood.

Their eyes regained their senses.

but shrouded in pain and despair.

They already knew that it all started because of Chen Nan.


awaits them will be death!

"No!" Pang

Zhen's eyes were cracked, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes.


at the tragic death of his wife and daughter, Pang Zhen let out a resentful roar: "Chen Nan, even if I die, I will not accept the punishment of the law, even if I die, I will make you pay the price you deserve!"

When the words fell, he wrote on the ground in blood: The murderer Chen Nan, four words.

Then he crashed headlong into his desk.


the next day.

There was big news in Jeju.

Pang Zhen committed suicide at home.

As soon as this news came out, there was an uproar.

"He committed suicide in fear of crime, right?" "

I have long heard that this person's methods are not clean, and he has sentenced many wrongful cases.

"People like him shouldn't live in the world."

"Yes, do you remember the traffic accident last year, it is said that an eighty-year-old old man who set up a stall and sold vegetables was hit by a car and died, but finally sentenced the old man to touch porcelain

!" "The driver who caused the accident was acquitted, not to mention, what is even more infuriating is that the children of the vegetable seller even have to repair the car for that rich second generation!"

I have a neighbor who lives in a neighborhood with Pang Zhen, and it is said that Pang Zhen's family died tragically, and he wrote all his crimes on the wall with blood, even the wrongful convictions he sentenced.

"It's very weird.

"Could it be that the unjust soul is asking for his life?" ------

Chen Nan didn't know anything about the outside world at all.

Until he was woken up by a sharp knock on the door.

"Son, get up quickly, the comrades of the criminal police team said that you are involved in a case, and they came to question you. Chen Shan's face was full of anxiety, he knew his son's impulsive nature, and this time he was afraid in his heart.

After all, the criminal police team and the police station are not the same.

But all the cases they handle are big and important cases.

"Dad, don't scare me, I'm just out of prison now, I'm under observation, how can I commit a crime?" said Chen Nan and followed his father to the living room, where he was greeted by three comrades from the criminal police team.

What he didn't expect was that the person at the head turned out to be a twenty-five-six-year-old woman with graceful and colorful eyebrows, and ice muscles and jade bones.

"Hello, my name is Lu Xiaojia, and I am the deputy captain of the Jeju Criminal Police Detachment. Lu Xiaojia showed his documents, and then said, "We came here to ask you about a case."

"Officer Lu, my heart is bad, don't scare me!" Chen Nan looked uneasy: "I am just an ordinary person with an honest duty, how can I be involved in your case

?" "Are you sure you are an ordinary person?" Lu Xiaojia observed Chen Nan's every move and the micro-expression on his face.

Chen Nan asked cautiously: "Am I not an ordinary person?" Lu

Xiaojia did not see the answer he wanted on Chen Nan's face, and he was a little unhappy, and said directly: "Pang Zhen's family of three died."

Chen Nan was overjoyed: "Oh, lying groove, there is such a good thing? Dad, don't be idle, go buy some fireworks, you have to celebrate and celebrate whatever you say today!"

The corners of Chen Shan's mouth twitched.

Lu Xiaojia frowned: "You seem to want him to die?"

Chen Nan shrugged: "Since you have found out here, you should know that I have been in prison for three years, well, the charge of picking quarrels and provoking trouble, I have just come out for ten days."

Lu Xiaojia said, "I know, and I also know that the case back then was handled by Pang Zhen."

Chen Nan grinned: "Then do you know that I belonged to the righteous and brave back then?"

She didn't know about it.

"Just because I saw righteousness and courage and offended the son of the Zhao family, he colluded with Pang Zhen and bought the girl who was saved by me, so that I who was originally righteous and courageous became a quarrel.

"I was imprisoned for three years, bearing the title of a labor prisoner."

"It ruined my college dreams.

"Now that he's dead, what's wrong with my joy?

Two more comrades from the criminal police team walked in and whispered in Lu Xiaojia's ear: "Inquire clearly, Chen Nan has always been someone else's child. Since childhood, he has been sensible, and he is good at studying and helpful, but he was wrongly sentenced for three years three years ago, and now he has just come out for more than ten days.

"By the way, it was Pang Zhen who sentenced him to three years in prison.

Lu Xiaojia snorted expressionlessly, then looked at Chen Nan and said, "We came here just routinely, there is something you may not know, Pang Zhen's family of three died, and the scene was very tragic."

"The most important thing is that Pang Zhen wrote the four words of murderer Chen Nan in blood before he died, how do you explain this matter?"

Chen Nan had a strange expression: "Just because he wrote the four words of the murderer Chen Nan, you came to arrest me?


This has nothing to do with my attitude, right?" Chen Nan laughed angrily: "If you have evidence that I killed Pang Zhen, you can apply for an arrest warrant, if there is no evidence, I hope Miss Lu will not use an interrogation attitude against me." Seeing

that Lu Xiaojia was about to get angry, a middle-aged man hurriedly said: "Chen Nan, we are just routine, there is no malice towards you, so what, you don't leave Jeju in the near future, if there is a progress related to the case, we will contact you as soon as possible."

Chen Nan said unshirkably: "It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with the public security and judicial organs, if necessary, you can contact me at any time!"

Pang Zhen's case is strange everywhere, although there is no evidence that Chen Nan did it.

But the woman's sixth sense told her that Chen Nan was the real murderer!


"Young Master, something has happened

!" Zhou Zijian hurriedly pushed open the door of Luo Tianyou's ward: "Pang Zhen's family of three is

dead!" "Lying groove!" Luo Tianyou exclaimed: "Why is this bone eye dead?"

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