"It's the one who killed you!" accompanied

by an indifferent voice

! I saw Jia Xiangan leading the master of the Jia family to come with the imperial

sword! It was the sword immortal puppet with the Yuan infancy stage that was led

by it!

"Jia Xiangan, why did you appear here?

The original intention was to get rid of the eighty-one people

of the Jia family! But he didn't expect that

Jia Xiang'an would lead the master of the Jia family to save the car! Jia Xiangan ignored him, landed directly in front of Shen Ao, and led everyone in the Jia family to kneel on the ground: "The grass man Jia Xiang'an escaped from the heavenly prison privately, and hoped that His Majesty would have fallen guilty!" Shen Ao's

eyes were complicated: "Uncle, please get up quickly, if it weren't for the incompetence, your Jia clan would not have jailed prison!"

Fortunately, all of you are not a big deal, and you can feel better in your hearts

!" "The Jia clan is full of loyalty! Jia

Xiangan is even more brotherly and brotherly with the emperor, and privately calls him a brother

! So it is not inappropriate for Shen Ao to call the other party uncle!"

Your Majesty, the grass people first get rid of the traitor King Wu!" Jia Xiangan looked at King Wu: "King Wu, you intend to rebel, heaven is unreasonable, what else do you have to say now?"


Xiang'an snorted coldly

: "Old Immortal naturally can't kill you, but someone can kill you!" When the words fell, he returned the Sword Immortal Puppet to Chen Nan: "Good grandson, this Sword Immortal puppet is still returned to the original owner, it's up to you to order the killing of King Wu!" "The blow just now was delivered by this Sword Immortal Puppet



Ao, King Ning and the others were also in mixed moods

! I never expected to rely on a puppet to change the current situation!

Chen Nan spoke: "Grandpa, it's just a gadget, since you gave it away, how can the junior take it back?

A little gadget...

King Wu almost didn't scold Niang! It

is extremely difficult to make puppets,

especially battle-type puppets

! And puppets that are comparable to the strong people in the Yuan infancy period are extremely rare

! You said a gadget?

Scolded the next door!

Jia Xiangan didn't expect Chen Nan to give this sword fairy puppet to himself, and then said: "Even so, then the old immortal is not respectful!" The

eyes of the Sword Immortal Puppet burst out with dazzling light, and then rushed towards King

Wu! In his hand was a medium-grade spirit weapon

! The power was extremely terrifying

! King Wu fought back vigorously and fought decisively with the Sword Immortal Puppet in the air! As

two peak powerhouses of the Yuan Infancy Stage, their speed was extremely fast

! Ordinary people could not see their figures with the naked eye!

Only two afterimages can be vaguely seen colliding

in the air! The thunderous impact sound makes everyone feel as humble as an ant! As

the two clash, a deep crack appears in the depths of the firmament! It

is pitch black, giving people a sense of déjà vu that can devour everything! The

power that the two of them burst out of battle is not at all what this heaven and earth can bear

!King Wu was shot down in the air by

the Sword Immortal Puppet! He lost his left arm, blood was drenched, and he was extremely embarrassed

! But the Sword Immortal Puppet was unharmed! Even if King Wu was a master of refining the body, but his physical body was less than one-tenth of the Sword Immortal Puppet!

"Why? Why is

this?" "I am your people, why do you allow outsiders to bully your people?" King

Wu raised his head to the sky and roared

! He was ready to ascend the throne! He

wanted to become the supreme king of this world!


the cruelty of reality poured cold water on him!

Even if he possessed the peak cultivation of the Yuan Infancy Stage, he would not be able to defeat that Sword Immortal Puppet at all

! Without warning

, a purple heavenly thunder fell on King Wu's

body! It made him scorch black, and a miserable cry came out

of his mouth! As if he had angered the heavens and ushered in the punishment of the heavens

! But at this moment

! A

terrifying aura erupted in his body!

It was like a volcanic eruption, giving people a powerful sense of oppression

, and it was as if an invisible big hand was strangling everyone's throat! What

made people feel even more incredible was that his severed arm was reborn at this moment

! "It's not good, King Wu is about to break through the Yuan Infancy period and step into the Yuan Infancy Period!" An old man in the Yuan Infancy stage beside King Ning exclaimed!

If King Wu stepped into the Exit Period, who could kill him?

"Kill!" Jia

Xiangan directly urged the Sword Immortal Puppet to slash at King Wu!

The result

is the same, it is impossible to break through King Wu's defenses!"

"I have been favored by the rules of Heaven's Dao, I am the only chosen son in this world, just with a puppet, how can I hurt Xuan?" "

You guys also look down on Heavenly Dao Dad too much, right?" King

Wu exhaled, and the spiritual energy between heaven and earth instantly submerged into his body!

I saw that his eyes were as bright as the stars, and he could cause a vision of heaven and earth with every move

! Just a look made people's hearts beat faster and dizzy

! The reborn arm was like a fine mutton fat jade

! "Die!" King

Wu slammed his palm towards the

sword fairy puppet! Boom

! Wind and clouds suddenly changed

! The void annihilated! The

sword fairy puppet was instantly blasted off an arm!

There is no way to fight back in front

of King Wu! Even if the strength of the strong man in the Yuan Infancy period is transcendent, he is not the opponent of the strong person in the Yuan Infancy Stage at all

! "I want to see if you can resist a few moves from me!"

King Wu laughed loudly, he was not in a hurry to kill

the Sword Immortal puppet! He wanted to play with it

! Let everyone know his strength! Watch

the Sword Immortal puppet being beaten to pieces by King Wu!

Everyone felt an unprecedented despair

! King Wu has broken through the shackles, when there is no one in the world who is his opponent

! There is only one end waiting for them

! That is death

! With King Wu's palm blasted out

! The sword fairy puppet immediately turned into powder and disappeared between heaven and earth!

King Wu looked at Chen Nan, his eyes full of hideousness: " The surname Chen, you are very arrogant, you actually said that the

sword fairy puppet is a gadget, listening to your words, can it be that you have a puppet of higher quality than that puppet?" "If you have some words, take it out and let me see, see if I don't burst its head!" Chen

Nan showed a cheeky smile: "Don't say, I really have a higher quality sword fairy puppet than it!

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