Chen Nan: "Uncover

the rune!" "No, you can't go!" Jia Xiu's face was solemn: "There are too many ominous and unknown in the Immortal Mountain, even if your strength is transcendent, and even there is a sword fairy puppet that kills the strong in the Essence Period, but you definitely can't go

!" A middle-aged humane: "According to legend, thousands of years ago, a strong man climbed the Immortal Mountain and wanted to remove the rune, but before he could make a move, something ominous happened!"

There are too many such things, no matter what realm of powerhouses, even the powerhouses of the Mahayana period realm are not spared

!" "Everyone in the Jia family spoke

! They live in this world and know the horror of the Immortal Mountain!"

"The strong people in the Mahayana period have gone and never returned?" Chen Nan frowned slightly

! The strong people in the Mahayana period

are second only to the existence of immortals!

If the old mountain is really so terrifying, why did the dragon mastiff let himself uncover

the rune?"Why the rune exists and what is the meaning of its existence, no one knows so far

!" "According to legend, thousands of years ago, a strong man in the Mahayana period set his eyes on the rune and wanted to study the meaning of the rune's existence

!" "But just approaching it triggered the heavenly fire and directly turned into ashes!" Chen

Nan smiled: " You also said, that was before, as for what the situation is now, you will know the result after you have been

there!" Chen Xiazhi said nervously: "Brother, you just listen to your uncles, there is no need to go to Immortal Mountain to make a risk!" Chen

Hanlu: "Yes, your current strength is so strong, what does a rune mean to you?"

He knew that even if he stopped his son today

, one day he would secretly go to Immortal Mountain behind everyone's back! Instead

of living in fear all day, it was better to generously let him go!

"Thank you Dad!" Jia

Cui sighed and said to Jia Xiu: "Ninth brother, you accompany Chen Nan to the Immortal Mountain, and strive to go early and return early!"

At first

, Chen Nan thought that this

small world was not big! At best, it was similar to the area of a province on the earth

! But they had not flown to Mount Immortal for more than two hours, which shows how

vast the area of the small world is! "Although the area of our small world is not as vast as the world, it is also wider than the Great Xia Dynasty!" Jia Xiu saw what Chen Nan was thinking, and said with a smile!


Nan nodded slightly

: "The population is not much!" Jia Xiu: "This is no way, our world is developing slowly, and many people advocate cultivation, and the population fertility rate is naturally not high!" After

flying for almost ten minutes

! A majestic mountain appeared at the end of the sky!

Jia Xiu said: "This mountain is higher than the so-called world's highest peak, Mount Everest, and the actual height has exceeded 10,000 meters!" Chen

Nan was shocked: "The 10,000-meter-high mountain, but the trees on it are shady, it really feels strange

!" "This is the origin of the Immortal Mountain!" Jia Xiu said: "The Immortal Mountain is warm as spring all year round, which is why it is called the Immortal Mountain!"

A golden light appeared on the top of the Immortal Mountain! It

was the light emitted when the runes flickered! Although

the distance was far away, it also gave Chen Nan a strong sense of oppression! Chen Nan

asked again: "Uncle, what is the end of your world?" "

Misty!" Jia

Xiu said: "Our world is surrounded by fog, as for what is in the fog, I don't know, because no one who has entered has been able to come back alive!"

Chen Nan looked at the runes lit up in the distance: "Do you say that there is a possibility

that the world

you are in, and the outside world, are actually one world?" "It's just that it was opened up into an independent world by the power, and then imprisoned this space with the runes

?" Jia Xiu swallowed: "Is your brain hole too big?" Chen

Nan shook his head!

Chen Nan said, "The

runes on the top of the mountain will flicker every other hour

!" "The power at that time was very terrifying

!" "That is to say

!" "I have to remove the runes within this hour

!" "Otherwise, it will be very troublesome!" Jia

Xiu said: "There is a ban on the Immortal Mountain, and the monks cannot fly inside." But your physical body is fierce enough to resist heavenly thunder, and it is not difficult for you to climb a mountain of 10,000 meters

!" "Uncle, you are waiting for me here, I will go back!"

Chen Nan said as he flew to the foot of the

Immortal Mountain! When

he came to the foot of the Immortal Mountain, the flying sword under his feet fell in the air under the influence of the prohibition!

There is a terrifying gravity

here, even if he is affected

here! Not only that,

but there is also a mysterious force that isolates the induction between him and the Immortal Mansion

! "Do you want to be so pitted!"

Chen Nan's mentality collapsed

! He knew that it was dangerous here!

But he was not afraid before coming!

In his opinion, the worst end is to hide in the Immortal Mansion!

You can't sense the Immortal Mansion at all, let alone hide in it

!" "It seems that there is a big secret here, as if, there is no need to risk here!" Chen

Nan gave up the idea of exploring the Immortal Mountain

! His current strength is also okay, there is no need to give his life here

!But just as he was about to return the same way, he was shocked to find that there was an invisible formation blocking his way!


looked up at the sky, looked at the peak of the mountain on the clouds, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Yes, since I can only enter and exit, then I will explore the secret of the Immortal Mountain!" Then

he climbed towards the mountain at the fastest speed!

But just when he climbed to the third

of the position, the scene in front of Chen Nan's eyes changed! There was a frozen world in front

of him! Trees, stones, and even the earth were frozen

! In addition, there were several figures, I think they were those masters who explored the Immortal Mountain before

! "The temperature here is too low, right?" Chen

Nan's eyes were full of jealousy!

But he didn't turn back, and forced himself into this frozen world

! Just as he stepped in

, a chill instantly spread to his whole body, like steel needles piercing his body, making him shiver

! But he did not hesitate at all, and continued to move forward with the true qi in his body!

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