In an instant,

there were five more crying babies in the air

! They returned to the state they were just born! The

mentality of the five people exploded

! What kind of person is this Chen Nan

? Why do you even have to call him father by the rules of the Heavenly Dao?

Fan Tong regretted

it! The idea that he shouldn't have hit the rune

! Otherwise, this would not have happened

! Jia Xiu was like being struck by lightning!


this time, Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Uncle, let's go back to White Emperor City

!" "Oh, good

!" Jia Xiu came back to his senses in shock, he was not worried about the five people of Fan Tong, after all, the runes of Immortal Mountain were removed, and it would not be long before a human expert appeared!"

Send us back to White Emperor City, and then where do you call, go back!" Chen Nan said to the rules of Heaven's Dao, although he became the father of the rules of Heaven's Dao, he can dominate

this small world! But he is an outsider after all

! It is impossible to take him out of this small world

! Help the Jia family improve their cultivation?

No need for that!


Chen Nan's return made everyone very happy! The

Jia family was even more lit up and prepared a sumptuous dinner

! "Mom and Dad, what are your plans, continue to stay here, or return to the world with me?" On the wine table, Chen Nan asked!

Jia Cui hesitated and said, "Son, your father and I want to stay here!" Although the technology here is not as good as on the earth, the pace of life here is very slow, and we all like this rhythm!" Chen

Nan did not object

! Now he has accepted the rules of heaven in this world as his son, and he does not have to worry that his parents will encounter danger here! Although

he hopes that his parents will go back to live with him!

But he respects his parents' choice!

Chen Hanlu said: "I have to go back, I have to go back! Yes, I have studied hard for so many years, I have always been a top student, if my uncle had not taken us into the small world last year, I would have completed the college entrance examination last year and been admitted to my favorite school!"

What the junior said is reasonable, I also have to go back to complete the college entrance examination, which can be regarded as a successful end to these years of hard study

!" "After they left, Chen Nan found a relationship to help them take a suspension, and at this time they can still participate in the college entrance examination when they go back

!" "Okay, you two go back with me after dawn!" Although

Chen Nan's current strength is not top-notch, he can completely protect them!

During the meal, Chen Nan keenly discovered that his father was a little absent-minded

! This gave him a bad premonition

! Because he thought of what happened in the Immortal Mountain

! The mountain keeper once said that the forsaken had no parents

! and said that his closest relatives were not in this realm at all!

Chen Shan came to Chen Nan's room, his expression was a little complicated: "Or, chat?" "

There is no point in chatting or not!" Chen Nan sighed in his heart, his father's abnormality strengthened his guess, but it didn't matter to him!

Speaking of this, his expression became much more solemn

! "It was a late autumn twenty-four years ago

!" "I entered Kyoto with a dream!" "

To put it bluntly, I just want to make some money and marry a daughter-in-law!" Chen

Nan listened quietly

! Although he didn't want to hear it

, but his father was right, there are some things he needs to know!

At least he knows where he came from...

"But I don't have a degree, and I don't have a skill, so I can't mix in Kyoto

!" "After staying there for almost a year, I had the idea of going home

!" "But on the eve of leaving

, your mother found me!" "Although I deceived you about your mother, she is indeed a young lady from a big family

!" "And I live in the alley next door to her!"

At that time, you were just born before the full moon

!" "She found me hoping that I could raise you as an adult!"

"How can I, a big man, help others raise their sons

?" "If this is said, how can I find a daughter-in-law in the future

?" "How else to start a family

?" Chen Nan smiled and asked: "What made you change your mind

?" "Fate?" Chen Shan smoked a cigarette and laughed: " The first time I saw you, you smiled at me, just like now, at that time I felt

that we were related!" "I thought that with my ability, it would be difficult to find a daughter-in-law in this life, and pass on the lineage

!" "Plus we have a relationship, I took you in your mother's arms!" "

It's good that you can get a son without working hard yourself!"

Chen Nan could feel

his father's words from the heart! He really took himself in because fate had arrived

! This is also the answer he wanted

! He didn't want his father to take him in because he got some kind of benefit

! That would make their father-son relationship less pure!

Chen Shan recalled: "Actually, your mother once told me!"

No matter how much you grow up in this life, don't tell you about this

!" "Because she doesn't want you to hate her

!" "After all, abandoned children have hatred in their hearts

!" "But I can feel that she loves you deeply

!" "There is also a last resort to raise you for me

!" "As for what the bitterness is, I am afraid that only she knows!"


Shan shook his head: "If I'm not mistaken, she should also be a young lady from a small world, well, yes, she is peerless and has an outstanding temperament, just like a fairy who came out of a painting!"

Chen Shan didn't think to tell Chen Nan about this!

But seeing Chen Nan's current cultivation and achievements!


Nan snorted, and then patted his father's shoulder: "Smoke less, drink less, raise your body, and strive to give me a younger brother

!" Chen Shan was embarrassed: "I'm in my fifties, aren't you afraid of gossiping when you give birth to a son at this time?"

Chen Nan grinned and said: "The age of more than fifty years old is young in the True Cultivation World!"

Chen Shan snorted angrily: " I am very content to raise you as adults, is it really so important whether there is a blood relationship?"

"Okay, rest early! I'll go back to sleep!" Looking

at his father's figure leaving, Chen Nan slowly looked up at the night sky: "I want to have a younger brother, do you know how to operate this matter?"

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