Chen Nan smiled: "The day of the big competition..." If it were that day, you would regret being my enemy!" A fierce light flashed in his eyes, and he immediately sacrificed a magic weapon and left the main peak

! Although Chen Nan left

, his deeds were widely spread

! Even though he was seriously injured, he

won the respect of many people!

and the first holy son of Ao Hanye...


only did he hurt his clan without believing in his words, but he was even seriously injured by Ye Hongyi, spitting out more than a dozen teeth

! Even his master advanced a thousand years of money to compensate Chen Nan!

Don't fight for things, hurry up and go back to cultivate, if you leave the back mountain before, Lao Tzu will break your dog's leg

!" ------

"How are you? Is the injury serious?" After

returning to the residence, Yan Wushuang looked at Chen Nan with concern!

Chen Nan had palpitations: "Thanks to the fact that I have experienced the Nine Nine Tribulations, my internal organs have also been tempered, otherwise even if I don't die today, I will have to lose half of my life!"

Although the spirit rhino finger

is very strong, but his physical body is very terrifying

! If it is replaced by someone else, even if he has the cultivation of the late Yuan infancy stage, he will have to pay a heavy price

!" "Wushuang, I will retreat first, you can also take this opportunity to cultivate!" Chen Nan took out some lower-grade spirit stones and gave them

to Yan Wushuang! It is not that he is reluctant to give the middle grade spirit stone and the 10,000-year elixir, but Yan Wushuang's realm is too low, if he gives her the 10,000-year elixir, it is very likely to harm her!


enter the Immortal Mansion

! Chen Nan took out the ten 10,000-year elixirs! The air was suddenly filled with a refreshing fragrance! The

10,000-year elixir was extremely rare, even for the entire Dao Sect

! Even if those strong people got the 10,000-year elixir, they were mostly sliced and taken!

But Chen Nan did not have such trouble!

Picked up a blood ginseng plant and gnawed it like a cucumber

! In an instant! The

medicinal effect of 10,000-year-old blood ginseng turned into a rushing river raging in his body, washing his muscles, bones, flesh and blood, and meridians

! "Lying groove, so strong!" Chen

Nan exclaimed

! He actually felt a feeling of swelling! His flesh was invincible, but at this time he felt a feeling of swelling!

If he were to change to an ordinary cultivator, even if he rashly took a 10,000-year-old blood ginseng, he would have to explode and die

! Boom! The

medicinal effect exploded in his body

! It actually made his pores spit out light

! At this moment!

Chen Nan felt that he had become light...


almost a year, the light in his body slowly weakened

! Finally calmed down! Cultivation

has no years, and it has been 10,000 years since the snap of his fingers! Therefore, age is nothing to a cultivator!

"The 10,000-year elixir is really extraordinary, just because I took a 10,000-year blood ginseng, but now I have the nine-layer realm of the Golden Pill Stage!"

Then he took out a red Bodhi fruit: "With the medicinal effect of this Bodhi fruit, it should be able to make me golden pill into a baby!" Without

any hesitation

, he swallowed the Bodhi fruit into his belly! Bodhi

fruit is extremely rare and belongs to the fire spirit fruit

! It is simply suitable for Chen Nan now! The

medicinal effect enters his body, moisturizes his body, and the golden pill!

This time, it took him ten years before the originally indestructible golden pill slowly melted

! Another two years passed

! The golden pill transformed into a yuan baby

! A palm-sized mini Chen Nan looked

! He lay lazily in the Chen Nan dantian, looking like he was asleep!

Like he was pregnant?"

Chen Nan was unable to complain

! However, stepping into the Yuan infancy period still filled him with joy

! In any case, as long as he stepped into the foundation building period, he had the means to save his life

! After all, his strength was not much different from that of a cultivator in the same realm! One

month is a short time for ordinary people!

But for Chen Nan, it was an abnormal ordeal

, because one month was equivalent to three hundred years for him

! However, if you pay, you will be rewarded

! He has been in retreat in the Immortal Mansion for so long

! He has taken ten 10,000-year elixirs! He has absorbed those 1,000 medium-grade

spirit stones!

This month, nothing happened, right?" Coming

to the outside world, Chen Nan looked at Yan Wushuang, she had already stepped into the fifth layer of the foundation building period! Yan Wushuang

said: "During this time, no one has come at all, it seems that they are all preparing for tomorrow's big competition!" Chen

Nan nodded slightly! The

dragon's nest opens every thousand years!

Mo said that it is a top Tianjiao, even ordinary disciples want to work hard

! After all, there is a dragon pool in the dragon's nest

! It is a holy place

! According to legend, even ordinary people can be reborn when they enter it

! At this moment

! Chen Nan felt a familiar aura approaching! When

he walked out, he saw that it was Ye Hongyi!

"Meet the master!"

Chen Nan hurriedly saluted, this is in line with Xuanyuan Yue's personality

! Although he stepped into the peak of the Yuan Infancy Period, he still couldn't see through Ye

Hongyi's cultivation! It is not difficult to know that she should have broken through the Yuan Infant and become a strong person

in the realm of the Coming Out of the Body Period! Thinking of this, he was afraid for a while! Ye

Hongyi has the cultivation of the Yuan Infancy Realm, Zhou Daoyuan's strength should be stronger, right?

Ye Hongyi snorted quietly, and then she noticed Chen Nan's breath, and a hint of surprise appeared in her beautiful eyes: "You have reached

the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage?" He knew that Xuanyuan Yue's talent was extraordinary, but he did not expect that in one month, he would step from the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage to the peak of the Yuan Infancy Period

!" "The apprentice didn't want to embarrass Master Venerable, so he took those ten thousand year elixirs!" Chen Nan bowed over and said in Xuanyuan Yue's posture and tone!

"It's not that the master is putting too much pressure on you, I just hope that you can have some success!" Ye Hongyi was in a complicated mood, if she knew that Xuanyuan Yue had taken ten thousand years elixir, she would definitely block

it! After all, this is too risky!

Fortunately, he is safe and sound, and has successfully stepped into the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage

!" "Master rest assured, tomorrow's big apprentice promises not to disgrace you!"

Ye Hongyi said: "I was worried before for the master, but now it seems that you have really grown up!" Speaking of this, he looked at Yan Wushuang: "I want to thank your Daoist, if it weren't for her, your heart wouldn't have improved so much!" Yan Wushuang

lowered her head nervously

! In front of Ye Hongyi, she felt a strong sense of oppression!

"Tomorrow is better than me waiting for your good news!" Ye Hongyi soared into the air: " If you encounter a cold night, you don't need your subordinates to show mercy, I will bear all the consequences!"

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