Looking at the huge paws like Mount Tai pressing down,

Chen Nan immediately teleported!

but found that... It seems useless

! Yes

, the void trembled when the giant's foot fell

! The power of the rules was disturbed and affected

, so that he couldn't teleport at all! Don't

think about it, Chen Nan instantly entered the Immortal Mansion! Then the Immortal Mansion turned into a speck of dust!

But Chen Nan, who was hiding in the Immortal Mansion, still had the feeling that the ground was shaking!"

No, this god and demon battlefield has existed for 100,000 years, how can this giant still be alive?" Chen Nan's heart rose a monstrous wave, which could not be quelled for a long time!

The golden boy said: "Because this god and demon battlefield has existed for too short a time, there are no relevant records in the Immortal Mansion!" "

I now have the strength of the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage, and I should be able to fight with this giant!"

When the soles of the giant's feet moved away, he instantly appeared in the outside world

! He slowly raised his right hand: "Nine songs, sixth song, forget me!" The

nine flying swords turned into nine sword qi of different colors and slashed at the giant!

Is this guy's strength so strong?"

Chen Nan couldn't calm down in his heart

! Although Jiuqu is

only a lower-grade spirit weapon, he now has the strength of the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage

! And Jiuqu's attack power is secondary, and the most important thing is that the sound emitted during the flight can interfere with the enemy's consciousness and soul!

After all, Jiuqu is only a lower-grade spirit weapon, and if he continues to attack this giant, it is very likely to be destroyed

! "Die!" He

took out the wooden sword given by Ye Hongyi, squeezed it with both hands, and the long sword burst out with a dazzling sword light, like a long rainbow tearing the heaven and earth

! The giant poked out a palm

! Poof! Ye

Hongyi's medium-grade spirit weapon instantly turned into powder!

Chen Nan's mentality collapsed


You are paralyzed

! That's a medium-grade spirit weapon

! It was destroyed by your slap like this?

Lose your conscience

!"No, no, no!" Chen Nan quickly retreated, and at the same time his brain raced!

"This giant should belong to the demon race, but it didn't have any magic qi when it shot before!"

Could it be that something is controlling its body?"

Chen Nan didn't believe that this giant was still alive

! If this were the case, this heaven and earth would not be able to imprison him at all!The

golden boy's voice echoed in Chen Nan's mind: "Mansion Master, those ants you just killed are called soul devouring ants, they can not only devour souls, but also control other people's bodies

!" "As long as you find the location of the soul devouring ants and kill them, you can solve this giant!"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Soul Eater Ant King controlling the body

of this giant!" Chen Nan scolded angrily: "I also know that seven figures in the two-color ball can win the five million jackpot, but the question is how do I find the location of the Soul Devouring Ant?" "

Also, I can't break through the defense of this giant!" Chen

Nan did not doubt the words of the golden boy, because he knew that ants were social creatures, and although he had killed countless soul devouring ants before, he had not seen the ant king!

After all, it is the Ancient Demon Clan, with thick skin and flesh, and invincible defense

! Even if he still has some medium-grade spirit weapons in his Immortal Mansion, it may not be able to break through the defense of this

giant!" "No matter, try it first!" Chen

Nan took a deep breath, those medium-grade spirit weapons in the Immortal Mansion flew in front of him, and slashed at the giant under his control!

At this moment, the giant waved the mace in his hand

! Boom! The

void was annihilated

! The mace slammed into those medium-grade

spirit weapons! All the middle-grade spirit weapons were destroyed in an instant

! Chen Nan's expression was solemn, he found that he was not a rank compared to this giant!

"Can't beat it, slip away!" Chen

Nan Royal Sword is far away!

I thought I could kill the other party, but I paid the price of more than a dozen medium-grade spirit weapons

! I

knew that I shouldn't have fought like

this! But at this time

! The sky above Chen Nan's head fell into darkness again

! I saw that giant lift a mountain and smash it down

! "Are you a mad dog?" Chen

Nan was furious, and the gentleman's sword appeared in his hand, slashing forward!

The mountain was cut open by his sword

! He thought he could escape the giant's attack, but he saw a huge palm coming towards him

! Chen

Nan's situation was very dangerous

! "I don't believe that I can't kill you!" Chen

Nan was furious

! Since

his debut, he has never been so embarrassed as today!


wants to enter the giant's body, find the Soul Eater Ant King, and then kill it

! Although the idea is good, but the giant's body is like a fork in the road! Its blood vessels are like tunnels, which makes Chen Nan feel very small

! Fortunately, this can temporarily avoid the giant's

attack! Even if the giant is strong, it is difficult to attack Chen Nan hiding in its body!

Suddenly, an ear-piercing cry came into Chen Nan's ears in all directions! His

soul power spread out, and he suddenly saw a dense crowd of hundreds of millions

of soul-devouring ants! "Oh, this is the nest of soul-devouring ants!" Chen Nan was completely panicked

! He wanted to return the same way, but countless soul-devouring ants blocked his way!

Even if he didn't have a dense phobia, he also had an inexplicable uneasiness at the moment

! And in this case, the rune technique could not be cast at all

! "Mansion Master, Liuli can help you escape from here!"

the golden boy's voice sounded again

! "It's because I rely too much on the Sword Immortal Puppet that I encountered such a tricky thing today!" Chen Nan's eyes bloomed with a cold light, relying too much on the Sword Immortal Puppet made him lack the experience of killing enemies!

If he relied on the Sword Immortal Puppet for everything, what was the meaning of his cultivation?

"Nine Swords Out!" Chen Nan roared, this time he didn't plan to use the Sword Immortal Puppet

! The

Nine Swords appeared in front of him, transformed into a rapidly rotating turn, and broke the way he came!

Chen Nan left the giant's body with the help of the nine swords and flew out in its nostrils

! "Soul Devouring Ant King, right?" "

I want to see how long you can hide!"

Chen Nan's eyes flashed a trace of fierceness

! He squeezed out one blood-colored magic trick after another with both hands! In

an instant

, a dull, powerful heartbeat suddenly sounded between heaven and earth!

The voice came from Chen Nan's chest, getting louder

and louder, and more and more urgent! At the same time

, Chen Nan's eyes were bloodshot: "Law phase heaven and earth!"

The clothes on his body suddenly cracked, and he changed from a normal man with a height of one meter eight to a giant with a height of a thousand feet!

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