Terrifying demon qi gushed out from his body!

It's like a volcano erupting!

Let Chen Nan involuntarily spew out a mouthful of blood!

Even though he is physically powerful, the other party is a super powerhouse of the Heavenly Immortal level!

This was also the first time he came to the immortal world to experience the horror of the strong people in the immortal world!

He had no doubt that if Ember wanted to kill him, a single thought could make his soul scatter!

As for the ten Bear Clan powerhouses, they were all pale and couldn't parry the aura of Ember at all!

"I killed your five brothers!" Lu Ku came in an instant, and with a wave of his hand, he resisted the breath of embers for Chen Nan and the others!

"Lu Kuan, you are deceiving people too much while I am not killing my brother!" A terrifying flame burned around the embers, making the void boil: "Today I will kill you to avenge my brother!"

"Do you know why I killed them?" Lu Ku did not show weakness, a blue light erupted in his body, shrouding the whole person, even if the flames released by the embers were strong, it was difficult to hurt him!

Ember frowned!

Lu Ku's strength is comparable to him!

Although the relationship between the two is not very harmonious!

But he doesn't seem to need to kill his little brother while he is not there, right?

Lu Ku said coldly: "Now that the Ten Thousand Demon Cave has broken out in the Bird Rebellion, presumably the king of this matter has also been summoned to you."

"Now is the critical moment to deal with the poultry chaos, which is not only related to the life and death of my ten thousand demon caves, but even the life and death of our entire demon clan!"

"Even if the king abides by the epidemic prevention and control rules formulated by Chen Nan, this can fully show that the king loves the people like a son!"

"Even if the Great King doesn't like the Terrans, but at this time, he is willing to listen to Chen Nan's arrangements and instructions, this is to endure humiliation and bear the burden, for the sake of my demon race!"

"Not only that, but he was also the first to take the detoxification soup made by Chen Nan!"

"The purpose of this is to set an example so that my Ten Thousand Demon Cave can survive this calamity as soon as possible!"

"But there are always people who want to try the law!"

"Ignore the compromises and dedication made by the king!"

"For example, those five miscellaneous birds under your hand!"

"Not only did they disobey the management, they even killed the people who came to deliver the medicine!"

"Do you know what kind of disaster they will bring to our Ten Thousand Demon Cave?"

"This means that all our previous efforts have been in vain!"

"Yes, these five miscellaneous birds are openly provoking the credibility of our Ten Thousand Demon Cave!"

"You say, should I kill?"

Ember's face was gloomy, and just when he wanted to speak, a loud voice came from the mountain: "These five golden feathered eagles deserve it, if you are not angry in your heart..." Let them give you wings to eat!

Touran spoke, even if Ember was unhappy in his heart, he did not dare to contradict the boss, and he sat on the ground indignantly: "One wing is not enough, get two!" "



Lu Ku and the others looked surprised!

Although it is normal for demon races to fight each other, and even eat each other's bodies!

But these five golden feathered eagles are Ember's brothers!

There are feelings!

Did he really eat his brother ruthlessly?

On the contrary, Chen Nan was very open!

What is it to eat your own brother?

Those guys in Nirvana Mountain are so ruthless that they eat themselves!

Compared to the group of guys in Nirvana Mountain, Ember's behavior is really conservative!


after baking!

Ember took a roasted golden feather eagle to the cave house in Touran!

While eating happily, he drank spirits: "Boss, I investigated Mu Han's whereabouts some time ago, and the places where he went out to carry out his tasks were very ordinary, and it was impossible for there to be poultry viruses in that kind of place!"

Touran Duan sat aside: "You eat and drink alone, are you polite?" Ember

was stunned and hurriedly sent a roasted wing!

"Not to mention, that Terran craftsmanship is good, I haven't eaten this kind of roast for a long time!" After tasting it, Tuan gave Chen Nan a high evaluation, which surprised Ember deeply!

Because, he had never heard Touran praise a certain human!

Ember suddenly said, "Boss, do you remember that Mou Han went to the Divine Tree three years ago?" "

Divine Tree, the territory of the Dapeng Demon Emperor!

It is also a sacred place in the hearts of countless birds and monsters!

As a demon beast of the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, Mu Han once went there to participate in a selection!

At that time, the Dapeng Demon Emperor wanted to recruit disciples!

Countless young birds flock to the scene!

Although Mu Han's talent is not bad in the Ten Thousand Demon Cave, it can even be regarded as outstanding!

But those who participated in that selection were some Tianjiao with noble bloodline inheritance!

Mou Han was eliminated as soon as he entered the preliminary round, and he was slumped when he returned to the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

Become a transparent person!

If it weren't for the source of the chaos in him, it is estimated that many people would have forgotten his existence!

Touran's face changed suddenly: "If Mu Han was really infected with poultry chaos there..." Then this matter is troublesome! Ember, you go to the Divine Tree and rush to it as quickly as possible! "


Touran waved his hand: "Forget it, Lu Ku, come and see me quickly!"

Soon, Lu Ku, who was full of oil, came to the cave of Touran: "Great King, you called me something?"

Touran said, "I suspect that the source of the bird chaos is on the side of the Divine Tree, you are fast, rush over as quickly as possible to see if there is also a bird riot over there!" Hearing

this, Lu Yan's face changed!

If the source of the poultry chaos is really on the side of the Divine Tree, this is an absolute disaster for the poultry family!

After all, cultivation in front of poultry chaos is equal to decoration!

Touran said in a low voice: "If there is a poultry disorder over there, you will hand over the set of rules formulated by Chen Nan to the king, which may save my poultry life!"

Lu Kuan shook his head: "This alone is useless, Chen Nan also said that these rules formulated are only control to prevent the spread of birds!"

"If you want to completely cure it, you need to develop an antidote to the poultry disorder!"

"And now, we don't have a clue!"

Touran walked outside the cave, his sharp eyes pierced through the dark night, and looked at the figure sitting in front of the fire eating barbecue at the bottom of the mountain: "Although I hate humans, this guy... But I can't see through it!

"Is he really an ordinary Terran?"

"If you are an ordinary person, how can you appear in that cursed place in Nirvana Mountain?"

"How could he recognize at a glance that it was a bird spreading?"

"The last time the birds appeared, it was more than a million years ago!"

"Many strong people of the race have forgotten about this, right?"

"How does an ordinary person know about him?"

"Moreover, there are more than a hundred women in the Hall of Life, but the seven people he randomly selected are all Terrans!"

"I have no doubt that if it weren't for this fowl, he would definitely find an excuse and refuse to pick other women!"

Although Chen Nan was smart, in front of an old monster who had lived for more than 100,000 years, there was no secret at all!

"Go, rush to the Divine Tree as fast as possible, and if there really is a bird riot there, apply his pattern to the Divine Tree!"

Touran's eyes were complicated: "As for the antidote, I have a hunch that this little guy may be able to surprise us!"

This time, he pinned his hopes on Chen Nan!

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