


A variety of emotions filled the bottom of Chen Nan's heart!

He regretted it a little, he shouldn't have said anything!

But think about it!

Since Yan Guang is willing to teach the Dapeng Art to himself, it means that he trusts himself!

I am obviously a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain!

"A geek is a geek!" Yan Guang's face was full of admiration, there were thousands of people in the demon clan, and there were more than 300,000 birds living in the Divine Tree alone!

He also wanted to teach them the Great Peng Technique!

But except for Chen Nan, no one had comprehended the mystery of the Dapeng Art at all!

"Brother Yan is too prestigious, I just said my humble opinion!" Chen Nan's face was full of modesty!

No way, in front of this ninth-level demon emperor powerhouse, he still didn't dare to raise it!

Yan Guang said again, "Then do you know how to cultivate the Dapeng Technique?"

Chen Nan: "I have some clues, but I don't know how to express it!"

Yan Guang showed a gratifying gaze: "Just as the so-called master leads the door, the practice depends on the individual, everyone's understanding and talent are different, as for whether you can learn, it depends on your own creation!"

Touran raised his hand carefully: "Boss, can you interject?"

Yan Guangbai glanced at him: "Say!"

Touran said: "I remember that there is a proverb among the Terrans, if you want to learn well, you first sleep with the master and the mother, I didn't hear that the master led the door, and the practice depends on personal words..."

Before he finished speaking, Yan Guang kicked out fiercely!

Then, the Touranized blue-winged roc took off!

But he was still hit by Yan Guang's breath, and a few feathers fell on his body!

Yan Guang smiled and said, "I'll summon the clansmen later, tell you about your existence, let them not trouble you, you can live here with peace of mind!"

Chen Nan said, "Thank you Brother Yan, you let people pay attention to the Heavenly Demon Cave, and when Fan Qian swells, he will carry out the next plan!"

Yan Guang answered, and the figure disappeared in front of Chen Nan's eyes!

Chen Nan secretly envied!

If you can learn Dapeng Shu yourself, this is definitely a good thing!

Thinking of this, Chen Nan looked at the black stick on the side!

As soon as he grasped it in his hand, he took it to him and watched it carefully!

"There are very few weapons of more than 100,000 catties!"

"Especially the long stick!"

"Even the legendary Monkey King's Ruyi Golden Hoop Rod does not weigh more than thirteen thousand catties!"

"The two are not the same thing at all!"

"But why is it so light in my hands?"

Chen Nan was puzzled!

"This black stick doesn't have a name yet, or I'll call it a morality person in the future!" Chen Nan gave the black stick a name!

Then he had a clever move!

"Could it be that the power of merit is that I can master this black stick?"

Then calm down and feel the power of merit in your body!

It doesn't matter if you don't feel it!

This feeling directly shocked him!

At this moment, he actually had a golden pill in his mouth!

A golden pill condensed by the power of merit!

Since he rescued the people of Wuyang City, he has gained the power of merit!

He also thought that after solving the danger of poultry chaos, the power of merit would skyrocket!

But I didn't expect that the power of merit would condense into a golden pill!

"The power of merit plus the power of sanctification has the resources for holiness, which is why Yan Guanghui attaches so much importance to me and befriends me!"

"However, the ancient books of the Immortal Mansion do not record that the power of merit can form a pill!"

Chen Nan had too many question marks in his heart!

However, he did not drill into the horns, but sat cross-kneeled and relaxed his body and mind!

Feel all things in heaven and earth!

Feel the wind blowing in the distance, mixed with the fragrance of wildflowers, caress your cheeks!

In his understanding, wind belongs to a kind of space power!

Wherever there is wind, everyone is affected by the power of space!

But if you can feel the wind!

Make friends with it!

Merge with it!

Even above the wind, what then?

Chen Nan didn't know!

But he felt it should work!

"Boss, is he feeling the Dapeng Technique?" At the highest point of the Divine Tree, Tuan couldn't help but ask!

Yan Guang's eyes were deep: "I have a hunch that he is very likely to become the first human to learn the Dapeng Technique!"

Touran's heart couldn't be calm: "If he learns the Dapeng Technique, plus the black iron bar in his hand, this guy will definitely become a super ruthless person!"

Yan Guang looked at the distant west, and a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes: "The Terrans have been ruled by those for millions of years, and it is time to reshuffle the cards!" Touran

: "I didn't expect that the boss you were so optimistic about him, do you feel, how long can he comprehend the fur of Dapeng Technique?"

Yan Guang said, "Dapeng Technique is a practice inherited by my Poultry Clan, even if it took me ten years to comprehend the fur.

"Brother Chen Nan is a human being, even if he is extremely talented and has a great creation, I estimate that it will take at least twenty years!"

The voice just fell!

A terrifying tornado appeared below the Divine Tree!

At first, this tornado was still very weak!

But with the passage of time, it turned out to be thousands of meters high, and it rotated rapidly!

It caused panic and unease among the Divine Tree Bird Clan!

They've always lived here and they've never seen it!

"Boss, that guy is flying!" Touran exclaimed, even though they were at the top of the Divine Tree, they clearly saw Chen Nan wrapped in a tornado and slowly flew into the air!

He still sits cross-kneeled, even if the tornado spins quickly!

But he is at the core of the tornado, but he is majestic and stable as Mount Tai!

"It's me who underestimated this guy's talent!" Yan Guang's eyes were solemn: "I never thought that a person's talent would be so good!"

"How long has it been?"

"How long have I been teaching him the Great Peng Technique?"

"He's already getting started?"

"This is the bloodline inheritance of my Golden-winged Dapeng, even if I, the only Golden-winged Dapeng in the Immortal Realm, it took ten years to get started!"

"He got started easily?"

"I'm so mentally broken!"


Yan Guang showed excitement: "I thought of an ancient fable, a fable that has been passed down for millions of years!"

Touran hurriedly asked, "What fable?"

Yan Guang said excitedly: "This fable is related to the heavenly machine, it can't be said, it can't be said!" You go to Nirvana Mountain, go quickly, forget it, I'll go!" The words fell, and he disappeared in front of Touran's eyes!

Touran is a little confused!

You hang people's appetites like this, it's easy to get beaten!

Just before he could react, Yan Guang appeared in front of him!

Touran was puzzled: "Boss, aren't you going to Nirvana Mountain?" How did it come back?

Yan Guang rightfully said, "I've already gone and come back!"

Tuan subconsciously swallowed his saliva, then stretched out his thumb and sincerely admired: "The boss is worthy of being the fastest man in the immortal world!" "

Before that, Yan Guang would definitely kick Tu'an's feet, but at this moment, he didn't seem to hear it!

Because the man in the prophecy of the old fable really appeared!

And also came to the Divine Tree!

Became his brother!

At this time, Touran's eyes suddenly bloomed with an intriguing light: "I feel a familiar breath, interesting, really interesting!"

"Brother Chen Nan will definitely like this gift!"

"Boss, I'll go back!" Say and disappear!

Yan Guang's soul power spread out, he wanted to see what the gift in Tuan's mouth was!

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