Chen Nan was stunned!

I didn't expect that there was a thorn head!

This was unexpected!

He thought these children would be obedient!

After all, when Yan Guang asked them to greet him just now, they all showed great respect!

Another eight- or nine-year-old child chimed in: "That is, we are the descendants of noble divine birds, and we have the blood of divine birds flowing in our bodies, and you mortals are not qualified to teach us at all!"

"Especially Chenjin, he has the blood of Jinwu flowing in his body!" The entire Divine Tree, except for the Great King, whose bloodline has his nobility?

The child who spoke first raised his head with a proud face: "Yes, he said Xiao Ye!" Xiao Ye has the blood of Jinwu flowing in his body, so he asked if you are afraid?

Chen Nan was stunned!

I didn't expect the other party to be so arrogant at a young age!

It's really a lack of discipline!

Chenjin said in a condescending tone: "Human, Xiaoye is hungry, hurry up and prepare something for me to eat, otherwise, Xiaoye will tear down your house now!" As

soon as the words fell, a terrifying demon qi erupted from his body!

This demon qi is not lost to Touran!

Chen Nan was secretly shocked!

Only five or six years old has a cultivation above the realm of heavenly immortals, and the descendants of Jinwu are really terrifying!


He is not afraid of the other party!

His eyes were indifferent, and he snorted heavily: "Chenjin, I am the gentleman that the king found for you, not a servant!"

"If you continue to be so disrespectful and insistent!"

"Believe it or not, I will tell the king what you have done and let him punish you severely?"

A trace of uneasiness flashed in Chenjin's eyes, and he said angrily: "You... You might as well as a child!

"Our children fight together, even if we lose, we won't tell our relatives, how can you go to the king to file a complaint?"

"You you you... You can't afford to play! "

Obviously, even Chenjin, who has the bloodline of Jinwu, is afraid of Yan Guang!

Chen Nan said indifferently: "I am the gentleman that the king found for you to teach you the principles of being a man, do you think I am willing to play with you?" I tell you, from now on, you will be honest in my lessons, otherwise don't blame me for fixing you!

Chenjin became angry: "Laughing at the little master, you also want to repair me?"

"Do you believe that Xiao Ye burned you to death with a real fire?"

"Yes, even if I kill your king and blame it?"

"Don't say that my father is the right hand of the great king, even if it is not, the great king will not kill me to pay for your life!"

"What do you want?" Chen Nan frowned slightly!

At this time, he didn't believe it!

After all, this is a descendant of Jinwu, if he really wants to spew a mouthful of divine fire!

Myself... It is estimated that there is not even slag left, right?

And this guy is right!

If he really kills himself!

Even if Yan Guang killed him to avenge himself, it would be useless!

It's a bit of a headache!

Although he just said that if Chenjin made trouble, he would tell Yan Guang, but this was just to intimidate and intimidate him!

Since Yan Guang handed over these twelve people with the bloodline of the Divine Bird to him, it showed that he absolutely trusted himself!

If he sued because of this little thing, Yan Guang would definitely be disappointed, right?

Chenjin: "I will come to your class in the future, but you can't restrain me to do anything!" Of course, I won't affect the classroom order!

"Okay!" Chen Nan promised to come down!

Seemingly compromised!

In fact, it is to retreat as an advance!

He has many ways to integrate Chenjin into this group of children!

"Okay, you can go!" Chen Nan spoke!

"Yinluan, let's go!"

Chen Jin looked at the child who had defended him before, and instantly turned into a golden crow, tearing through the clouds and disappearing into Chen Nan's eyes!

After that, Chen Nan looked at the other ten children and asked their names and family situations!

Although he has never been a teacher, he still knows the process!

A girl named Caifeng said in a milky voice: "Sir, you better not offend Chenjin in the future, his father Hei Yan is the number one fierce general under the Great King, and he also has the strength of a ninth-level demon emperor!"

Another child said: "Moreover, Hei Yan is very protective of the calf, as long as anyone provokes his son, he will not show mercy to his subordinates!" "

Are both so arrogant?" Chen Nan is a little big-headed!

I was relieved to think about it!

Just as the so-called upper beam is not correct and the lower beam is crooked!

If Hei Yan had good character, his son would definitely not be so arrogant!

Chen Nan asked, "Doesn't Chenjin's mother care about the two of them?"

"Chenjin's mother died, tens of thousands of years ago to protect the Great King, so the Great King took good care of both of them!"

Chen Nan nodded slightly!


This cannot become the capital of the two of them being arrogant and bullying!

However, as an outsider, he is not qualified to meddle in other people's affairs!

Just be yourself!

He looked at the ten children and said with a smile: "Everyone knows each other today, since the king has asked me to be your husband, I will naturally live up to the king's expectations!"

"Of course, you are children, and learning is important, but you also need to have a carefree childhood!"

"Everyone go back to rest, come to me tomorrow morning to report!"

"When the time comes, Mr. will give you a big toy!"

Hearing this, the ten children were very excited!

They themselves have great respect for the gentleman invited by the king, not to mention that the gentleman has to give them gifts!

Then turn into a body and take off!

Among them are noble fairy phoenixes, and there are colorful peacocks!

Anyway, it's all some rare birds!

Watching the ten children leave, Concubine Yu came with a bowl of tea, handed it to Chen Nan and asked curiously, "Brother Chen, what gift do you plan to give them?"

Chen Nan gulped down the tea and said with a smile: "Water gun!" "

Little kids love to play in the water!

Plus there is a bamboo forest next to it, and you can use bamboo as a water gun!

As long as the water gun is made, it will definitely attract Chenjin and make him obediently listen to his lessons!

In order to let that guy study at ease, Chen Nan can also be regarded as painstaking!

When Chen Nan was a child, there were dozens of bamboo plants in the steel mill, and he was idle and had nothing to do, and he once learned to make water guns from people in the steel mill!

Say it's a water gun, it's actually like a large needle tube!

It's a hassle free of production!


the next day!

As soon as Chen Nan had breakfast, ten colorful birds flew over, turning into ten children after landing!

They gathered together with joy!

"Sir, didn't you say that there was a gift for us?"

"Yes, sir, where is the gift you said?"

Chen Nan took them to the river and took out the water gun made overnight, all of which were arm thick and more than a meter long, like a giant pump: "This is the gift I prepared for you, and it is also my favorite toy when I was a child, called the water gun!" Saying that, he filled the water and pushed slowly!

The water inside sprayed out, making the ten little ones look like chickens in soup!

But everyone's faces were filled with surprise!

Know that not all birds are as water-free as ducks!

They are afraid of water in their bones!

But now, you can play in the water and play without scruples!

It's a really good feeling!

Just when the ten children were playing with water guns and fighting in the water, Chenjin and Yinluan came to the river with envious faces!

Yinluan's face was full of envy: "Chenjin, I also want to play with them, or we..." Surrender right? "

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