If it was Fan Peng who killed Chen Nan and took his spider silk, it would be enough!

But the problem... This was given to Fan Peng by Chen Nan!

This is outrageous!

Because as long as Chen Nan shows this spider silk, he and the Bird Clan Alliance this matter!

Then he would definitely become the common enemy of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

"Third Highness, how could you collude with the Poultry Clan?"

"The biggest natural enemy of our Demon Spider clan is the Poultry Clan, and it is really disappointing that you colluded with the Poultry Clan in order to sit on the throne!"

The powerhouses of the Demon Spider clan spoke!

That's it!

There is no need for Fan Qian's explanation!

Any explanation pales!

"Can you tell me what happened?" For example, the details of when you met Chen Nan..." Fan Qian's face was sallow, he knew that it was too late to say this!

But I want to die to understand a little!

Fan Peng smiled: "It's nothing, he brought a group of descendants of the Divine Bird of the Bird Clan to the territory of my Heavenly Demon Cave to experience, and happened to be met by us!"

"Yes, they killed one of my brothers!"

"After learning my identity, it said that the water rushed the Dragon King Temple and revealed your spider silk!"


Fan Qian almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

What a pit!

Chen Nan is too pit daddy!

He actually made his relationship with himself public in this way, making himself the target of everyone...

It shouldn't be too much to say that he lacks morality, right?



This mortal should be put in the eyes and should not be underestimated!

Fan Tian spoke: "Third man, what else do you have to say now?" "

Success or defeat, I have nothing to say!" Fan Gan looked at Fan Chen: "Old Fifth, if I'm not mistaken, you should have brainstormed me to release the avian chaos virus to the poultry tribe, help them turn the tide, let the poultry tribe owe me a personal favor, and help me at the critical moment, right?"

Fan repented: "Isn't this true?"

Fan Qian asked, "If I say, you were tricked by Chen Nan, will you be angry?"

Fan repented: "It's not important, the important thing is to find you traitor!"

Fan Qian smiled: "If it's just like this, of course it doesn't matter, the question is, have you reached some kind of agreement with Chen Nan?"

Fan Peng also smiled: "I Fan Peng is a bright and honest person, how can I reach some kind of agreement with the poultry clan?"

Fan Qian: "I hope not, if you really reached some kind of agreement with Chen Nan..." Be careful and careful, this person's city is extremely deep, but pin his way! This

time, he knew Chen Nan's terrible!

A small act ruined his entire plan!

Fan Peng sneered in his heart!

I naturally didn't reach some kind of agreement with Chen Nan!

But I took his life under control!

My spider poison is an insoluble poison in the world!

As long as Chen Nan wants to live, he has to be controlled by me!"

"Come, abolish Fan Qian's cultivation, put him on death row, and wait for his father to get out of the customs and deal with it!" With a wave of his hand, Fan Tian ordered Fan Gan to be put on death row!

Then he glanced at Fan Peng!

Whether he reached some kind of agreement with Chen Nan is unknown, but this matter has to be prevented!

If necessary, you can contact this guy!


"Just caught a few demons!"

"A few more demons have been lowered!"

"Why is he so much!"

"Hey, hey!"

"Eat old Chen Yi stick..."

In the mountains!

Chen Nan took eleven little guys and rushed towards Luofengling with a song!

Chen Nan carried 'Serving People with Virtue' on his shoulders and looked like Sun Wukong, so when he was idle, he hummed!

These little guys also feel that this song is very appropriate!

Loved both!


When the group climbed to a high mountain!

Caifeng looked northeast!

At this moment, the stars are hanging high in the Milky Way, like a pair of talking eyes, constantly shining in the sky!

From time to time, you can see shooting stars crossing the night sky!

Caifeng looked at the northeast not far away: "Sir, under the dark red sky dome in front is the Falling Phoenix Ridge!" Because my ancestors fell there and dyed that mountain range red, at night, the falling phoenix ridge will render the night sky dark red! "

Chen Nan look!

The night sky thousands of miles away is indeed dark red!

And at the moment!

The faces of the eleven little guys were full of solemnity and grief!

Grief is because of the fall of the phoenix!

As the spirit of a hundred birds!

The phoenix is the totem in their hearts!

It is a recognized ancestor!

Dignified because they feel a strong sense of oppression!

The reason why their parents didn't let them go to Luofeng Ridge!

It comes down to because it's a forbidden place for the birds!

After all, that's the land where the True Phoenix fell!

For the poultry people, there is so much ominousness there!

"According to our steps, we can reach Luofeng Ridge before sunset tomorrow!" Chen Nan held a dead grass in his mouth and said casually: "If any of you are timid, you can give up this last stop of the trial!"

"It has been more than four months since we came out this time, and we have encountered many dangers and difficulties along the way, and we have finally overcome them!" This last stop, we want to draw a successful end! Yinluan's voice was a little nervous!

But the eyes are unusually firm!

This way!

They learned a lot with Chen Nan!

A lot of progress!

Even if there is danger ahead, there is nothing to fear!

"Rest for a while, eat something, and rush overnight!" Chen Nan took out a few pieces of bloody demon beast meat and distributed it to everyone, and they all ate with excitement on their faces!

Sashimi, this is how they learned to eat with Chen Nan!

It's just that Mr. said that some meats can be eaten sashimi, but some need to be cooked!

Take a break!

Everybody goes!

Chen Nan looked at the sky full of stars and felt it: "We Terrans have a proverb, which is very suitable for the atmosphere at this time!"

Everyone looked at Chen Nan excitedly!

Sir is going to teach them the truth of being human again!

Chen Nandao: "The starry sky does not ask passers-by, time pays off!"

"The meaning of this sentence is simple!"

"Starlight doesn't care where I go, only accompanies me all the way with a faint light!"

"Time will not fail everyone who works hard to cultivate and live seriously!"

Eleven little guys have this sentence in their hearts!

Although they still don't quite understand this, what the gentleman said will definitely not be wrong!

Fight the stars!

Around eleven o'clock the next night!

Chen Nan came to Luofengling with eleven little guys!

It's more of a mountain range than a small mountain range!

This mountain range stretches for hundreds of miles!

There are no trees and grass in the mountains!

All are mountain stones stained red by phoenix blood!

After the eleven little guys came here, they uncontrollably transformed into ontology!

They hover in the air and emit a mournful cry!

Honor their ancestors in this way!

"Sir, there is a prohibition here, we can't leave it behind!"

In the air, the colorful phoenix makes a crisp sound!

"Banned?" Chen Nan frowned!

He brought these eleven little guys here to look for opportunity!

If there is a ban!

Wouldn't that come for nothing?

And he also tried to get in!

But there was an invisible barrier blocking his steps!

"It shouldn't be!" Chen Nan frowned: "Even if the prohibition here is aimed at other races, but these eleven little guys in the air are all birds, and the colorful phoenix is still a descendant of the true phoenix, why is the prohibition here also aimed at them?"

His brain raced, and then a flash of essence flashed in his eyes: "I know the way to break the prohibition..."

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