Yan Guang's eyes were deep: "Some things, it's better not to know!"

Touran pouted: "I'm afraid even you don't know!" The

corners of Yan Guang's mouth twitched!

He felt the need to let Chen Nan open an adult class!

It is necessary to teach this product how to behave!

Especially in terms of emotional intelligence, you have to improve and improve!

Yan Guang coughed dryly and said, "You said before that you wanted a 100,000-year-old elixir, and you wanted to break through, right?" Touran

: "Yes, I already have signs of a breakthrough, as long as I have a hundred thousand copies of the elixir, I can break through the shackles!"

"No, ε=( ́ο'*))) Alas, no, not a single medicinal herb! you off, your grandson! Yan Guangyi laughed!

Touran quickly lowered his head: "Great King, I was wrong!" "


two months later!

Chen Nan returned to the Divine Tree!

This time I left for almost a year!


His strength has only reached the peak of the Mahayana period!

Although when he came back, he ate a lot of demon beasts, elixirs!

But the true qi in the body can never transform into immortal qi!

Even he was a little depressed!

He couldn't even help but think!

The reason why he can't break through!

Is it because of the spider poison of Fan's repentance?

That guy bit himself and injected spider venom into his body!

Despite this, he did not feel any discomfort!

He had to suspect that it was the spider venom that limited his breakthrough!


in front of the cave!

Concubine Yu, who was sewing clothes, suddenly raised her head!

Seeing Chen Nan come back, he cried with joy and threw himself directly into his arms: "Brother Chen, you have finally returned, I thought something happened to you!"

Chen Nan patted her shoulder lightly and said with a smile: "Okay, take you back to the human world, we can't break our word, right?"

Concubine Yu blushed and said, "It doesn't matter if you can return to the human realm, the important thing is that you are still alive!" "

For her!

In fact, life here is also very good!


No worries!

"So what, didn't I show up at the wrong time?"

A slightly embarrassed voice came!

Concubine Yu quickly got out of Chen Nan's embrace and ran into the cave with a red face!

Seeing Yan Guang appear, Chen Nan asked, "Brother Yan, what happened to that guy in Chenjin?"

Yan Guang said: "It's still in the recovery period, as for when you can wake up, it depends on the creation of that little guy!" Speaking of this, a sad look flashed in his eyes!

He really hoped that Chenjin would wake up and awaken his bloodline talent!

But Hei Yan is his brother!

Yan Guang suddenly said, "By the way, I received news from the Heavenly Demon Cave!" Fan Qian has already been defeated, his cultivation has been abolished, and he has been locked up in the heavenly prison! Even if the spider emperor goes out, this son will die! "

For this!

Chen Nan was not surprised!

"I really convinced you, just moved my brain a little, and came to kill with a knife!" Yan Guang sighed sincerely, and then said, "Haven't you stepped into the Earth Immortal Realm yet?" "

This time Chen Nan has been away for almost a year, and according to his understanding of Chen Nan, he will definitely step into the Earth Immortal Realm!

Chen Nan said depressedly: "I don't know what's going on, anyway, I've been trapped in this realm for a long time!"

Yan Guang: "It's not a big problem, I still have a few hundred thousand years old medicinal herbs there, and I will let someone send them to you later!" After taking it, it is guaranteed to break through the shackles properly!

Chen Nan sighed: "Even if there are medicinal materials that are more than 100,000 years old, I am afraid that it will not help." Brother Yan, the plan over there in the Heavenly Demon Cave is going to be changed..."

He said something that Fan repented and bit himself back!

So, in order to survive, he had to cooperate with Fan Peng!

Gotta find a way to make him the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave!

This is different from their previous plan!

Before they thought of supporting a weak person, hiding in the secret to manipulate each other!

"You got spider poison?"

Yan Guang was taken aback when he heard this!

He knew how terrifying the spider venom of the Demon Spider Clan was!

You must know that the spider itself is the first non-toxic in the world!

And the spider venom of the demon spider family is extremely domineering!

Don't say that Chen Nan is just an ordinary person, even if Yan Guang is hit by spider poison, it is estimated that there will be great danger!

Light repair is a fall!

Heavy is life-threatening!

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, Yan Guangdao: "You should know that your blood is different from ordinary people!" The poison of the world can't affect you at all!

"If you think about it, have you ever broken through after being hit by spider poison?"

Chen Nan frowned and thought back seriously: "After being hit by spider poison, I have broken through, and I have stepped into the eighth layer of the Mahayana period in the seventh layer of the Mahayana period!"

Yan Guang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "So! Spider venom does not limit your breakthrough, but you say that spider venom does exist in your body... This is a bit of a headache!

"However, it is not a big problem!"

"As long as it doesn't affect your life and cultivation!"

"As for who is the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave... It doesn't mean much to my brother!

"As long as the other party is not a ninth-level demon emperor, can't they all be controlled by us?"

The eight sons of the spider emperor are not very strong!

Even if he really made Fan Peng the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave, it wouldn't be a big deal!


Even if he can become the leader of the Heavenly Demon Cave, the meaning of his existence is to help Chen Nan detoxify!

After the detoxification, Yan Guang will definitely kill the other party as soon as possible!

It can be regarded as revenge for Chen Nan!


Touran held a jade box and appeared in front of the cave with an unloveable face!

"Boss, didn't you say that there is no elixir of 100,000 years? Why are there so many more in this jade box? The corners of Touran's mouth twitched, and he had the urge to hit someone!

But reason told him that he couldn't beat it!

Yan Guangyu said seriously: "Touran, I am also thinking about you!" Relying on foreign objects to break through the shackles will eventually limit your talent, so you have to rely on your own perseverance to break through the bottleneck!

Tu'an's face was full of resentment: "Then why did you give these medicinal materials to Brother Chen Nan?" If relying on foreign objects would limit personal talent, wouldn't this harm the Chen Nan brothers?

"No, no, no!"

Yan Guang said seriously: "He has pale golden blood, he is extremely talented, even if he takes medicinal herbs, it will not have any effect!" The

corners of Touran's mouth twitched wildly: "That is, my talent is too poor?

Yan Guang patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "Although your talent is not very good, you are very self-aware!" At least you can see that your talent is too poor!

Touran almost didn't vomit blood: "You really can hit people!"

Yan Guang: "Live well, you will find that there are new blows every day!" Touran

ignored him at all and handed the jade box to Chen Nan!

Chen Nan couldn't help but be surprised after taking it!

There were actually ten elixirs more than 100,000 years old in it, and the rich medicinal fragrance mixed together made him feel dizzy!

Yan Guang sat cross-kneeled and said generously: "Brother, eat, eat hard, don't have any worries, I'm here to help you protect the Dharma!"

"I don't believe it, these ten hundred thousand year elixirs still can't let you break through the shackles and become an immortal body?"

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