The Lightning Leopard was beaten to autism!

The other party is obviously a Mahayana realm cultivator!

But no matter the speed!


All above themselves!

Face such people!

I can't beat it at all!

It felt like Chen Nan was a freak!

Or is it a Terran powerhouse who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger!

Otherwise, it wouldn't be chased and beaten by Chen Nan!

Especially his so-called morality to serve people!

Fuck you!

Do you want a face?

You are clearly suppressing the weak!

"Swear!" Chen Nan won't believe this guy's words unless he swears!

Lightning Leopard's eyes were full of humiliation: "Why swear? Is it possible to have some basic trust between humans and demons? If you can't trust me, why do you want me to be your mount?

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "What if you run away while I am not paying attention?"

"You..." The lightning leopard was speechless, then took a deep breath and said, "I, Mei Niang, swear to the sky, when..." Speaking of this, look at Chen Nan and ask what his name is!

"Chen Nan!"

Lightning Leopard: "I, Meiniang swear to the sky, be Chen Nan's mount, escort him to the Dragon Clan!"

"If you violate this oath, you will not die well if you strike thunder in the sky!"

"No, what do you say your name is? Girly? Chen Nan looked at him with a surprised face!

Lightning Leopard's tone had a hint of embarrassment: "Is there any problem?"

Chen Nan looked at it between its legs, and his puzzlement became even stronger: "It's a male, why do you want to call it a meiniang?"

"What do you call me?" Mei Niang snorted angrily and said, "Let's say okay, you give me a elixir, and I'll send you to the dragon clan!"

"When you get to the Dragon Clan, you'll have to let me go!"

It doesn't want to call that name either!

But the name was given by parents!

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Otherwise, you can leave now!" I walked to the Dragons! "

A lightning leopard named Mei Niang!

He felt a little sick!

Mei Niang's eyes widened angrily: "Chen Nan, I swore to heaven to be your mount, but you let me leave?" Are you polite?

"Okay, you will leave when you get to the Dragon Clan!" Chen Nan secretly shook his head, and then took out a elixir and threw it to it!

Mei Niang was overjoyed and directly swallowed that 100,000-year-old elixir into her belly!

Then it lay on the ground: "Don't talk, I want to break through, this time is very critical for me!"

"With this half-plant elixir, I will definitely be able to transform into an adult!"

"After the breakthrough, the speed will increase a lot, and it is guaranteed to send you to the dragon clan within a month!"

Chen Nandao: "I heard that the first transformation of a demon beast into an adult is very important, and the first transformation form will determine your future form!"

"I suggest you transform into a handsome guy, but don't transform into an ugly monster!"

"Don't worry, Xiao Ye will naturally not become ugly!" Mei Niang said, and then silently closed her eyes!

A burst of anticipation rose in Chen Nan's heart!

He really wanted to see what kind of form this guy would become!

Idle and boring!

He took out two wooden boxes!

Inside is the medicinal herbs of the Heavenly Demon Cave that honor Yan Guang!

It was just given to him by Yan Guang!

He wants to count how many more plants there are!

If you can eat one plant a day, how long...

It's a very inhuman way to eat!

But he has this strength!


"What about the two half-million-year-old elixirs?"

Chen Nan looked stunned!

Both Fan Tian and Fan Qi each gave Yan Guang a rare elixir of 500,000 years!

But now!


Two half-million-year-old elixirs disappeared!

"What is the situation?" Chen Nan's face was incredible!

Although he also took a lot of elixirs in the past two days!

But I was not willing to eat those two 500,000-year-old medicinal herbs at all!

Don't think about it!

He took out the storage bag and poured out all the contents in one go!

Most of them are some living materials!

Of course!

And his phone!

It's just that the battery is not very much!

Rolled down in front of Mei Niang's eyes!

The mei niang who heard the voice slowly opened her eyes!

After seeing the phone screensaver!

Suddenly there was a shocking feeling!


"Why did two half-million-year-old elixirs disappear?"

Chen Nan frowned!

I didn't see the phone rolling down in front of Mei Niang's eyes!

He was sure that there were no loopholes in the storage magic weapon!

I'm also sure I didn't eat those two half-million-year-old elixirs!

But now...


"How did the color of the dragon egg change?"

Chen Nan looked at the dragon egg in shock!

This dragon egg followed him in the Nether!

He had thought about eating Nirvana Mountain when he was hungry before!

But there is a lack of cooking tools!

And now!

He obviously felt that the color of the dragon egg had changed!

It used to be bluish yellow!

And now!

The cyan fades!

Turned pale yellow!

Not only that!

The eggshell also emits a faint fluorescence!

If this dragon egg was a dead egg before, then it has Aura at this moment!

It's as if the little guy inside will break out of the shell at any moment!

"Did this product eat those two half-million-year-old elixirs?"

Chen Nan felt that his heart was dripping blood!

He was not willing to eat those two 500,000-year-old elixirs!

Now it's cheaper!

Right now!

The dragon egg burst out with a faint light!

Next moment!

A 400,000-year-old medicinal herb strangely flew towards the dragon egg!

The medicinal herbs were shrouded in a pale golden light!

Zoom out quickly!

In just the blink of an eye, that 400,000-year-old elixir disappeared into Chen Nan's eyes!

"Hey, grab my rations in front of me?"

Chen Nan was furious, grabbing a 400,000-year-old elixir in one hand and devouring it!

Although he is not hungry now!

But you can't cheapen this dragon egg!

Chen Nan is eating!

The dragon egg is not idle either!

As if he was competing with Chen Nan, he was frantically absorbing those elixirs!

Late afternoon!

Two boxes of elixirs are gone!

Chen Nan kept hiccuping!

The burps are all medicinal!

He felt hot!

This is the end of eating dozens of elixirs!

It's a bit overwhelming!

But that's all!

"Blame me, blame me!"

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and looked at the dragon egg: "I should have let that guy from Chenjin roast you before, if this is the case, you will not be my treasure!" "

The elixir depends on whether his strength can become stronger!

There is no other way!

His own elixir was half eaten by the dragon egg, can he not feel distressed?

The dragon egg seemed to feel Chen Nan's angry mood, and actually flew up, rubbing it on his face!

It's tame like a coquettish kitten!

Chen Nan didn't expect the dragon egg to produce spiritual wisdom, and seeing him like this, the resentment in his heart also disappeared somewhat!

I hope that after going to the Dragon Clan, the Dragon Clan can give itself a Dragon Teng Grass in the face of the dragon egg!

"Okay, hurry up and store the magic weapon!" Chen Nan's heart moved, he put him into the storage magic weapon, and put away the things that were poured out.


A voice came from behind him: "Look at me, how is my current form?" The

moment Chen Nan turned his head, his pupils trembled violently!

He panicked, crawled into the distance, and looked at her in horror: "Teacher Bodo, why did you come to this world?" "

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