Chen Nan gritted his teeth and looked at her: "Do you believe it or not, I will stab you to death with this stick now?" "

He's though!

But also divided into occasions!

What a lightning leopard!

At the moment of life and death crisis, I even want to experience the joy of being a woman...

What a big pervert!

Mei Niang is a little afraid!

If Chen Nan really wanted to stab her with a stick...

It is estimated that the stick will come out of her mouth!

"It's too quiet here, be careful, until the last moment of life, you must not give up the belief in living!" Chen Nan held the people with virtue, his eyes looked at the six roads, and his ears listened to all directions!

Mei Niang transformed into a Venerable again, following Chen Nan!

After hesitating, she asked seriously: "If, if we really want to die, can you let me feel the joy of being a woman?"

Chen Nan gritted his teeth and said, "I already knew that you were a pervert, and I should have smashed you to death with a stick before!" Mei

Niang sighed softly: "Actually, I have always wanted to be human!" Woman!

"Because... Male animals are quite boring!

"An excellent race like me is destined to be very concerned and favored!"

"Don't tell you, I've had relationships with tens of thousands of leopards before!"

"Over time, I'm tired of it!"

"Because I'm a little lazy, I don't want to move, so you can understand?"

"That's why I became a woman!"

"I want to experience lying on my stomach... No, a good time to feel happy lying down!

"Well, like, it's okay to lie on your stomach!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched: "Actually, there are many postures that can make you feel happy, as long as we can get out of here alive, I will tell you those postures!" Mei

Niang's eyes lit up: "Then can you cooperate with me?" Chen

Nan directly raised the person to serve the virtue and smoked it!

But at this moment!

Mei Niang suddenly turned into the appearance of Teacher Hata!

Her face was full of fear!

The expression is helpless and nervous!


Chen Nan decisively stopped the attack!

Treat Mr. Hata, he really can't get his hands on it!

Mei Niang sneered in her heart!


If you don't believe in it, it can't cure you?

"Do you have a feeling that it's quiet here?" Chen Nan looked around with a solemn expression!

The mountains and forests of the demon world are very noisy, and there are many small animals and birds!

But it's unusually quiet!

It was so quiet that Chen Nan could hear the heartbeat of himself and Mei Niang!

Mei Niang also had a solemn look in her eyes: "The fifth season is also known as eternity, so far, no one who has entered the fifth season in history has been able to leave alive!"


Chen Nan sat casually on a rock!

Mei Niang asked, "Waiting for death?"

Chen Nan gave her a roll of her eyes: "The fifth season goes with the wind, there is no wind here, we don't know where it will float at all, the best way is to wait in place!"

"Wait for the fifth season to get out of here!"

Mei Niang's eyes lit up: "Are all of you Terrans as smart as you?"

"It's okay!" Chen Nan couldn't raise any interest in her!

Time passes slowly!

A faint mist also appeared on Mei Niang's body!

Her body was red and she looked like she had a fever!

"I'm so hot, really hot..." Mei Niang gently fanned the wind with her hand, her face was red, and even her voice gave people a feeling of softness and weakness!

"You transform into a body!" Chen Nan really couldn't get used to seeing Teacher Boduo in front of him!

Mei Niang whispered: "Don't you want to hold back?" "

Chen Nan really wants to smash her to death with a stick!

Suddenly, Mei Niang's expression became solemn: "Master, I feel the demon qi in my body flowing, I feel that something is sucking my demon qi!" "

When the words fell, she transformed into the form of a lightning leopard!

This form is the most relaxed and demon saving for her!

"Why didn't I feel it?" Chen Nan was puzzled, he only felt that the interior of the fifth season was extremely humid and hot, but it was still within his ability to bear!

As for True Qi... Not absorbed!

"Master, no, my demon qi is being quickly withdrawn!"

The Lightning Leopard made a terrified sound!

This time!

Even if she didn't say it, Chen Nan saw that the demon qi in her body was slowly leaving her body, and then being absorbed by the surrounding grass and trees!


The Lightning Leopard let out a roar!

She forcibly transformed into the image of Teacher Hata!

Then pounced on Chen Nan: "Master, hurry, I'm dying, let me feel the happiness of a woman!" Chen

Nan wanted to cry without tears, and used virtue to persuade people to block her!

What a crime!

Why did you meet such a strange person?

"Huh, the demon qi in my body is actually quiet?" Mei Niang let out an exclamation!

She could clearly feel that the demon qi had quieted down and stopped draining!

"Is it because of this stick?" Chen Nan was puzzled, he had been on him all the time, so he didn't feel the loss of True Qi!

After putting down the stick!

Still so!

On the contrary, the demon qi in Mei Niang's body began to drain again!

In other words, this has little to do with serving people with virtue, is it my own factor? Can my breath be insulated from the effects of the fifth season? "

Right now!

A spirit rhinoceros with a true immortal realm and a length of tens of meters ran over in the depths of the dense forest with heavy steps!

Terrifying demon qi surged out of its body!

It was pretty fast at first!

But when he was still more than ten meters away from Chen Nan, he fell to the ground and soon lost his breath!

If only that's all!

The key is that its flesh body still turned into a dry corpse in an instant, flying ash!

There is nothing left to absorb by the surrounding vegetation!

"Master, what's going on?"

"Why is it that even this True Immortal Realm demon race powerhouse is dead, but you are safe and sound?" Meiniang looked at Chen Nan incredulously, at this moment she wanted to... On Chen Nan!

Chen Nan looked around and asked to himself, "You didn't absorb the True Qi in my body, is it related to it?" "


A gust of wind suddenly came from the quiet dense forest!

The windswept leaves make a roar!

Immediately, a middle-aged man with green hair and a green shirt appeared out of thin air!

His eyes are dark brown and radiant green!

Mei Niang gasped!

I didn't expect there to be people alive in the fifth season!


It still feels strong!

Her eyes lit up, and her eyes were hot: "Senior, I just transformed into an adult, the first time is still there, do you want it?" "

Chen Nan's scalp is numb!

This is a tiger!

The middle-aged man looked at Mei Niang expressionlessly, and a wrist-thick cyan vine broke through the ground between his hands!

It took away the first time that Mei Niang was proud of!

"Rude, rude, rude! How can you do this to a woman? Mei Niang's face turned pale, and blood kept dripping on the ground!

"Shut up!" Chen Nan shouted angrily, and quickly saluted the Qingyi man: "Forgive me, senior, my mount does not understand the rules, and please show mercy to your subordinates, don't give her general insight!" The

Qingyi man looked at Chen Nan, and an inexplicable nervousness flashed in his eyes: "Where have you seen it?" Is it okay now? "

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