"Damn, you guys turned out to be undercover agents of the Avian Clan?"

Seeing those eight foreign young people helping Chen Nan!

Ao Thirteen suddenly became furious!

He didn't expect that the other party turned out to be an undercover agent sent by the poultry clan!

The young man at the head sneered: "Thirteenth Highness, you seem to have forgotten that your dragon clan also has undercover agents in my bird clan!" Oh, it's a pity that they were recognized by my poultry clan more than a hundred years ago! "

Young Master Chen, you don't have to worry that someone will leave the Dragon Tomb, even if our brothers die, they will block here!" The young man's eyes are firm!

They received a summons from Emperor Peng to keep an eye on Chen Nan's movements!

Help him collect the Dragon Grass as much as possible!

If he is really in danger, they don't need to hide it anymore!

Because Chen Nan's life is better than everything!

It's just that the dragon clan is too big!

They didn't find Chen Nan at all!

Until he had just cast the Dapeng Technique, they knew that this was the person that the Peng Emperor asked them to protect!

"What a big worm!"

Chen Nan grinned and looked into the air, and a giant dragon flew in the air!

At the moment, he can't wait to have a cauldron!

You can stew these dragons!

"Brother, there are very few sticks used in heaven and earth, so there is no powerful stick method passed down to the world!"

"If you want to exert the greatest power of virtue to convince people!"

"I need to create my own stick method!"

Yan Guang's words echoed in Chen Nan's mind!

Chen Nan knows!

Today is the best opportunity!

Fighting with this more than a hundred dragons will be an excellent opportunity for him to create his own stick method!

"Give me death!"

Chen Nan's figure flashed in the air, and the long stick in his hand was like playing baseball, slamming into the jaw of a dragon!


That dragon clan seven tricks sprayed blood!

There was a mournful roar, and it fell heavily to the ground!

The dragon drove convulsed a few times on the ground, and then lost his breath!

Kill a Golden Immortal Mid-Realm Dragon Clan with one blow!

Everyone else gasped!

It feels terrifying!

You must know that dragons are the strongest species in the world!

Whether it's an attack!

Or defense, no one can compare!

But Chen Nan was at the peak realm of the Mahayana period and smashed a dragon clan to death with a stick!

Even if you see it with your own eyes!

They don't want to believe it!

Because it's not reasonable!

"Desolate Ancient Body, you have the Desolate Ancient Body?" Ao XIII let out a scream of anger and corruption!

He thought of the records in the ancient books!

A supreme existence that can only cultivate truth, but can slaughter immortals!

That's the Desolate Eucharist!

Knowing that Chen Nan had the Desolate Ancient Saint Body, the other Dragon Clan powerhouses also panicked!

Since Chen Nan was able to kill a dragon clan powerhouse in the Golden Immortal Realm, it meant that he had a strength comparable to the Golden Immortal Realm!

People like him are known as invincible beings in the same realm!

"So, this guy has been lying to me all along?" Ao Ding's face is sallow!

When he learned that Chen Nan was a Desolate Ancient Saint Body, he knew that those elixirs he had given him were not fake medicines!

It's just that he has a special physique!

I feel a little uncomfortable...

I want to cry!

Ao Ding's heart is mixed!

The reason why he was so friendly to Chen Nan was, in the final analysis, because he robbed his Daoist!

Want to make up for what you owe him!

And now I learned that everything was done by the two of them!

However, think of how many times he had sex with Meiniang!

My heart is also a little more relaxed!


"Chen Nan, stop, there is no feud between us, I can let you leave the Dragon Clan as the thirteenth son of the Dragon Clan!" In the void, Ao XIII spoke!

The Desolate Ancient Body itself is terrifying!

Not to mention that he still has a terrifying stick in his hand!


He can only bend for everything!

Chen Nan sneered: "Can Ao Xiaoyu leave with me?"

Ao XIII whispered: "Ao Xiaoyu can't leave!"

"I'm sorry, I said I was going to take her away!" Chen Nan said disdainfully: "Also, don't play tricks in front of me!"

"Even if the sky is falling like you today, I won't let you leave!"

"Even if you swear to the sky, it's just you!"

"Can you represent the entire dragon clan?"

"Do you say that there will be such a possibility that after I leave the Dragon Tomb, I will be retaliated by the crazy retaliation of your Dragon Clan powerhouse?"

"After all, they didn't swear to heaven to let me live!"

"Also, even if I am lucky enough to leave the Dragon Tomb, do you say that I will be attacked by the Dragon Clan powerhouse after I leave?"

"Are you questioning Ben Ryuko?" Ao Thirteen was embarrassed and angry, because Chen Nan spoke his inner thoughts!

He just wanted to stabilize Chen Nan first!

Then when they leave here, let the other powerhouses of the dragon clan kill him!


Chen Nan spat viciously: "In order to kill me, you even killed your kindred, how can you be convincing with a despicable and insidious guy?"

Ao Thirteen's mouth and nose spewed out an icy breath: "Then what do you want to do?" Kill all of us? Do you know what the consequences are?

Chen Nan hurriedly said, "No, no, no, no!"

"Don't say that!"

"You are a high dragon race!"

"It's the strongest race in the world!"

"Not one!"

"As an ant, how can I do such a thing that people and gods are angry about?"


Ao Thirteen's eyes became more and more cold: "Then why did you block us in the Dragon Tomb?"

"I don't have a choice!" Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Since your dragon clan knows about my relationship with the poultry clan, you must have set up a heaven and earth net outside, right?"

"What can I do?"

"Sit back?"

"No, no, no, no!"

"This is not our style!"

"No one can take my life!"

"You dragons are no exception!"

"And all I want is to be alive!"

"Take Ao Xiaoyu and leave the Dragon Clan!"

"So, I need a chip!"

"Can exchange conditions with the dragon clan, and even fight against the dragon clan's chips!"

Ao Thirteen's eyes were cold, and he understood what Chen Nan meant: "So, you want to capture us alive and threaten the Dragon Clan?" "

That's it!

Everyone gasped!

Obviously, he didn't expect

Chen Nan Chen Nan to say with a straight face: "Don't talk so badly, fair negotiation, how can this be called a threat?" "


Ao XIII let out a breath of icy breath: "Hugh wants us to submit to you!"

"Then I will capture the thief first and kill you first!" Chen Nan's eyes froze, and he rushed towards Ao XIII with a stick!

"This trick is called a stinging bird!"

Ao XIII panicked!

You are paralyzed!

Birds can't thorn!

"This trick, Kaigu Dao!"

Chen Nan held the people of Yide and launched a fierce attack towards Ao XIII!

Just two moves, let him be seriously injured!

Transformed into a human!

Blood overflowed on his forehead!

Painful expression!

There is anger in the eyes, but also jealousy!

He covered his crotch with one hand!

Cover your ass with one hand!

Blood flowed down the fingers to the ground, looking miserable!

Chen Nan stood between heaven and earth with a long stick in his hand, and his gestures exuded an aura of dominating the lives of others: "Survival or destruction, choose one?" "

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