Chen Nan laughed at himself: "You are right, I am an ant, and I really can't shake the sky!"


"I have so many friends!"

"Friends have more ways to go, don't you understand this?"

The spider emperor disdained: "Even if your friends are all over the world, no one can save you today!" "

This is the demon world!

Four demon clan combat power ceilings besieged another!

This kind of battle is not something that ordinary people can participate in!

It is impossible for anyone to dare to participate!

"Groove, boss, you shouldn't be summoning the one, right?" Mei Niang's eyes were full of fear, and she subconsciously covered her ass!

It looks like something horrible has come to mind!

Chen Nan snorted!

"Not good, there is ominous in the East!"

Ao Lie made a terrified sound!

The other three demon supremes also looked far east!

A dull yellow glow appeared in the east!

Extremely fast!

The grass and trees on the ground withered instantly!

"Damn, the fifth season, it's actually the fifth season!" The spider emperor's eyes were solemn, and it was obvious that he knew the horror of the fifth season!

Because he had strayed into it in the early years!

Although I escaped the fifth season by luck, I left a huge hidden danger!

This is also the reason why it is difficult for him to break through the shackles!

"Why did this thing come here?" Mo Qilin's eyes were full of fear!

Ao Lie and the White Tiger Demon Emperor also had solemn eyes!

The fifth season is one of the ten horrors in the immortal world!

Drift like the wind in the fairy world!

Everywhere you go, it will be eternal!

Flowers and trees can never be revived!

"Our chance has come!" The appearance of the fifth season made Yan Guang's eyes shine, just when he was ready to take the opportunity to escape!

Chen Nan said, "Brother Yan doesn't need to be nervous, I called it!"

"What? Did you call the fifth season? "The spider emperor almost didn't pop his eyes out!

Everyone else was dumbfounded!

Can you listen to someone's call in the fifth season?

Away from Dapu!

With a warm wind!

The firmament turned yellow!

All are shrouded in the fifth season!

The wind stops!

As if stuck in eternity!

Next moment!

A blue light appeared in the air!

The blue light gathered, and Liu Qing appeared in the eyes of everyone!

His eyes were indifferent, ruthless, and did not have the slightest emotional fluctuation: "Who said that no one can save Chen Nan?" "

I've seen Senior Liu Qing!" Chen Nan saluted Liu Qing!

Yan Guang also transformed into an adult and waved towards Liu Qing: "Thank you seniors for not killing!" "

More than a year ago, he felt ominous!

Head east next to the birds!

Now he understands!

The reason why he didn't enter the territory of the poultry clan must be because of Chen Nan's face!

"Raise your hand, not enough teeth!" Liu Qing said lightly, and then looked at the ceiling of the combat power of Ao Lie and the other four demon races: "Everyone, please give me a face, let Chen Nan and the others leave!"

Ao Lie came back to his senses in shock, and said coldly: "I didn't expect that the fifth season could transform into an adult, but do you think we are afraid of you?"

"Yes, the four of us joined forces when there was no opponent in the world!" Since you have manifested man, cut you off! The spider emperor roared angrily and directly manifested the essence!

Crushed a mountain below!

It was a black devil spider hundreds of meters tall, like the size of a mountain!

The eight eyes emit a purple glow, which is soul-catching!

The Spider Emperor's move made Mo Qilin and the White Tiger Demon Emperor very angry!

They don't want to offend Liu Qing!

Because they know the horror of the other party!


The Spider Emperor's actions pushed them into a place of irreparable disaster!


Mo Qilin and the White Tiger Demon Emperor, as well as Ao Lie, all manifested the Buddha-figure in the first place!

Mo Qilin who is tens of meters tall and steps on black clouds!

And a white tiger with a body length of 100 meters!

There is also a thousand-meter-long cyan dragon!

They are entrenched in the air!

On the ground, the tiger looked at Liu Qing, and the fierce eyes were chilling!

It's just that!

Even if it is one against four!

Liu Qingdu was very indifferent!

It was as if the four were just four ordinary people in his eyes!

He raised his right hand and waved it through the air!

Vines the thickness of a millstone and covered with emerald green vines break through the earth!

The vine leaves on it are like sharp blades!

This moment!

The void is full of twisted vines!

They swallowed up towards the ceiling of the combat power of the four demon realms with lightning speed!

"Damn it!"

The spider emperor kept resisting the attacks of those vines, and at the same time roared loudly: "Don't be entangled in these vines, it will devour the demon qi in our bodies!" "

The spider emperor's words are equivalent to nonsense!

Even if the four great demons were not entangled in vines, the demon qi in their bodies was rapidly draining!

The four big demons kept dodging and also attacked Liu Qing!

But his figure disappeared invisibly!

"Senior, I'll help you!" Yan Guang held a red tasse gun and fought with the spider emperor!

He could see that with Liu Qing's strength alone, it was still a little difficult to deal with the four great demons!

Therefore, he must help Liu Qing share the downward pressure!

"Let's go watch the battle from afar!"

Chen Nan cast the Dapeng Technique and flew with Ao Xiaoyu to a big mountain a hundred miles to the west!

Because he knows!

This kind of confrontation between strong people is not something he can participate in at all!

Not only that, but you have to hide far away!

Because the slightest mistake will be affected by their ability to fight!

If you are unlucky, you will most likely be lost!

Although it is a hundred miles away from the battlefield!

You can also clearly see the battle situation in the distance!


The sound of landslides cracking is endless!

The battle between the six supreme powerhouses of the world shook the entire demon world!

Countless demon beasts had a feeling of panic!

Until the evening, the battle continued!

The battlefield is devastated!

There are bottomless cracks everywhere!

"Liu Qing, your strength is nothing more than that!" Ao Lie let out a deep voice: "Your strength seems terrifying, but in fact, you absorb the spiritual energy of the earth through the earth, and then instill it on the plants to absorb the demon qi of others!"

"But once you destroy the earth, your strength will inevitably be affected!"

"Don't say you can't kill us!"

"Today, we will behead you!"

Liu Qing's voice resounded through the heavens and the earth: "Your strength is indeed very strong, but killing me is not enough!" "

Next moment!

Liu Qing appeared beside Chen Nan, and a trace of guilt flashed in her eyes: "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you!" "

At this time!

Yan Guang let out a miserable cry, and his chest was pierced by the spider emperor hole and flew upside down!

Ao Xiaoyu's eyes were quick, and she held him in her arms, and anxious tears welled up in her eyes: "Father, how are you?"

"Don't cry girl, this little injury won't kill me!" Yan Guang forced a smile, then forcibly stood up and fought side by side with Chen Nan: "Brother, brother is afraid that he will not see the moment when you become a saint!" "

Saying that it was too late, the four great demons arrived in an instant, looking at Chen Nan and the others!

The strong sense of oppression made Chen Nan's body tense, if it weren't for his fierce body, he was afraid to explode at this time!

He held a long black stick and his eyes were firm: "Why fear death in battle?"

Ao Lie let out a deafening low roar: "Chen Nan, you shouldn't have any other helpers, right? An

indifferent voice came from far east: "Who said he had no other helpers?" "

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