Wu Laojiu ran in in a panic: "Madman, what do you say?" "

Someone has controlled the City Protection Law

Array!" Cao Rufeng squeezed the magic technique with both hands, broke into the void, and tried to regain control of the City Protection Law Array

! But! The magic technique played was like a mud cow

into the sea! It disappeared into the invisible!

"No, no!" "

The control of the formation has been completely taken away!"

"Who the hell

!" Cao Rufeng's eyes were scarlet

! Although he stepped down from the position of national master

, he was still in control of the city defense formation of Zhongzhou City

! This formation has been in charge and maintained by him the moment he finished arranging

! But today it was inexplicably taken away from control

! This gave him a sense of foreboding!

"Madman, calm down, calm down!" Wu Laojiu was more worried about

Cao Rufeng's state than when the control of the formation was taken away! Because Cao Rufeng's real name is Cao Ru Mad! He has a dual personality

! Sometimes he is elegant

! Sometimes he is crazy

! Because the position of national teacher is related to Wu Guofeng's national fortune

! So before becoming a national teacher, he changed his name to Cao Rufeng

! Wu Laojiu knew very well that Cao Rufeng was a ruthless person!

But if he really went crazy, it would be an absolutely devastating disaster for the people

of Wu Country! Wu Laojiu immediately took out a sledgehammer

! Because Cao Rufeng said: Once he goes crazy, he will be knocked unconscious as soon

as possible! Just when Wu Laojiu raised the sledgehammer in his hand!

Cao Rufeng suddenly fell into silence!

His pupils trembled, and his eyes were full of incredulity

! "Madman, are you crazy, or are you not crazy?" Wu Laojiu's face was full of doubts!

Cao Rufeng came back to his senses, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Speaking of which, you may not believe it, that mysterious master returned the ownership of the formation to me!" Wu

Laojiu gasped: "And this kind of operation?"

Cao Rufeng: "You can think of me as crazy!" Wu

Laojiu: "However, your eyes are clearer than usual, just a little more..." Unwilling, unwilling to be more bitter..."

"It is said that hitting people does not hit their faces, you are a little unkind!" Cao Rufeng gritted his teeth, deeply angry at his old friend's words!

Then he sighed

, helplessly said: "You are right, I am indeed unwilling

!" "I can't understand

!" "That is obviously something I wrote out of drunken nonsense!" "

But why was it done by that guy from Chen Nan?"


Rufeng: "When he returned the right to the formation to me, I could feel his breath

!" "It's this guy!"

"This son is too deceitful, and he doesn't respect the old and love the young

!" "The reason why he comprehended the formation avenue in such a short time is not thanks to the formation understanding I gave him?" "

That bastard is really ungrateful

!" "He is not a son of man!" Wu

Laojiu cleared his throat and said slightly embarrassed: "Madman, I know that you are very angry and aggrieved now, but out of many years of brotherhood..."

"I have to refute you a little

!" "One

!" "The insights you wrote about the formation method were sold to Chen Nan

!" "Legal transactions, there is no favor owed to you!"

That's purely something you wrote out after drinking, you don't know that Chen Nan can step on the way of formation with this!" "

Lao Tzu is so uncomfortable, can't you comfort and comfort me?" Cao Rufeng burst into tears, sitting on the ground like a child and splashing

! Wu Laojiu showed sympathetic eyes

! I don't know how to comfort this old friend

! Cao Rufeng is the strongest formation grandmaster in the entire immortal world!

Even if the human emperor is also a formation master,

but in front of Cao Rufeng, he must also politely address sir

! And the most important point

! When the eight ninth-level immortal emperors fought each other

! The battle shattered the heavens

and the earth! Everyone was red-eyed

! At the critical moment, Cao Rufeng stepped forward and forcibly separated everyone with the formation!

Otherwise, there would definitely be a fall of the ninth-level Immortal Emperor in that battle

! These are enough to prove Cao Rufeng's horror in the way of formation!

But today

, a junior, it took an afternoon

to have an epiphany! Moreover, with Cao Rufeng's notes, with his drunken wild thoughts, he had an epiphany!

Although I am not proficient in the way of formations, I also know that breaking formations and arranging formations are two different things

!" "Even if Chen Nan cracked the City Protection Law Formation today

!" "However, can he arrange a powerful formation formation?" "

The formation is divided into one to nine levels, even if you are a formation genius, it took three thousand years to arrange the ninth level formation!"

Hearing this, Cao Rufeng felt a lot more comfortable in his heart: " You are right, even if he cracks the city protection formation, it is impossible to arrange a powerful law formation in a short period of time

!" "Conservative estimate, it will take a hundred years!"

Wu Laojiu nodded undeniably! It

is not difficult to crack the formation! What is really difficult is to arrange the

formation! Especially the high-level formation, which requires a strong soul power as a dependency! This

Chen Nan obviously does not have!


"It turns out that the formation method is so simple

!" "All things have spirit, what is recorded in the ancient saying is true

!" "As long as you can find the formation spirit and communicate with it, you can completely take back its control!" Chen

Nan's face was full

of excitement

! He thought that the things written by Cao Rufeng were unreliable

! But he did not expect that he could really see the existence of the formation spirit by using the Hope Qi Technique!

Ten Lower Grade Immortal Stones are really worth the money

!" "However, cracking the formation and arranging the formation are two different things after

all!" "If I want to arrange a powerful magic formation, I still have a long way to go!" Chen

Nan was not in

a hurry, because he knew that it was useless to be in a hurry

! Thinking of this, he sat cross-kneeled and felt the qi of all things in heaven and earth!


Yang Qi

, Yin

Qi, Positive Qi, Wen

Qi, Musty

Qi, Calamity

Qi, Sick Qi, Blessing Qi,


Qi, Xiangrui Qi

, etc.

!" If you follow Cao Rufeng's words, these qi can be used as a formation base!"

Chen Nan's spiritual power gushed out silently

! Found a wisp of mold! This wisp of mold

is very weak, if not for Chen Nan can see it with the Qi Hope Technique, let alone the naked eye, even the spiritual power cannot be captured

! The next thing to do is to communicate with it, and then arrange it into a magic formation

! It took five days

! Chen Nan arranged a bad luck array!

This formation is very small and tiny!

It was like a grain of dust! It

couldn't be seen with the naked eye

! Although this bad luck array was very chicken ribs! It

had no power at all

! But for Chen Nan, it was the first step to success!

Immediately he took out the message jade card and sent a message to Concubine Yu: "I'm out of customs, let's go out for a meal?"

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