"Break his limbs for

me!" Hou Yuan's eyes bloomed with astonishing killing intent: "I want him to know the end of offending me!" The

two subordinates also came back to their senses in shock!

A long sword appeared in one of them: "Young master, this kind of person should be killed directly, why should he break his limbs so merciful?"


!" Hou Yuan spit out the blood in his mouth, and his eyes were resentful: "It's too cheap to kill him with a sword!"

"I want

him to live better than die!" "I'm

going to

be in front of him!" "Get on his woman!" "

Still young master you can play!" The next person grinned, and then directly slashed at

Chen Nan! His strength is not strong,

but he has also reached the level of Xuanxian

! Just when many people thought that Chen Nan would be scrapped of his limbs!

The other party spat out blood in his mouth, curled his body like shrimp and flew out upside down! After

falling to the ground, he had already fallen into a coma

! There was a death-like silence at the scene

! Countless people's eyes were full of incredulity when they looked at Chen Nan! A

Mahayana realm cultivator actually smashed a strong man of the Xuan Immortal realm with one punch?

This is also too absurd and bizarre!

It is difficult to accept!"

Give me death!" Another

subordinate jumped

into the air, and slashed at Chen Nan with his force! Chen Nan turned slightly sideways, dodged the opponent's attack, and swept out with a whip

! Wow

! The other party spat out blood and flew out tens of meters and fell into the crowd!

Hou Yuan frowned, and the anger in his eyes became stronger: "I underestimated you, but even so, you have to pay a heavy price today!"

Before the words fell

, he had already appeared in front

of Chen Nan! His right hand grabbed Chen Nan's throat like a dragon's claw

! This blow was extremely terrifying

! Once Chen Nan's throat was caught by him, he would have to lose half of his life if he didn't die

! But at this moment

! Chen Nan decisively shot out, grabbed his neck, and slowly raised it above his head under countless pairs of shocked and shocked eyes!

He didn't expect that an ant in the Mahayana realm would be so strong

! He didn't even see when Chen Nan made a move

! Even if he used the immortal qi in his body to break free from the other party's control!

The opponent's hand is unusually strong.

It is as if forged with extraterrestrial iron.

This made him feel a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "One hand covers the sky

?" "Do you really think that you are an omnipotent god?" "It's

just a Yannei!"

"Do you really think that everyone in the world will get used to you?"

Directly throw Hou Yuan and fly out.

Then it was like a phantom.

Silently appeared in front of Hou Yuan, who had fallen to the ground and had not yet gotten up: "Even if others respect you, they are afraid of you

!" "But Xiaoye won't eat your set!"

Hou Yuan's eyes were torn apart and he roared angrily! It

seemed that there was only his roar in heaven and earth! The

onlookers were all numb in their scalps!

Thick goosebumps rose on their bodies.

Who would have thought.

Chen Nan, this young man would be so bold.

Not only dare to smoke distant faces in public.

He even stomped on one of his palms on the street.


Didn't you say that you can cover the sky with one hand?" Chen Nan looked down at Hou Yuan condescendingly: "Even so, I want to see how you cover the sky with one hand!"

The indifferent eyes made Hou Yuan's heart tremble.

He didn't understand.

The other party was obviously a Mahayana realm cultivator.

But why is the strength so strong?



was coldness, force, and anger in his eyes.

But more of a dominant taste.

Like an emperor in the world.

Chen Nan: "You only have one arm left now, come, demonstrate how to cover the sky with one hand!"

Endured the pain and got up and stepped back.

This moment.

He actually felt panic and unease.

It's not just because of Chen Nan's momentum.

More is his indifference without being shocked.

The other party knew that his father was the prefect of Zhongzhou City.

But he dared to destroy his arm in public.

Is that reasonable?

If only there were no big people behind it.

He dares to be more arrogant than himself,

although Hou Yuan is a super Yanei.

But not a fool either.

Because my father told him that there were many big people in the city.

After all, some princes don't like the life of the Immortal Palace.

Someone came to Zhongzhou City to live the life of an ordinary person.

If you really offend them.

Even he, the prefect, is estimated to have to change people.

"Brother, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!" Hou Yuan hurriedly smiled and said, "Today this matter is all a misunderstanding, let's sit down and talk calmly, okay?"

He did not dare to act rashly.

If the other party is really from the Immortal Palace.

Even if you lose an arm, you have to go to the door to apologize.

But if it's an ordinary person...

Chen Nan raised his hand to be a big slap in the face.

This slap was unusually loud and removed several of Hou Yuan's teeth.

But Hou Yuan did not dare to resist.

Don't even dare to move.

Because the stronger Chen Nan behaved.

The uneasiness in his heart became stronger.

He firmed up his guess.

If Chen Nan didn't have the backing of big people behind him, even if he lent him a hundred guts, he wouldn't dare to treat himself like this.

Chen Nan stretched out his hand and gritted his teeth and slapped Hou Yuan's face: "Young Master Hou, no

!" "You can't!" "The opportunity is given

to you, you can't grasp it!" "You don't use

it!" "After saying that one hand covers the sky, why are you going to backtrack?"

"I'm sorry for your right hand!"

Speaking of this, a fierce light flashed in his eyes!

grabbed Hou Yuan's arm.

The arm suddenly exerts strength at the same time.

A heavy kick kicked him in the chest.

Hou Yuan's arm was like a torn off roast chicken leg, completely split in two with him!

The broken arm dripped blood in Chen Nan's hand, and soon stained the bluestone on the ground.

Hou Yuan's face turned pale.

The pupils are full of fear.

He considers himself a ruthless man.

But today it was found.

Compared with Chen Nan, he is not even a fart.

The other party is the real ruthless person.

When the street abolished the two arms of the prefect...

Although he is the party.

But there is still a sense of absurdity, shock.

The onlookers were even more impressed by Chen Nan's bravery, fierceness, and cruelty.

If you don't see it with your own eyes.

Who would believe that a Mahayana practitioner would ignore the majesty of the prefect and abolish one of his son's arms?

At this moment,

there was a sound of sonorous and powerful footsteps in the distance

! A group of soldiers dressed in armor came murderously! The

man at the head was full of majesty: "Who ignored the laws of the imperial court and committed murder on the street?"

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